Site is slooooow

MariaDB has become more of a work-alike since it was forked 15 years ago. Think DBXL .vs. dBASE where they were substantially interoperable but independently optimized.
Meh. As long as you aren't doing anything too exotic with Oracle's closed-source modules, they are interchangeable. MariaDB also performs better in general and is designed to be a drop-in replacement. It is easier to migrate to MariaDB than the other way around though.
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Remember WordPerfect? 😵‍💫🥴🤮
WordPerfect killed Wordstar. I used it for many years until too many of our business partners were using Microsoft Word and its ever-changing file formats. I remember being able to cold boot an 80286 machine and be ready to go in Word Perfect in around 12 seconds. WordPerfect was a real word-processing program that did what you instructed it to do.

I've been using LibreOffice for a long time now if for no other reason than avoiding Microsoft's ill-conceived Ribbon.

I miss the utility of well-chosen function keys.
It is easier to migrate to MariaDB than the other way around though.
The engines are sufficiently different that the configurations for one may not have the same (or any) impact on the other.

Not having to worry about whether you should be using an Enterprise license or not makes MariaDB more attractive and thus favored by distro assemblers who don't want their patrons to be hamstrung.
I am logged into the server just watching, and all appears to be working fine on the server itself. No changes have been made to the server itself.

The CDN's are still turned off, I have not reenabled those since turning them off this weekend.

Yesterday was running really snappy all day. So I don't believe it is the server itself.

We can have the ISP move us from the St Louis data center to the NYC data center, but if we do that, I don't how long the move will take the ISP to do, and then we need to change the IP addresses for everything... and even though the DNS TTL is low a lot of ISP's don't seem to honor the low TTL's meaning for some the site could be offline for up to 24 hours.

And at the moment I don't have time to do the work, got to be in court for 2 pm for something work related, and no word on how long I will be there or if this will carry over to tomorrow (or beyond)

So that's the story of what's up. And I wish I had an answer.
Here is a look at the server.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Yep, lots of select a link and watch the progress line jump 20% and hang for a few seconds, then shoot across. Maybe some third-party code libraries that are linked in?
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WordPerfect killed Wordstar. I used it for many years until too many of our business partners were using Microsoft Word and its ever-changing file formats. I remember being able to cold boot an 80286 machine and be ready to go in Word Perfect in around 12 seconds. WordPerfect was a real word-processing program that did what you instructed it to do.

I've been using LibreOffice for a long time now if for no other reason than avoiding Microsoft's ill-conceived Ribbon.

I miss the utility of well-chosen function keys.
WP hung on quite awhile until MS finally pushed it under. Had forgotten about Wordstar
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Not loading on iPhone

Software Update
