Apple Vision Pro Gets a Release Date

My brother graduated with honors several decades ago and had a very successful career. However, he took a very different stance when it comes to certain technology.

3D TV. Don't need it. If I want 3D I'll walk the dog on my 50 acres.

AI. Don't need that either. I'm cerebral enough that it's redundant. Plus I don't trust algorithms written by egg heads.

VR. Reality without the virtual part is a bit tough to handle at times. Virtual unreality is downright scary. How about we fire up the grill, enjoy a non-impossible steak, drink a beer and watch the sun go down while we listen to some music.

I love you Bro.
In launching the device, Apple said the Vision Pro "is a revolutionary spatial computer that transforms how people work, collaborate, connect, relive memories, and enjoy entertainment."
If you're going to transform how "people" work, you're going to have to provide a whole lot more people-friendly pricing.

$400 for an extra 500GB of storage??? Only in Apple Land.
If you're going to transform how "people" work, you're going to have to provide a whole lot more people-friendly pricing.
The pricing for a large company is not unreasonable and this was where the AVP was designed to be used. The pricing IS unreasonable for us hobbyists who use them for things it isn't ready to do yet. However, the total market for any new HMD will attract amateurs first who can afford them.

It does much less than the MQ3 and costs 7 times the price. But what it is designed to do, it does that much better ( I'm told) than the MQ3.

I will go try one one but have no intention of buying one. I can afford it, however.
The pricing for a large company is not unreasonable and this was where the AVP was designed to be used.
I'm not sure I buy this argument. The hardware is of little consequence if you don't have the apps and the market to support them. See more at NeXT.
The pricing IS unreasonable for us hobbyists who use them for things it isn't ready to do yet. However, the total market for any new HMD will attract amateurs first who can afford them.
Regardless of who steps up, it is a giant step. What geeks want is not what enterprise users will be able to justify and vice versa.
It does much less than the MQ3 and costs 7 times the price. But what it is designed to do, it does that much better ( I'm told) than the MQ3.
The Marques Brownlee video that covers using the AVP is a very good reference. I find it comical that it seems necessary to have your phone handy to check your texts and e-mails.

The iJustine videos are embarrassing to watch.
meStevo and anyone else who has the MQ3.

Launch DEO VR app and select Passthrough.

There are some amazing clips of action in your room right in front of you. This is a new application of AR I have not seen before.

One example is of a woman who teaches you how to dance Salsa in 8 K video. For best accuracy you need to scan your room and especially calibrate the floor so her feet are accurate. It looks so real you'd swear there is a real person in the room with you. I see this getting better with the next update that is supposed to offer occlusion. Then AR with live feed and voice communication. Total engagement.

Next. I'll bet the porn people will latch onto this new AR technique.
'm not sure I buy this argument. The hardware is of little consequence if you don't have the apps and the market to support them.
The apps for business use and multiple monitors at a work station and conference room table are already there from Apple as I understand the previews.

What I was referring to is the majority of hobbyists of these system won't be able to use them because the Gen 1 of the AVP does not support VR gaming except simple stuff. Only games than can be played with no controllers.

Keep in mind this is a gen 1 device that works in it's limited capacity. Compare to the Gen 1 of Apple Watch, the Gen 1 of iphone, the gen 1 of the Mac. It all depends on whether it can get to Gen 2 but from initial reports it sold out at 600,000. I didn't buy an iphone until gen 5. I did buy an Apple watch gen 1, however, and loved it because it did everything I wanted. I just bought the Ultra 2 last Fall and love it.

I could buy the AVP when it does everything better than the MQ 3, 4, or 5 and the price is a little more and it does everything I want better than the Meta Quest line at that future date. Just not now.
The apps for business use and multiple monitors at a work station and conference room table are already there from Apple as I understand the previews.
From the Brownlee presentation on using the AVP (highly recommended), I saw one Mac monitor and two AVP apps (probably iPad apps). The issue there was that you still had to use the Mac keyboard and pointing device. It looks like rearranging screens is necessary as you have to be looking directly at what you're working on. There seems to be a whole lot of zooming involved.

Typing in AVP native apps is a decided hunt-and-peck operation.
From the Brownlee presentation on using the AVP (highly recommended), I saw one Mac monitor and two AVP apps (probably iPad apps). The issue there was that you still had to use the Mac keyboard and pointing device. It looks like rearranging screens is necessary as you have to be looking directly at what you're working on. There seems to be a whole lot of zooming involved.

Typing in AVP native apps is a decided hunt-and-peck operation.
I've tried the process of desktop screen with keyboard in MQ3 AR but it isn't high enough quality to read the fine print without moving in close. The MQ3 keyboard is a bit awkward about the same awkwardness for me as typing on an iphone keyboard. I am not formally trained typist, if you are then it will not be the same as there is no tactile feel to the virtual keyboard. I have to hunt and peck and watch my virtual fingers touch the virtual keyboard. Not the best. But in MR you can Mix a real keyboard with the virtual screens and that might work better for you. Same with a mouse. As for rearranging the screens, that is not necessary since in all these devices you just turn toward the screen like you would if you had real monitors.

These 2D reviews are no substitute for experiencing the HMD. The best ones are the few that review in the HMD and not on your TV screen.
Getting word that this will be the AVP's battery charger connector.
Looks to be a variation lightning, with 12 gold pins as opposed to the 8 we normally see:
Getting word that this will be the AVP's battery charger connector.
The reviews say that the cable is USB C at both ends. Apple's own "what's in the box" indicates "USB-C Charge Cable (1.5m)".

I suspect that a lightning connector would be too easy to dislodge (in a sit/stand scenario) as well as being verboten for EU's typical reasons.

Some other key numbers I see are an operating temperature range of 32F - 86F and a storage temperature range of -4F - 113F.

I'm betting the $499 (+$24.99/month?) Apple Care+ for AVP is a must-have accessory given all the fragile bits.
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From the Brownlee presentation on using the AVP (highly recommended)
Got a chance to watch his second review video and liked it. Interesting how Apple spent much effort on how it looks to others and then it looks rather goofy at times. The advertising seems misleading on this feature. But it was fascinating how it changes Facetime. Wish they would put some effort into the Apple watch for Facetime.

He exposed some other features I was not aware of too.

I knew the issue with the front heavy weighting, however it is a very simple fix I have done for all my HMD's. The battery is on the back strap. Such a simple solution, yet Apple chose to design an all new cable fed battery. That is just dumb! I'll bet they fix that in a later version.
Such a simple solution, yet Apple chose to design an all new cable fed battery.
The end game there is that with a properly sized battery attached to whichever headband you're using, the net weight of the AVP assembly would be over three pounds. That's not going to look good on any spec comparison for a company that prides itself on slim and trim.
I just weighed my MQ3 with the battery head strap I linked to earlier. It is 870 grams. Verified on two scales. While nearly 2 lbs feels heavy to lift, when I wear it that isn't what I would complain about after 2 hours wearing. Plus, the 3rd party head strap with battery perfectly balances the system when suspended from the top of the head strap.

My next improvement is a more comfortable face shield. I had one on my older MQ2 from VRcover that was OK and I may order one of those soon. It had a softer cushion on the face seal. On active games and exercise, I tend to sweat inside the HMD and need to take a break. One company made a fan system to blow air across the face inside but I never tested that.

Some may think 2 hours is extremely long but a good game makes the time go by fast. StarWars Galaxy Edge is like that. Red Matter too. After a few minutes you forget you are in a virtual world and time goes by fast. Earlier this week I got a new game, The Wizard, and decided to try it out for a few minutes. I liked it and was hooked into 3 hours before I realized how long I've been playing.
Other than games, what do you folks actually use these headsets for? Regularly, not just to test some feature.
I just weighed my MQ3 with the battery head strap I linked to earlier. It is 870 grams. Verified on two scales. While nearly 2 lbs feels heavy to lift, when I wear it that isn't what I would complain about after 2 hours wearing. Plus, the 3rd party head strap with battery perfectly balances the system when suspended from the top of the head strap.
That's much lighter than the AVP similarly configured (remember that the battery doesn't feature any sort of clip) so I'm not sure how that data point helps Apple's cause.

Marques' initial perception was that the jock strap would be better but in the subsequent videos, everybody seems to be using the knit band. I wonder what's up with that.

As the latest and most expensive option on the table, the AVP should be much better than the competition but other than the possible "cool factor", it seems to be somewhat of a miss on ergonomics (outside of the light shield) and a decided miss on support for killer apps (unless you and your posse all use Facetime on their AVPs).
Marques' initial perception was that the jock strap would be better but in the subsequent videos, everybody seems to be using the knit band. I wonder what's up with that.
Like the MQ3, most owners are still using the virgin low priced stock MQ3. Only those who are active and found enjoyment have added accessories to customize them to offer better fit and play time. Mine also had ear phones as the sound in the MQ2 was weak. Ear phones are not needed in the MQ3 as the audio is far superior, an unexpected improvement.

I don't have a picture of my MQ2 but I added a 3D printed bracket to the back of a custom head strap with a 10000 watt battery for both balance and play time.
Like the MQ3, most owners are still using the virgin low priced stock MQ3.
That's a failed argument with the AVP as the package includes both straps. Apple doesn't offer a head-mounted battery solution at any price but I expect that they'll be forced to.

iJustine notes that she can't wear the unit for more than 45 minutes before the weight becomes too much to bear (with the knit band).
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