Republic Wireless shutting down as Dish moves customers over to Boost Infinite

Not trying to be whiny, but for MONTHS we were essentially forced to "offer" this option down every customers throats, to the point of it being a metric that could cost us our bonus, or even get a 'talking to'.

Now, it's "lol, we're going to someone else."
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Which network is BI using? Can you choose or is it locked to one? At one point I thought you could choose ATT or TMo?

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I'm surprised no one has gotten this up again but Dish rolled out their service last week.

First, people are confusing this with Boost Mobile.
It's not the same.

Right now the plans are $60/mo, $25/extra line all unlimited.
Free iPhone 15, 15 Pro, 15 Titanium and you can upgrade every year

Android service will start in 1st Q 2024

$25/mo prepaid - bring your own phone

Coverage is off the 3 main provider towers for the post-paid plan
For the prepaid, uses the closest tower to your home address with the best service.

I checked the service map, it's pretty saturated, nationwide.

It's a big push for Dish so be ready for it to come up in any tech visits

I'm surprised no one has gotten this up again but Dish rolled out their service last week.

First, people are confusing this with Boost Mobile.
It's not the same.

Right now the plans are $60/mo, $25/extra line all unlimited.
Free iPhone 15, 15 Pro, 15 Titanium and you can upgrade every year

Android service will start in 1st Q 2024

$25/mo prepaid - bring your own phone

Coverage is off the 3 main provider towers for the post-paid plan
For the prepaid, uses the closest tower to your home address with the best service.

I checked the service map, it's pretty saturated, nationwide.

It's a big push for Dish so be ready for it to come up in any tech visits

I didn't see any mention of tethering being allowed. Does anyone know if it is? Even as an add-on?
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I'm surprised no one has gotten this up again but Dish rolled out their service last week.

First, people are confusing this with Boost Mobile.
It's not the same.

Right now the plans are $60/mo, $25/extra line all unlimited.
Free iPhone 15, 15 Pro, 15 Titanium and you can upgrade every year

Android service will start in 1st Q 2024

$25/mo prepaid - bring your own phone

Coverage is off the 3 main provider towers for the post-paid plan
For the prepaid, uses the closest tower to your home address with the best service.

I checked the service map, it's pretty saturated, nationwide.

It's a big push for Dish so be ready for it to come up in any tech visits

Asking from a business side of view, since Dish Subscribers average in the over 50 crowd, do you think any of them would even care about a new Cell Phone service with a iphone during a tech visit.

Specially since a lot of them already have a less expensive service with the likes of Cricket, Consumer Cellular, etc.

Here in Florida, I have never seen so many older folks using Flip Phones, I think a iphone would freak them out, much like how they hold onto their Traditional TV Providers instead of moving to streaming.
Asking from a business side of view, since Dish Subscribers average in the over 50 crowd, do you think any of them would even care about a new Cell Phone service with a iphone during a tech visit.

Specially since a lot of them already have a less expensive service with the likes of Cricket, Consumer Cellular, etc.

Here in Florida, I have never seen so many older folks using Flip Phones, I think a iphone would freak them out, much like how they hold onto their Traditional TV Providers instead of moving to streaming.
So far, I've been on a lot of ride-alongs over the last week and none of them have had any of those services. All have had the big carriers. But I'll ask my guys if they've had different experiences.

Also, I'm not sure of how dependable signal is on any of those, including Infinite yet
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"Tethering." WOW. Haven't come across that word in a long time.

We use Hot Spots.

Tethering is a big deal in the mobile phone service. It is allowing you to connect a device not having cell service to get internet from your device that does have it at no cost. I use it ALL the time for by tablet when not at place with good wifi.
My cell service is fast just about anywhere I go and when at a hotel I use my phone to provide internet to my tablet, usually faster than the Hotel Wifi sometimes much faster.

Hot Spot really means a spot that provides cell service to multiple devices like at a coffee shop. Tethering is going off one device to one other device though some phones can tether more than one device. But you won't get the good speeds when you do that and not use an actual hot spot.
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I think Boost Infinite equates the two terms, and call it Hot Spot. It is $10 a month on Boost Infinite. I've been with Boost Infinite for nearly a year and have been quite happy. As I noted, the North America connect plan was awesome for me in the Escarpment in Bruce Peninsula. Boost Infinite is very Dish-like in the sense of low entry cost and ability to add-on. Very my style. The iPhone plan sounds great and is real inexpensive for what they offer. But I prefer the Android side of things.

I have found the 5G can lose access in some enclosed areas. There is a Panera where I can't get a signal. It is iffy in the theaters at Playhouse Squares. At home it works fine. In our old office, the signal had issues despite being right next to the exterior wall. Oddly enough, since we moved offices, I am further from the exterior, but have a much better signal.
We use the Hot Spot mostly to use an older phone or iPad to connect to a newer iPhone that gets a better cell signal.

I'd love to use it to connect a Channel Master OTA DVR to the Internet for EPG updates and maybe a little YT. Ethernet only….
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I think Boost Infinite equates the two terms, and call it Hot Spot. It is $10 a month on Boost Infinite. I've been with Boost Infinite for nearly a year and have been quite happy. As I noted, the North America connect plan was awesome for me in the Escarpment in Bruce Peninsula. Boost Infinite is very Dish-like in the sense of low entry cost and ability to add-on. Very my style. The iPhone plan sounds great and is real inexpensive for what they offer. But I prefer the Android side of things.

I have found the 5G can lose access in some enclosed areas. There is a Panera where I can't get a signal. It is iffy in the theaters at Playhouse Squares. At home it works fine. In our old office, the signal had issues despite being right next to the exterior wall. Oddly enough, since we moved offices, I am further from the exterior, but have a much better signal.
That's on Boost Infinite or Boost Mobile?
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I'm surprised no one has gotten this up again but Dish rolled out their service last week.

First, people are confusing this with Boost Mobile.
It's not the same.

Right now the plans are $60/mo, $25/extra line all unlimited.
Free iPhone 15, 15 Pro, 15 Titanium and you can upgrade every year

Android service will start in 1st Q 2024

$25/mo prepaid - bring your own phone

Coverage is off the 3 main provider towers for the post-paid plan
For the prepaid, uses the closest tower to your home address with the best service.

I checked the service map, it's pretty saturated, nationwide.

It's a big push for Dish so be ready for it to come up in any tech visits

Sorry, had trouble following this. Which is the prepaid one? BI or BM? I have held off on switching to BI because it's a crap shoot which sim you get - att or TMo. Unless they can get me an ATT sim, I won't switch, and from what everyone on the interwebs say, they have zero control over which sim you get. They are at the mercy of what their system determines is best.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Sorry, had trouble following this. Which is the prepaid one? BI or BM? I have held off on switching to BI because it's a crap shoot which sim you get - att or TMo. Unless they can get me an ATT sim, I won't switch, and from what everyone on the interwebs say, they have zero control over which sim you get. They are at the mercy of what their system determines is best.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bm is prepaid and bi is post paid.
And they have what's called a smart network. It can automatically switch between dish's own 5g network as well at att and tmobile. However you need a compatible device. Without a compatible device I believe you get a sim for att or mobile. Not sure if it's strictly address based or other factors.

This is from the site:

All iPhone 15 models are compatible with the Boost Wireless Network — America's Smart Network™. The Android devices listed below are compatible when purchased directly from Boost Infinite. Stay tuned for future updates as more compatible devices become available.


Devices activated prior to a supported area being launched will receive nationwide coverage on one of our partner networks.



  • iPhone 15
  • iPhone Plus
  • iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max


  • Samsung A23 5G


  • Motorola razr
  • Moto g 5G - 2023
  • Moto g 5G
  • Moto g stylus 5G - 2023
  • Motorola edge+ - 2023
  • Motorola edge+ - 2022

Hopper 3 Software H376

Local station broadcast issue Wed. 7/17 continuing?
