New Server - Issues and Reports

It's not better for me, still error.
Looks like after unlocking the database lock I need to restart the services for it to reload the fixed version.

I was driving to work but did it when I got here. :)

I am going to put a ticket in with the Jetbackup folks.
A new behavior:

The "WHAT'S NEW" button is showing only a few of the most recent posts for me whereas before I was seeing many pages with a break that mentioned "messages since last visit" or similar. I prefer the old scheme.
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No changes have been made, although I suspect there was a CDN down for a few minutes. (Remember our images, CSS and javascript files are coming to you from your local CDN server not our main SatelliteGuys server.) :)
I did that, and got all this (and I'm sorry if posting these kinds of IPs aren't allowed):
  1     4 ms     3 ms     3 ms
  2    14 ms    13 ms    12 ms
  3    19 ms    11 ms    53 ms []
  4    20 ms    65 ms    11 ms
  5    15 ms    10 ms    10 ms []
  6    18 ms    18 ms    14 ms []
  7    50 ms    30 ms    23 ms []
  8    28 ms    24 ms    24 ms []
  9    25 ms    26 ms    26 ms []
 10    31 ms    29 ms    29 ms []
 11    33 ms    32 ms    32 ms []
 12    34 ms    34 ms    32 ms []
 13    33 ms    32 ms    32 ms
 14    34 ms    32 ms    33 ms []
 15    35 ms    32 ms    32 ms []
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Here is all of our CDN servers and the amount of data they each used so far this month.

You can see how much it saved our main server from serving them to everyone, not to mention the speed benefits from getting the big data stuff from closer to where you are. :)

Data accurate as of 9:20 am ET this morning.
Is this what you are seeing? I am using an android phone. I tried both chrome and Firefox browsers. I cleared the cache and cookies for both and no change.

I am seeing this message on:
Dish Network Support Forum
DirectTV General forum
Cable and Fiber Providers

It has been showing this for at least an hour.
Yes, it is and then after a few refreshes, it will start showing permission denied and that I do not have permission for the resource whether if it was already in the dish forums or if it was for the URL
and basically the last time it happened, it was for 10+ hours or until I decide to clear the cache and cookies. The only reason I know this worked even with the old server was after the panic of potentially being banned, I wanted to see if it was any different in other browsers and it worked while the browser with the problem still had the problem until I cleared the cache and cookies for the site specifically so it seems that there is something in the cache and/or cookies for that is holding that data but once those are gone, I can access the site but just not logged in and browse and I can login and not have problems. I kept thinking no one else had the issue as no one mentioned it even after 3-4 months.
For the CDN, which CDN provider is it as I own and run a ISP as indicated earlier and the way Akamai works is while they have CDN servers all over the place hosted, it determines which server one uses based on what is local to the DNS the person uses so like and for example would goto the nearest Akamai server that is physically close network wise to where the DNS server one is using and not physically close to where the person who is visiting the website is as seen below:

> tracert

Tracing route to [2600:1406:3c00:58c::356e]
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms 1 ms 2601:645:c47f:e2fd::1
2 9 ms 10 ms 9 ms 2001:558:4000:5c::1
3 11 ms 9 ms 14 ms [2001:558:82:4806::1]
4 12 ms 24 ms 14 ms [2001:558:80:374::1]
5 11 ms 11 ms 13 ms [2001:558:3:25c::1]
6 13 ms 14 ms 13 ms [2001:558:3:381::2]
7 13 ms 12 ms 11 ms [2001:558:3:16c::2]
8 12 ms 14 ms 11 ms [2001:558:3:427::1]
9 12 ms 13 ms 12 ms [2001:558:3:236::2]
10 12 ms 14 ms 12 ms 2001:559::ece
11 15 ms 11 ms 12 ms [2600:1488:a040:215::b]
12 11 ms 12 ms 14 ms [2600:1406:3c00:58c::356e]

Trace complete.

> tracert

Tracing route to [2001:559:19:6086::1aca]
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2601:645:c47f:e2fd::1
2 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms 2001:558:4000:5c::1
3 10 ms 18 ms 10 ms [2001:558:82:4806::1]
4 11 ms 10 ms 10 ms [2001:558:80:374::1]
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms 2001:559:19:6086::1aca

Trace complete.

It looks like aka is the CDN provider used when it comes to
This is actually the issue I am seeing which I have just experienced.

At 2:53PM PDT (GMT -700) today on September 12, 2023 or 12 minutes ago, I was on the DISH Network Support Forum and then clicked on one of the threads with the URL:

and this is what it showed:

Going to shows:

Refreshing the page with Ctrl-F5 didn't make a difference. Had to clear the cookies and cache in Google Chrome before it would work again except ofcourse I had to login again.

After I posted this message, it seems like for the next 8 minutes or do, the site was timing out even when I closed and reopened the browser tab.
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Thats an odd one.

It appears to be the firewall blocking you but why is the question. I will try to look at the logs when I get a chance and see if I see anything.
That's the one I seem to experience once periodically with the new server which is probably like the 3rd or 4th time so far. Seems to only blocked if I am logged in as logged out, it will show the forums fine and ofcourse it will work correctly after I login again.
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I've been having trouble posting in some threads in the pit. Usually get a server error message.
I see your error in the logs. It is having trouble with the link you posted.
  • TypeError: XF\Util\Url::urlToUtf8(): Argument #1 ($url) must be of type string, null given, called in /home/satelliteguys/public_html/xen/src/XF/BbCode/ProcessorAction/AutoLink.php on line 430
  • src/XF/Util/Url.php:50

    The file is OP_The%20Investigation%20and%20Trial%20of%20Dr.%20Patrick%20Ho.pdf. it won't even let me post the full link here I am getting the same error.

What holiday is it today?

Is talking about using VPN to watch overseas TV considered hacking?
