MPEG2 Western Arc shutoff

There were some major changes today on Western Arc. First, a bunch of the national channels no longer have their SD equivalents. But even more interesting is that Dish has moved all their HD sports channel feeds they use for the sport packages from the 129 satellite to the 110 satellite. No more SD channels for NBA League Pass, MLB Extra Innings, and NHL Center Ice. All HD and available nationally.
There were some major changes today on Western Arc. First, a bunch of the national channels no longer have their SD equivalents. But even more interesting is that Dish has moved all their HD sports channel feeds they use for the sport packages from the 129 satellite to the 110 satellite. No more SD channels for NBA League Pass, MLB Extra Innings, and NHL Center Ice. All HD and available nationally.
129 has a very short life span left.
A lot has happened today....lot of SD removals from some big channels - ESPN, Disney Channel, FOX News, Fox Sports 1, SEC and ACC Network, etc.

6005MusicSXM05110, TP 3119, TP 15
6006MusicSXM06110, TP 3119, TP 15
6007MusicSXM07110, TP 3119, TP 15
106SDTV Land110, TP 3119, TP 15
127SDOxygen110, TP 3119, TP 15
161SDMTV2110, TP 3119, TP 15
168SDDisney Jr110, TP 3119, TP 15
169SDNick Jr110, TP 3119, TP 15
173SDDisney Channel (West)110, TP 3119, TP 15
174SDDisneyXD110, TP 3119, TP 15
175SDBoomerang110, TP 3119, TP 15
178SDNickToons110, TP 3119, TP 15
181SDTeen Nick110, TP 3119, TP 15
250SDION110, TP 3119, TP 15
835SDTelemundo110, TP 3119, TP 15
291SDStart110, TP 5110, TP 1
925MusicAud3119, TP 16119, TP 15
934MusicAud11119, TP 16119, TP 15
956MusicCD7119, TP 16119, TP 15
957MusicCD8119, TP 16119, TP 15
293SDHero and Icon119, TP 16110, TP 1
252SDLaw and Crime129, TP 26110, TP 1
345SDEncore Black129, TP 26110, TP 1
387SDFMC129, TP 26110, TP 1
828SDUnivision West129, TP 26110, TP 1
346SDEncore Classic129, TP 27110, TP 2
292SDMGM+D129, TP 29110, TP 1
359SDBounce129, TP27110, TP 2
125SDFXXN/A129, TP 26
136SDFXN/A110, TP 3
137SDQVCN/A129, TP 27
140SDESPNN/A129, TP 20
141SDESPNUN/A129, TP 23
142SDESPNewsN/A129, TP 23
143SDESPN2N/A129, TP 20
149SDFox Sports 2N/A129, TP 27
150SDFox Sports 1N/A129, TP 23
157SDNHL NetworkN/A129, TP 27
172SDDisney ChannelN/A110, TP 3
180SDFree FormN/A129, TP 29
190SDNatGeo WildN/A110, TP 5
197SDNatGeoN/A110, TP 5
205SDFox NewsN/A110, TP 3
206SDFox BusinessN/A129, TP 26
340SDEncoreN/A129, TP 20
380SDMGM +N/A110, TP 5
384SDFXMN/A129, TP 26
402SDACC NetworkN/A129, TP 20
408SDSEC NetworkN/A129, TP 27
410SDBig 10N/A129, TP 27
588SDBig 10 AlternateN/A110, TP 24
589SDBig 10 AlternateN/A129, TP 25
590SDBig 10 AlternateN/A129, TP 25
591SDBig 10 AlternateN/A129, TP 27
592SDPAC 12 AlternateN/A110, TP 24
593SDPAC 12 AlternateN/A110, TP 24
594SDPAC 12 AlternateN/A110, TP 24
595SDPAC 12 AlternateN/A110, TP 24
596SDSEC Network AlternateN/A110, TP 24
597SDSEC Network AlternateN/A110, TP 24
So what about the spotbeams on 129. Will they still use the satellite at another location like 119 or 110 and still use the spotbeams off of them? My locals for my home town are on 129 satellite spotbeam.
As far as bandwidth is concerned, there should be plenty of space for HD locals now that SD's have (for the most part) vacated the spot beams on 110/119.

Now for life expectancy of the satellites, echo23 is replacing echo11 for CONUS service and from what I can see is incapable of spotbeams, meaning that for the time being echo10 will remain there. It's two years older then echo11. Echo14 at 119 is 4 years newer then echo10 and capable of both CONUS and spotbeams, so it should be fine for the time being. Ciel2 at 129 is also capable of both CONUS and spotbeams but is just as old as echo11, making it kind of unreliable of a backup. Unless Dish is able to fit all of the necessary market's on the spotbeams of 119, once echo10 goes out they may have an issue. This however should be posible now with MPEG4 as the spotbeams on echo16 at 61.5 contains all of the market's for EA. If Dish were planing on one last satellite to launch, my guess is that it would replace echo14.
If any customers are still on MPEG 2 only receivers what receivers are they currently being upgraded to? Hopper 2 or Hopper 3 I do know Hopper 3 is required for 4+ TVs in household lol. When is MPEG 2 suppose to end?

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What receivers are customers being upgraded to due to phase out of mpeg 2?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From what I've seen, the favored receivers seems to be a Hopper3 or a Wally, with some kind of Joey for additional TVs. But others here can give a more exact sense of what most commonly gets put in during upgrade installs.

I myself have just updated from a VIP625 and a couple of VIP722s to a Hopper3. The VIP722s are MPEG4 compatible, and technically didn't need to be replaced. But the VIP625 was MPEG2 only. And since I was going to replace the VIP625, I decided to update everything to the latest.
From what I've seen, the favored receivers seems to be a Hopper3 or a Wally, with some kind of Joey for additional TVs. But others here can give a more exact sense of what most commonly gets put in during upgrade installs.

I myself have just updated from a VIP625 and a couple of VIP722s to a Hopper3. The VIP722s are MPEG4 compatible, and technically didn't need to be replaced. But the VIP625 was MPEG2 only. And since I was going to replace the VIP625, I decided to update everything to the latest.
Not necessarily. I would say that most of the upgrades we've done have not been hopper threes, but having hopper twos. And work orders for Wallys are still pretty sparse.
With my subscription, I get New York locals in SD from a CONUS feed. They have been on 119, transponder 20 (according to LyngSat). I'm extremely hopeful that when Dish is done with all of their changes to the WA that I will end up with these channels in HD. I got to thinking last night that since Dish is eliminating all MPEG-2 transmissions, that maybe I could check the LyngSat site to see what format they are currently being broadcast (my logic being that if they are in MPEG-2 now, that it is a good possibility that they are going to be changed to MPEG-4, and hopefully in HD). To my surprise, I saw that they have been removed from 119:

New York Locals Moved from 119 - 24 May 2023.PNG

However, I can't figure out where they have been moved to (I still have them in SD). The LyngSat site doesn't show them anywhere else (that I can find).

Is there a way that I can look up where my receiver is picking up a channel? I have a Hopper 3 using the H343 software.
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With my subscription, I get New York locals in SD from a CONUS feed. They have been on 119, transponder 20 (according to LyngSat). I'm extremely hopeful that when Dish is done with all of their changes to the WA that I will end up with these channels in HD. I got to thinking last night that since Dish is eliminating all MPEG-2 transmissions, that maybe I could check the LyngSat site to see what format they are currently being broadcast (my logic being that if they are in MPEG-2 now, that it is a good possibility that they are going to be changed to MPEG-4, and hopefully in HD). To my surprise, I saw that they have been removed from 119:

View attachment 162347

However, I can't figure out where they have been moved to (I still have them in SD). The LyngSat site doesn't show them anywhere else (that I can find).

Is there a way that I can look up where my receiver is picking up a channel? I have a Hopper 3 using the H343 software.
On your remote press Info & then Recall. That will get you the satellite the channel is on if that is what you want.


Does Dish carry both home and away games on NBA League Pass?
