Working on the server

You may notice that it may take a few moments to post a post or reply.


We are testing a new SEO software which best formats and submits posts to the search engines for better search engine coverage from searches like Google and Bing. I am told the next release of the software will speed this up greatly. :)
The search function is terrible now. The predictive results while typing is now gone. Is there a setting that will allow me to get that feature back?
Ok as I type this I have reinstalled the old search, as a number of the packages have been updated and security issues have been fixed.

Once the search engine is reindexed I will make it the default search again, and we will also enable all the search features again. :)

Before after doing some of the patching of the software by hand the search was crashing and causing issues which is why I had to remove it, but now the packages themselves (and add ons) are patched from the makers of them so hopefully it will be stable once again.

Running our own servers is a cat and mouse game, but I take the security of our servers and more importantly your info seriously. :)
Actually it may be accurate, as if I look at the Who's Online activity many guests are doing searches.

I am not sure if it is bots as bots are counted separately in the whos online, but not sure if they are counted by the search engine itself.
many guests are doing searches
This is exactly what I thought of when you put up the numbers yesterday. Most people don't join forums unless a forum makes them, then often times they look for another place for the info they seek.
Now, if they find themselves coming back to the same forum often they might join or if they want to ask a question. But, if they find what they want, they move on.


Site Issues
