In the process of installing 30' tv antenna tower


SatelliteGuys Master
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Mar 15, 2005
Beta Omicron Delta III
I'm presently in the process of installing a 30' steel tv antenna tower I've had for a few years, and kept putting that off. This is to replace the 27' tall 2" well pipe mast that I have up now. That well pipe mast is off-set to one side of the center of the garage eves. The new tower is being installed at the center. When it's complete, the well pipe mast top 15' will be removed. This will also allow me to get my antennas up another 12+ feet higher, once you include a 10' mast above the tower.

So far I've dug a 4' deep hole, about 22" - 24"~ wide, which is close to twice the tower base. We have very soft sandy-loam ground, that basically turns to pudding when it rains a lot. So, a GOOD base is very important, even with eves brackets and guy wires on the tower and mast. You especially appreciate that, when you climb up 30' to work at the top knowing you aren't likely to ride the tower down. In the bottom of the hole, I poured 100lbs of loose gravel. I then mixed and poured in an 80lb bag of Quikrete and leveled. I then placed a heavy metal plate on top of the Quikrete, so the tower base can't punch through. Then waited until that cement hardened.

I bolted together the 36" long tower base, along with the first two 10' middle sections of tower. I then used lag screws, pre-drilled pilot holes, and mounted two 4" heavy duty stand-off brackets at the eves, measuring carefully to get them right. One bracket is slightly higher than the other, as it straddles the middle of the peak point. I laid out the tower to get it lifted into position, and tied a rope towards the top. I used a garbage can to prop the top up about 4', and put a 2'x2' section of plywood next to the hole, with a couple nails in it at two tower legs to keep the base from sliding during the lift, or punching into the sand and getting filled with dirt. I had the bracket clamps, nuts, & washers along with wrenches already sitting on the roof next to the brackets. As my wife started walking up the tower, I pulled it up towards the roof to where I could grab it. Once you are past about the 50%~ point, it's really easy. Then I pulled it completely upright to the brackets.

At that point, it was sitting on the piece of plywood at ground level, and I (on the roof) and my wife (at the tower base) lifted it slightly, dropped it, and placed it on the metal plate in the hole. I then put the clamps on the 4" eves brackets, and loosely screwed on the washers and nuts, but tight enough to keep the tower from moving much. I then went off the roof, made sure the base was completely sitting flat on the plate, and leveled the tower. I then braced it against kick-out during cementing, with some temp wooden boards between the tower and the 2" well pipe mast. Then, back up on the roof and cranked down the nuts on the brackets.

Yesterday, 6/3/2021, I hand-mixed and shoveled in 10 - 80lb bags of Quikrete. I also added a couple lengths of rebar I had laying around in the middle of the cement. That 800lbs was enough to fill the hole, and bring the cement slightly above ground level, where I used a trowel to make it slightly domed for rain water run-off later. Can't have water pooling at the legs of a steel tower, it can rust through if that happens. Now I wait for the cement to harden. Then the tower top will be installed, a 10' mast added to that, and it'll be time to remove the well pipe mast next to it, and install the antenna's.

I'll be re-installing my AntennaCraft Y10-7-13 VHF antenna with new coax, and possibly a new balun, that antenna is needed for my local RF12 VHF channel. I'm replacing my HDB91x (91XG clone) UHF antenna, with a Televes Dat Boss LR uhf-only antenna. That Televes antenna will be installed using a passive dipole, rather than the dipole that has an integrated preamp built-in. Both antennas will then be fed into a UVSJ (the vhf antenna also needs an extra FM filter before the UVSJ, as I have extremely strong local FM close by). Then, the output of the UVSJ, will be fed into a Televes 560383 preamp, and down to the power inserter. Now, the Televes preamp does already have an integrated FM and LTE filter, but one of my local FM stations is too close, and comes through at about twice the power level of my strongest tv station! Thus why I'm also going to use an MCM Electronics FM filter ahead of it, just to make sure it doesn't cause issues with harmonics.

Here's a few photos of things right now, as I wait for the cement to dry and get stronger. This thread will continue to get updated as things progress.

Not going up today yet, but getting mast figured out. 92F out there, & 15mph winds with more for gusts. Cement has only been curing about 51 hours so far. It needs a few more days to cure. 5' of that mast will be in the tower, 11ft of mast above the tower top, with about 4.8ft to the guy wire ring (just below where the VHF antenna will be mounted). Antennas will about 3ft something apart, with UHF on top this time. No shadowing of UHF signals from the VHF antenna this time.

So, I have been working a little bit every day on various preparations for the tower. Getting the mast ready, calculating the length of guy wires needed and cutting them, installing some new eye-screws for the guy wire tie offs, etc. Decided I no longer have the strength I once had to carry tower sections on my back while climbing, or lifting it with a rope after climbing up. I also no longer have my commercial gin pole for raising towers.

So, I made one out of parts laying around, a lifting pulley block, and a manual winch from Harbor Freight, some U bolts from Home Depot, and some various pipe I have laying around. I call this my "Jacked-UP Gin Pole":


I got it all prepared, and had a neighbor help me for $20 cash and about 1/2 hour to get the tower top installed. It was money WELL SPENT to get it done and over with.


That's IT for today. 80F, and just started raining. Tomorrow, re-tension all the bolts, and then install guy wires with turnbuckles for the tower top. I bet I lost at least 1 pound today, lol.
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Those are some pretty large antennas. How far away are you from the transmitters?

Good job BTW. You'd never get me up there. I don't do well with heights.
Those are some pretty large antennas. How far away are you from the transmitters?
The closest station is 32 miles. The furthest is about 48 miles. We have a lot of trees, and that causes issues. Trying to get a bit higher up. The top of the tower, is about where the antennas are next to it right now. So, the mast pipe I'll be installing will put them even higher up. 18ft of the tower alone is above the eves bracket, and we have high winds, so I'm guying the tower top AND the mast pipe separately.

Top antenna is a AntennaCraft Y10-7-13 high-VHF yagi, about 10' long. Bottom antenna is an HDB91x, UHF. I'll replace that one with a Televes Dat Boss LR antenna. The mast they are on right now, will be removed later.
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Yesterday I got the guy wires installed for the tower itself. They aren't 100% completely tensioned as of yet (about 90%), BUT, they make me feel much safer up there as I continue working.

This morning so far, I got the mast pipe pulled up through the tower top ring a little way, and getting prepared to put the mast guy ring with guys already attached over it. Once that's done, I'll pull the mast up a little bit more, and temp tighten it down there for antenna installation. Then it's rest time for the remaining of the day. Antennas can wait a little longer.

Oh, I also got a bad pinch in left bicep when we put the tower top on the other day, one of the legs bit me as it was being pulled down on its post. It looks torn open, but it's not, but it is really bruised. Though it is pretty bad, and I can feel it. So I'm also working around that. A 40' man lift would be SO much easier, especially as freaking hot as it's been here lately.

It's interesting to look over and see the antennas on the previous mast eye to eye as I'm working slightly above them.

IMG_20210609_104845299_HDR.jpgIMG_20210609_104850938_HDR.jpgIMG_20210609_104911274.jpgIMG_20210609_104922466.jpgIMG_20210608_145321589.jpgIMG_20210609_110947734.jpg << This one is from a few minutes ago, a day after the one to the left of it.


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Mast guy ring installed, with locking rings and guy wires. Top 1.5" size mast itself pulled out of the tower top a bit more from the bottom 2" mast pipe section. That's where it stands for today. 86f+ out there, 10 - 16mph winds, and it's too hot to stay on the roof.

I need to make some new coax pigtails for both antennas, long enough to reach closer to the roof where I'll install an equipment box for the UVSJ, extra fm filter, and Televes preamp.

Next day or so I may be able to get the antennas down from the old mast, and get the VHF one installed on the new tower, along with the new Televes Dat Boss LR. That depends on weather, and IF I'm healed up enough to finish up. If not, that can wait a bit longer.

Mike, free vacation in the mountains including food if you can get my antennas on my chimney, it's only a little 3 story house with a roof pitch of straight up and down.:biggrin
Used to do that back in the late '70's. Slate roofs (slippery), high pitch. We'd lasso the chimney, use a ladder to get to the eves, then climb the roof using the rope and leather safety belts. Straddle the peak to work. Install antenna tripods in those cases.

I was a lot younger, AND stronger back then. I couldn't do this as a dealer anymore...
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Ok, had the coax pigtails made for the antennas going on the tower, was sitting around and got a little antsy, even with the serious heat out there (90f and windy), and the muscle aches. So, I decided to install the new AntennaCraft Y10-7-13 VHF yagi, since it was going on the "bottom" end of the mast anyway (below the Televes).

Got it all ready, new balun, got it on the roof, connected the coax pigtail, tied clothesline rope to it, strapped on my belt, and climbed up to the top. Strapped in, haul it up, and popped it over the top part of the mast stub. Tightened it down, roughly aimed it.

Now, it STILL isn't at what will be its final height, because I have to install the Televes UHF antenna next. (NOT today), and then raise the mast to it's full height. I took a screenshot from the H30 meter with the old Y10-7-13 on the old mast. Then I disconnected that one, and hooked up the new Y10-7-13 on the tower above that. It's encouraging. Here's photos and meter shots.

I went from -4.3dBmV 30.3dB on the old mast, to 2.0dBmV, 33.3dB on the tower Y10-7-13. BIG improvement.

IMG_20210610_165343265_HDR.jpgIMG_20210610_165400309_HDR.jpgIMG_20210610_165424240_HDR.jpgIMG_20210610_165438961.jpgIMG_20210610_165455126_HDR.jpgIMG_20210610_165514987_HDR.jpgwjrt rf 12 6 10 2021 before.pngwjrt rf 12 AFTER new antenna on tower.png

The old mast gets removed AFTER this is a completed install.