Ok, got some photos of my final configuration, this is the one I'm keeping.
At present, I'm using the AntennaCraft Y10-7-13 VHF yagi antenna on the tower for my local RF12 VHF channel. The Antennas Direct C4-CJM UHF antenna mounted above it, is not hooked up at present. I originally had the Televes Dat Boss LR up there, which gave AWESOME signal level to all my UHF channels, with the exception of WFFC-LD RF17. I couldn't lock that one at all. I believe that another RF17 station at the direct opposite azimuth from it caused issues, but I'm not 100% sure of that, yet it was the ONLY channel that didn't work up there. So, I swapped it for this AD antenna that was given to me as a test. Well, it didn't work up there either for RF17, if had the exact same issue with that channel as the Televes antenna.
So, I've been using a Channel Master CM4228HD, I UHF antenna mounted on the well pipe mast next to the tower (2 feet to the East) for the last couple of months. That didn't get quite as high a signal level as the Televes Dat Boss LR did mounted up on top of the tower, but it worked fine for all of them, including ok for WFFC-LD RF17. It's shielded by trees from the direct signal path from the WMNN-LD RF17 to the North-West. However, it was more susceptible to multipath, especially in high winds, which we have a lot of. So, I would get RS Uncorrected errors for WFFC-LD RF17 and WAQP RF36, which are two stations I watch very frequently.
Anyway, after observing how it worked these last two months, I decided to mount the Dat Boss LR at the top of the well pipe mast, and see how that works compared to the CM4228HD. Since it's a long yagi antenna, and has smaller sidelobes and better F/B ratio than the CM4228HD, I had hopes it would work better. Well, it DOES! I brought the signal levels for WAQP UP more than 10 points, and WFFC-LD is about the same as before, BUT, isn't so prone to RS Uncorrected errors now.
Here's the photos.
Photo of what trees and such it's all aiming through, I took this through the CM4228HD, when it was still mounted. It was below the present Dat Boss LR by about 5 feet:
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