Interesting SatelliteGuys Statistics for March 12, 2021

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Been going through Google Analytics today and looking at our stats since moving to the new server.

Active Users Per Day has gone form 3438 to 4467
Pageviews has gone from 2,247,419 to 3,992,548
Average Page Load Times have gone from 7.41 seconds down to 1.33 seconds
Average Time on Page per user have gone from 2 Minutes 14 seconds to 9Minutes 38 seconds
The Bounce Rate has gone from 63.84% to 38.81% (Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.)
Number of AMP Pages Served Before the new server Zero With the new server 47,500. (Google and others are now ranking sites higher that offer AMP pages for mobile searches)

Other stats:
65% of our users are on Desktops
26% of our users are on Mobile devices
9% of our users are on Tablets
68.7% of the people who use SatelliteGuys are Male and 31.3% are Female (They offer no "other" gender)

Age Breakdown of Users
9.19% are ages 18-24
19.51% are ages 25 - 34
17.35% are ages 35 - 44
17.83% are ages 45 - 54
18.83% are ages 55 - 64
17.29% are ages 65+

Top 4 Browsers
Chrome - 47.82%
Safari - 36.44
Edge - 5.80
Firefox - 4.57

Top 10 Mobile Devices (Listed in order)
Apple iPhone (46.56%)
Apple iPad (4.05%)
Generic Android (1.55%)
Samsung Galaxy S9 (1.55%)
Samsung Galaxy S10+ (1.32%)
Samsung Galaxy S10 (1.31%)
Samsung Galaxy S9+ (1.09%)
Samsung Galaxy S8 (1.08%)
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (1.01%)
Samsung Galaxy S10e (0.92%)

Top 10 Countries
United States
US Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico

Acquisition (Where users come from)
Organic Search (76.7%)
Direct (18.2%)
Referrals (4.7%)

For March we have served an average of 360,639 pages per day and have served 17,019 Unique visitors per day. In addition (not including data served from our CDN locations) we transfer almost 10 GB of data each day.

I am very happy with our improved Page Speed, Usage Time and Bounce Rate that we are now seeing. Moving to this new server has helped SatelliteGuys improve a lot! For many of you I know your happy it loads, but when you are companies like Google, Adsense and other agencies grading us there is a huge difference of a page being generated in 0.32 seconds and the 0.075 we are seeing now. I am very proud of this and am happy to see this move is helping SatelliteGuys grow and be used by more people.

Without the support of many none of this would have been possible. One again I say THANK YOU!

Been going through Google Analytics today and looking at our stats since moving to the new server.

Active Users Per Day has gone form 3438 to 4467
Pageviews has gone from 2,247,419 to 3,992,548
Average Page Load Times have gone from 7.41 seconds down to 1.33 seconds
Average Time on Page per user have gone from 2 Minutes 14 seconds to 9Minutes 38 seconds
The Bounce Rate has gone from 63.84% to 38.81% (Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.)
Number of AMP Pages Served Before the new server Zero With the new server 47,500. (Google and others are now ranking sites higher that offer AMP pages for mobile searches)

Other stats:
65% of our users are on Desktops
26% of our users are on Mobile devices
9% of our users are on Tablets
68.7% of the people who use SatelliteGuys are Male and 31.3% are Female (They offer no "other" gender)

Age Breakdown of Users
9.19% are ages 18-24
19.51% are ages 25 - 34
17.35% are ages 35 - 44
17.83% are ages 45 - 54
18.83% are ages 55 - 64
17.29% are ages 65+

Top 4 Browsers
Chrome - 47.82%
Safari - 36.44
Edge - 5.80
Firefox - 4.57

Top 10 Mobile Devices (Listed in order)
Apple iPhone (46.56%)
Apple iPad (4.05%)
Generic Android (1.55%)
Samsung Galaxy S9 (1.55%)
Samsung Galaxy S10+ (1.32%)
Samsung Galaxy S10 (1.31%)
Samsung Galaxy S9+ (1.09%)
Samsung Galaxy S8 (1.08%)
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (1.01%)
Samsung Galaxy S10e (0.92%)

Top 10 Countries
United States
US Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico

Acquisition (Where users come from)
Organic Search (76.7%)
Direct (18.2%)
Referrals (4.7%)

For March we have served an average of 360,639 pages per day and have served 17,019 Unique visitors per day. In addition (not including data served from our CDN locations) we transfer almost 10 GB of data each day.

I am very happy with our improved Page Speed, Usage Time and Bounce Rate that we are now seeing. Moving to this new server has helped SatelliteGuys improve a lot! For many of you I know your happy it loads, but when you are companies like Google, Adsense and other agencies grading us there is a huge difference of a page being generated in 0.32 seconds and the 0.075 we are seeing now. I am very proud of this and am happy to see this move is helping SatelliteGuys grow and be used by more people.

Without the support of many none of this would have been possible. One again I say THANK YOU!

Awesome. Thanks Scott
They use to show a lot more detail before including income per age group, but it does show hobbies and interests.

I don't believe it pulls it from there. As I have user profiles blocked from being captured by the search engines.

But its Google, it basis it off all your browsing not just here.
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I don't believe it pulls it from there. As I have user profiles blocked from being captured by the search engines.

But its Google, it basis it off all your browsing not just here.
Google. The company who's moto is "do no evil" is pure evil. I see satguys is online close to 20 years. Ever run a spider trap before they got "smart"? DTA (don't trust anyone)

Especially google.

They claim it's from browsing habits, but what if a user runs a new VM every time through a revolving VPN yet still gets harvested?

We = $

They won't be stopped. (why does stopped have two p's?) :crying
  • Sad
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If Google is pure evil, you leave no room to describe other big companies which are worse! Just saying. ;)
This is why I come here. Just when I am ready to cry you guys flip the switch and have me cracking up again!

I agree, there is room for other companies of, umm, ill repute?
Active Users Per Day has gone form 3438 to 4467
I expect this has a whole lot to do with the AT&T "auction" of the TV division as well as the demise of Orby. Probably owes a little to the recent run of nasty weather as well.

I guess I shouldn't overlook Lloyd's fairly frequent provider changes as they seem to generate a flurry of traffic.;)
If Google, or anyone else, knowing which browser you're using bothers you, at least in Chrome it's easy to change the User-Agent identifier using the "User-Agent Switcher for Chrome" extension. I haven't found a need to change it lately, but some years back changing the U-A was handy for sites that insisted on requiring the MS Explorer browser.
Does anyone else find the source countries list "suspect?" Ethiopia number four? Cuba high up? VPN games?

Anyway, when they start reporting shoe sizes, ask them where I can get shoes for my narrow feet. ;)
  • Haha
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