Can Anyone Install or Supply & Install a C-Band Dish In Minneapolis Area ?


Original poster
Mar 15, 2020
south africa

Are there any forum members who would be able to supply and install a C-Band dish in the Minneapolis area? Basically, I hope to get either a fixed dish installed for C-Band or a motorized dish.

If anyone can supply the entire setup and install it that is ideal. However, if anyone could install the equipment but not supply it I can look into sourcing the equipment elsewhere and try to organize delivery to the location site ready for installation.

Ideally, I hope to get a 10ft or 12ft dish installed.

All options considered.

Many thanks
You're probably not going to find anyone who will do a C-band install. This is more of a hobby now, not like 1985 when it was a good source of receiving pay TV.

Check out your local craigslist. Usually used dishes available for you to haul off.
Yeah, you are late by at least 25 years. IF you want a C-band dish installed, you are likely going to have to read and learn, and do it yourself. It's not really that hard. The hardest part is starting. Even if you screw something up, it can likely be tweaked. By far the most important thing to get absolutely perfect, is the pole itself. It MUST be installed below any possible freezing, and it MUST be level North-South and East-West.
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it MUST be level (...) East-West.
To this I do agree.

and it MUST be level North-South.
To this I do NOT agree.
That is something that can be adjusted with the axis elevation, which must be set against the horizontal, so not necessarily towards the pole.

Why do you think that level North-South would be important?

Of course level in all directions is convenient, but not necessary, I would say.

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Thanks for the replies.

I have money to spend and want it done properly - surely someone would like the work.

I will ask a supplier if they know anyone etc. Am currently thinking this would do the job :

There are guys on this forum who could do it, but I don't know of anyone in your area. Anybody who once installed C-band dishes is probably retired. (((Garyd))) is a retired C-band dealer but I think he's on the east coast. Titanium is on the west coast. Maybe if you offered primestar31 enough $ he'd drive over from Michigan :biggrin
There's a company in Fergus Falls MN that used to sell and install c-band, bit of a drive to Minneapolis though from there. They shut down or changed names. Maybe they are still around?
Also Mike Kohl is in WI I think may be a bit of a haul for him too. Global CM is the company name.
Best if you find a good used dish and install it yourself. Good learning experience and lots of help here if you need it for sure.
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To this I do agree.

To this I do NOT agree.
That is something that can be adjusted with the axis elevation, which must be set against the horizontal, so not necessarily towards the pole.

Why do you think that level North-South would be important?

Of course level in all directions is convenient, but not necessary, I would say.


I'm not going to get in an argument with you, but why would you compensate, IF you do it right in the first place? Yeah, you can adjust for North-South, BUT, why, if the pole is installed correctly level, like it should be. On a NEW pole install, this shouldn't even be brought up, because anybody that doesn't install it level both ways, isn't a good installer.

Every little error in an install, adds up to issues you have to "compensate" for, which is not a good thing for a newbie installer.
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There are guys on this forum who could do it, but I don't know of anyone in your area. Anybody who once installed C-band dishes is probably retired. (((Garyd))) is a retired C-band dealer but I think he's on the east coast. Titanium is on the west coast. Maybe if you offered primestar31 enough $ he'd drive over from Michigan :biggrin

Nope, there's not enough money in it. I have enough just keeping mine up and running.
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There's a company in Fergus Falls MN that used to sell and install c-band, bit of a drive to Minneapolis though from there. They shut down or changed names. Maybe they are still around?
Also Mike Kohl is in WI I think may be a bit of a haul for him too. Global CM is the company name.
Best if you find a good used dish and install it yourself. Good learning experience and lots of help here if you need it for sure.
I can confirm that I am in SW Wisconsin, but am about 270 miles from the Twin Cities, and semi-retired. (from satellite installations). Have a fulltime job at the moment outside this industry and my days off are booked for months. Wish I could help, but there are not enough hours in the day.

Best regards,
Mike Kohl - Global Communications
Montfort, Wisconsin
Most of us who have been in your shoes if we want it bad enough we bit the bullet and did it ourselves. I did a big thread a few years back here on my install process of the Tek 10' dish. Like many things you learn by doing and there are a lot of people here that you can bounce ideas and problems off of.

Of course is money is no object hire one of the national companies that source and install the large c-band dishes for radio stations and I'm sure they would do it for you. Most of us can't go that route so we bite the bullet and do it ourselves. The question to ask yourself is do you want it bad enough to throw yourself into it and do it?
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I'm not going to get in an argument with you, but why would you compensate, IF you do it right in the first place? Yeah, you can adjust for North-South, BUT, why, if the pole is installed correctly level, like it should be. On a NEW pole install, this shouldn't even be brought up, because anybody that doesn't install it level both ways, isn't a good installer.

Every little error in an install, adds up to issues you have to "compensate" for, which is not a good thing for a newbie installer.

Well, I'd hate to be responsible for the fact that someone who has a pole that is exactly level east-west, but NOT exactly level north-south, would break up everything to start all over, when there is absolutely no need for that.
I've already been able to help at least one person with that, who was advised to start all over.
So I'd rather have everyone know that the pole should be level in the east-west direction.
And if someone has a problem in setting everything plumb, then it is good to know the east-west plumbness is the important one, not the north-south plumbness.

The setting of axis elevation does not really need a 'compensation', as I see it, as the axis elevation angle is set relevant to the horizontal, not to the pole.

Of course it is nice, when the plumbness is in all directions. I can heartily agree with that.
But I never say it MUST, or that it is the only right way. On the contrary.
I try to tell how it actually is, and hope to add to the understanding of how a polar mount really works, rather than give 'general rules' that are not generally true.
The same as I frequently propagate the use of the 'modified motor angles'. Why do extensive fine-adjustment, when you can set the angles almost right (optimal) from the start?

So that is why I added some nuance to your comment.

There are guys on this forum who could do it, but I don't know of anyone in your area. Anybody who once installed C-band dishes is probably retired. (((Garyd))) is a retired C-band dealer but I think he's on the east coast. Titanium is on the west coast. Maybe if you offered primestar31 enough $ he'd drive over from Michigan :biggrin
My hands are
There are guys on this forum who could do it, but I don't know of anyone in your area. Anybody who once installed C-band dishes is probably retired. (((Garyd))) is a retired C-band dealer but I think he's on the east coast. Titanium is on the west coast. Maybe if you offered primestar31 enough $ he'd drive over from Michigan :biggrin
My hands are shot, my left hip is now going to I will be 79 soon right now dealing with bladder cancer, AND SCARED OF CATCHING COVID-19 I DO NOT HAVE A IMUME SYSTEM LEFT THE BCG FIXED THAT SOON I GET 3 MORE

Also where you live to see the full arc, does the motor go on the left, I don't look much here besides the pit, so email me
Cancer is just the pits.

Thanks for replying whilst you have much more important matters to deal with.

Hope you are not in pain etc - I will find someone - eventually.

Best wishes.

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