Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at


6 panel satellite dish located in Tomball, Texas. Only 6 foot but also only a 99 cent opening bid. ;)
C Band 180cm (6 feet) Prime focus antenna /satellite dish- 6 Panels, | eBay
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I agree with Primestar and Raydio, that's a great dish and it appear to be in great shape, plus comes with a collection of related toys. By all means, if you can find a way to store it, even outside, get it!

I have the same dish and am very happy with it.
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Chewie, the seller says the dish breaks down into 8 panels. You wouldn't happen to know how big each panel is, would you? I'm guessing about 5 feet across (since combined they're 10 feet across)?
Chewie, the seller says the dish breaks down into 8 panels. You wouldn't happen to know how big each panel is, would you? I'm guessing about 5 feet across (since combined they're 10 feet across)?

I never had that exact dish, BUT, I once owned TWO Winegard Pinnacle's which are 10ft dishes, but very deep compared to the Quadstar. Look at this post here. Both of them are loaded in this 4.5ft x 9ft Harbor Freight trailer. You should be able to stack a single dish inside a van: Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

IF you win that dish and go to pick it up and break it down, take a black permanent marker with you. Mark EVERY panel facing edge with a matching number, and which side is UP/DOWN/East/West! Mark it well, as it's best to put it back together exactly the way it was originally!
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Chewie, the seller says the dish breaks down into 8 panels. You wouldn't happen to know how big each panel is, would you? I'm guessing about 5 feet across (since combined they're 10 feet across)?
Hello CN
I don't think so, my dish is only 4 panels, and if you look at the dish ribs the thicker ones that is where the panels join together, so there is only 4 panels, the panels are about 5 feet.
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