I think we are 10-15 years away.
#1 every home in America that has a traditional home phone ran on copper lines will need to be transitioned fiber.
Just the cost to maintain the existing copper network is getting out of hand. Going to fiber optic cable makes sense from a customer service stand point and on maintained.
2) any areas not converted to fiber will be served by 5G
20 years ago the best I could get at my house was 768 DSL. Thought that was the best until Comcast started offering 6 meg internet.
Uverse came along offered 18 meg and I thought that was the bomb.
Comcast came back and offered 105 meg and I thought I was cooking with gas.
Then another company called WOW came by and offered 300 meg. I jumped on that, and a few months later they bumped it to 600 meg.
Thought that was good, until AT&T came a knocking and sold me 1 Gig via fiber.
Now I hear WOW and Comcast are going to 1 gig soon in my area.
3 gig internet providers in my backyard !
Never thought that would be possible.
Then I hear AT&T is wiring the rest of my area with fiber.
It's coming, slowly but to everyone p
Just curious Claude, How drastic did the price change frommone to the next ... mainly the 18 mg to 105 and up.
I had a sub not long ago that said she was having issues with he wifi with the Cable company in her area.
I installed our service at 100 mg for her and we looked afterwards at her bill to see what speed she was at with the Cable co and it was only 18mg, so that was a huge upgrade for her and she had no issues when I was done ...
This was a lady that had her daughter show up when I got there and proclaimed that I had to run ethernet cables to all her TVs, (3 across the house) because the wifi wouldn't work .... She said we did that for her and she expected it for Mom too ....
I asked her why, she said the wifi was bad with the Cable company ... I told her that I was NOT the Cable company and I would set it up wifi and see how it worked, if it didn't I suggested a extender ... she could buy from BB or elsewhere ...
Then she got bitchy saying that the att guy made up all cables for her and ran them all ...
I told her that wasn't happening on this job ... she asked why not ... told her that a) was not my job, and its not ... and b) she doesn't want me making ethernet cables for her as I don't have the tools and have never been required to make one in 26 years now.
Thats not saying that some of the guys do make them, I don't ...
I'm not on the TV side of the game, I'm on the internet and repair side of things.
Daughter finally went home, claiming that she had same speed and set up that Mom was getting ... I told her, No she didn't.
How do I know that ?
She lives a half a mile farther and 100 mg doesn't go that far.
She eventually left ...
Moms really thrilled with her service ....
Told he to tell her daughter that Mom has much faster service than she does ....