Tribune Broadcasting Company Blacks Out DISH Customers in 33 Markets;

they are losing ad revenue since the channels were prevented from re-transmission to today
But aren't ratings determined by random placement of diaries or meters? So in order for a blackout to influence the numbers, the diary or meter would have to be in a Dish equipped home. Granted, we are in a ratings period, but if I'm the sales guy, I'm going to be showing last month's numbers, and that's assuming it's a metered market. If it's diary, they're using numbers from May, February, or last November.
I agree that Tribune and Dish are probably far apart in negotiations and are probably not talking very much to each other at this point and it looks like it won't be resolved in a few weeks, even. However, at some point pretty soon, I do believe it will be Tribune who will have to blink because they are losing ad revenue since the channels were prevented from re-transmission to today: they been losing money and are still losing quite a bit of money right now. Dish's consequences may not be for at lest a quarter or two and far less dire, so they can outlast Tribune. The only big money maker for Tribune is KTLA (and that means of ALL of Tribune's holding; KTLA is their goose constantly laying golden eggs that makes the entire company look good on the financials) and it must be frustrating for Tribune because they have to report the losses (reduced revenue) in the next quarter, and that is always embarrassing.

FWIW, I've talked to several subscribers of Dish I know here in Los Angeles about the loss of KTLA from their Dish line-up, and everyone has said that they just don't watch the channel that much--IF EVER. The only program some people I've asked do watch with some regularity is the KTLA Morning News, which has always been a very strong program and the best of all local morning news shows, and they do miss it somewhat, but they just watch one of the other local channels for morning news instead of KTLA. As to all the other KTLA and CW programming: they absolutely either never watch or hardly so. I expected more people to be upset, but they are not, but I'm sure there are those who are angry about the loss, just not those I've talked to. Yeah, they would like to have it back as it is another alternative in local and news programming, but they just aren't upset by its loss. Dish knows how many of us do watch the Tribune channels and it probably is not as many as we might think, even the Tribune channels that are CBS or other big net affiliate, most likely because they are in mid to smaller markets. Tribune does not have the leverage the big 4 broadcast networks have because the big 4 own their own local stations in the biggest markets in the country, so when they won't allow re-transmission it is a lot more difficult on Dish than losing all Tribune channels.

Oh, well, I really can live without KTLA, but it would be nice to have as an alternative to local news, although I think KTLA is the WORST local news in Los Angeles with their paid advertisements presented as if they were legit news reports/stories and too many young, fresh off the boat from smaller markets reporters who just aren't up to par with the more experienced and far higher paid ones here. I think KTLA is still the station that pays its reporters the least of any channel in Los Angeles--still 6 figure but a lot less by at least $100,000. OK, I give KTLA credit for good coverage--along with just about all the other local channels who all do great coverage, too--during one of our many LA disasters, but that's it. I should add that I still get KTLA OTA with the Hopper WS and on my TiVo, but IF I do choose to watch KTLA it is only for the KTLA morning news--only on occasion--and for local news as an addition to other LA local news coverage, but that is it!

The KTLA app will get you the news. Problem solved I hope
An update on my Sling problems: The initial Sling account that Dish created for me never worked for viewing live programming. So after a couple tries with Sling support, someone finally asked me to create a new trial account that they would then convert to a 30 day trial. (Apparently, even though I don't see this listed in writing anywhere, the Sling rep said that the Tribune offer is limited to one 30 day trial of Sling Blue and that after that runs out, Dish figures the Tribune deal should be done, or if it isn't, we are welcome to contact a Dish CSR for our options at that point.) So I now have a functional Sling Blue account, which works better than the antenna they sent me. (I will say the amplifier that came with the antenna isn't bad, but the antenna itself didn't seem to beat a Leaf or a Leaf clone.)
The local Fox channel is blacked out in my area and I live to far for the antenna to work. Sling account has not been working for me but that is ok as I have other options. Except for local news, any programing I want I can stream via Kodi or other means. So as far as I am concern, they can let Tribune wither on the vine. I am tired of being a hostage and won't take it anymore. It is so easy to get whatever you want via the Internet that the only reason for a service provider is convenience. I time shift all my programing anyway so to watch Fox programs, I just fire up Kodi and view my programs. As an added benefit, someone has also removed all the commercials.
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So, are we on our own if for example my local NBC is blacked out, and dish sent me the free antenna, but it can't pull anything at all in because i'm 65 miles from all local networks. Also, i'm so far in the country that i have very slow dsl (around 1 mb/sec or so) which totally sucks for trying to stream video. Dish mentions online to go to nbc's website to watch the shows that are missed at night, but that's not feasible for us. Has anyone had any luck of them coming out and installing a bigger OTA antenna so that the local's will come in? I'd rather not have to do that, but darnit, there are shows i'm missing nightly!!! I won't switch from Dish, but when paying nearly $200/month, i expect more!
Yes, but that was nine-and-a-half years ago, after Dish lost the ability to provide distant networks. Still, it never hurts to ask!
The KTLA app will get you the news. Problem solved I hope
Not for those who do not have a clue to watch the app on their big HD/UHD TV and don't like the access rights those apps have on their devices (all I've spoken to express this), and that is a problem NOT solved for ALL I have spoken to, and a few added "it's is not worth the hassle" remark to emphasize they just won't bother unless it is on their Dish guide. Not everyone is app happy, my friend. These folks want to watch TV at their TV with that Dish box connected to it, even preferred to the Roku experience which they reserve for movies, or Netflix original programming but nothing else.
Kind of an interesting article, considering its from Tribune... Seems to state that DISH customers don't really care the Tribute channels are gone.

Coming from Chicago, I didn't know that Dish only had about 9% of the households. I thought it would be higher. Maybe they are talking literally the city of Chicago, and not the entire Chicago DMA. But as I drive around, I see an awful lot of Dish Network dishes.
Coming from Chicago, I didn't know that Dish only had about 9% of the households. I thought it would be higher. Maybe they are talking literally the city of Chicago, and not the entire Chicago DMA. But as I drive around, I see an awful lot of Dish Network dishes.
I wonder what the percentage of New Yorker's have Dish?

But seriously that's not a surprising number 9% ,when out of the entire country's TV Households Dish is only 15%.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
9% does seem low. I'd normally guess that it's somewhat close to a 50/50 split between cable and Dish/Directv, give or take. That is based on 80-85% of homes having some form of "pay" TV. The remainder would be no pay TV and OTA (combined).

As for the # of dishes you see, odds are there are just as many you can't see. If you drove around a neighborhood, counted the total houses, and counted the # of dishes, then do that for a few different neighborhoods, you'd get a reasonably good estimate (%).
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I wonder what the percentage of New Yorker's have Dish?

But seriously that's not a surprising number 9% ,when out of the entire country's TV Households Dish is only 15%.

The article says that NY is only 3% Dish. I guess that 9% makes sense if only 15% of the total county is Dish.
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