HD feeds being added to Welcome Pack!

Thank you I wondered what it meant . I wonder why they didn't just name it MPEG 8 as the next phase and stay with the mpeg 2 , 4 genre?
Perhaps it wasn't the MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) people who came up with the new compression algorithm?

Edit: Well, not entirely.
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Imagining ... (a new 3 package) Welcome pack, to add; TNT, FX, AMC. (less HL pack) and Smart pack (all channel from wp) + USA, SYFY, Discovery, A&E, FXX, NATGEO (less HL pack). and the CLASSIC pack (all channel from Smart pack + ESPN, and theses channel from 90's to back). BUT still the traditional AT, that including you regional sport and contemporary channels.
That's not all that true with mpeg 4, which uses much less space compared to old mpeg 2. I've never checked the exact difference, but 1 hour of mpeg 4 HD video, isn't all that much more than 1 hour of mpeg 2 SD video.
Even if that is true, I had been using MPEG 4 SD from Eastern Arc, so there would definitely be a difference if I switched to recording MPEG 4 HD instead.
The remaining Welcome Pack channels, that have HD feeds on Dish, that we are not receiving in HD:
  • Food
  • HGTV
  • History
  • TBS
  • TLC
I got something this morning which says... "Update Smart Pack to include HD content at 72.7, 110, 119, and 129 on 12/9"

So looks like Smart Pack is getting them too.
So, are the remaining HD feeds being added to Welcome Pack on the 9th?
So, are the remaining HD feeds being added to Welcome Pack on the 9th?

One could hope. I have a relative getting all the HD feeds with AT200, and she did not have HD200 or HD200 Free (or whatever it is called now).

I hope Dish starts adding other HD feeds of Welcome Pack channels like MTV2, Oxygen, etc.
Neither MTv2 or Oxygen have hd feeds in any DISH pack.
I would also like to see both of those be added. However, like I said in the OP, I am not the "bluegras" of Welcome Pack. At this point, I only expect to see the HD feeds of channels that are already HD in other Dish packages.
When I compare the channels in these packs, I do not see Sysfy A&E,or USA.
Were you responding to the following post?
Imagining ... (a new 3 package) Welcome pack, to add; TNT, FX, AMC. (less HL pack) and Smart pack (all channel from wp) + USA, SYFY, Discovery, A&E, FXX, NATGEO (less HL pack). and the CLASSIC pack (all channel from Smart pack + ESPN, and theses channel from 90's to back). BUT still the traditional AT, that including you regional sport and contemporary channels.
I think that was just wishful thinking as far as what channels he would like to see get added to these packages.
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National Geographic (channel 186) is not listed as a free preview, and we are only getting the standard-def feed. Has National Geographic been added to Welcome Pack, and if so, how soon will we be getting the HD feed?
National Geographic (channel 186) is not listed as a free preview, and we are only getting the standard-def feed. Has National Geographic been added to Welcome Pack, and if so, how soon will we be getting the HD feed?

I've got this also, National Geographic, but just in SD. So it's probably just a mistake.

Multiple Wireless Access Points (WAPs)

"fast forward and skip forward are not available for this program"
