AZBox DiSEqC 1.2 Error During Blindscan

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Give me a break! Clones shut down AZBox firmware development? That is the most ridiculous explanation for the abandonment of AZBox development. that I have heard.

Clones didn't kill AZBox. AZBox killed AZBox.

Maybe it is true, clones did put AZ out of business since it gave Hugo another excuse to run.

Dream has clones, OpenBox has clones, Fortis has clones, Openbox cloned a Fortis, Amiko has clones, the list goes on. The only company that had a clone/counterfeit model out that is no longer in business and quit supporting their models was AZbox.

I certainly am not relying on anyone else's story as of what happened with AZBox. Was in regular communication with them during the implosion and lived the experience. In 2011, was offered the legacy models to distribute in North America, but luckily decided to wait until ME/miniME release. When the primary AZ engineers defected, everything slowed then ground to a halt. A few months later Hugo was gone and OpenSat was no longer replying to emails. This is not fiction, hearsay or fantasy. Everyone (almost) who was conducting business with them in 2011-2012 tells of a similar experience.

None of this is news nor was it a surprise to anyone in the industry. It was painfully obvious there were major problems before Hugo jumped ship. Most of the EU distributors backed off before Hugo put the final nail in the coffin.
Dr. Sat (aka pwsurge) has been exposed as a fraud on the Canadian DBS site Digital Home.

His banners were removed, his posts were deleted and he is also being sued.

Feel free to read up on him before buying anything from him.

Moderators Note: Removed references to hacking.
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lenny500, several of the members here also are, or were, members of that forum (including myself) and know exactly what happened prior to Dr. Sat removing sponsorship from that forum in August of last year (hence, no more banners, and his posts are still there). Suffice to say, you have completely misread/misconstrued whatever you did read.
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Dr. Sat (aka pwsurge) has been exposed as a fraud on the Canadian DBS site Digital Home.

His banners were removed, his posts were deleted and he is also being sued.
As SatelliteGuys member Keith Brannen has posted, this is untrue and nothing more than a big white lie coming from an AzBox clone seller!
You may have fooled a few individuals but most people are smart enough to know that lenny500 = rooneysat = sat_boy = cbandguy = cbandsat = thecbandguy = tek2000.

Dr. Sat took a decision to cease his Digital Home sponsorship and started sponsoring the FTA forum on Satellite Home instead. For those of you who want to know the details of what really happened, a detailed explanation can be viewed here.
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Yet, the BS continues...

Quoted from your link:

"Dr. Sat - The Satellite Doctor does NOT own or have any involvement with AzBox Canada other than being one of AzBox Canada's authorized dealers."

Huh? In this post you explain your role with both AZBox and Dr. Sat:
Thank you for explaining to everyone that a person can be involved with more than one company :).
I will provide a bit more detail in order to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

I work as a senior consultant with Gold Phoenix Consultants, a Business and IT consulting firm over here in Canada. We deal mostly with small startup companies who need expertise and assistance when they first start operations before they can run on their own. One of my clients is Dr. Sat where I assisted in the foundation of the company as a senior manager along with the establishment of their website and internal Point of Sale (PoS) & inventory management systems. As of now, my firm remains contracted out to them strictly to provide ongoing maintenance and upgrades for their IT systems.

I have personally used an AzBox FTA receiver at home for a quite a while with my home system, starting with an AzBox Elite purchased from that satellite shop in Miami that used to sell them. As there was no distributor or dealer in Canada at the time, I contacted Opensat in Portugal directly and met with them in order to become a distributor for the Canadian market and AzBox Canada was born! Having an ongoing relation with Dr. Sat, I obviously approached them first and they agreed to become our first authorised AzBox Canada dealer. Later on, Angel Electronics from Mississauga was signed up as well.

So to sum it up, Dr. Sat and AzBox Canada are two separate companies but I have been involved with both over the years.

In this post you represent yourself as Pwrsurge who works for Dr. Sat:

"The good doctor joins Fridge FTA! - pwrsurge - 11-02-2009 01:19 AM

Hello, I am a new FridgeFTA Member and want to say hello to all members of this fine site promoting true FTA.

I work at Dr. Sat, one of the few companies in the Toronto and Hamilton areas which installs legitimate C and/or KU band satellite systems. More and more people are getting these types of systems but I'm always looking for ways to make it easier for everyone to discover the world of true FTA!"

In this post Pwrsurge owns and operates Dr. Sat:

"Campaign to promote True FTA - pwrsurge - 11-27-200905:04 PM

A while back, I notice an ad was posted on either Kijiji or Craigslist for the Toronto area advising everyone not to waste any more money on satellite piracy devices but rather in a larger motorized dish and to checkout FridgeFTA for more information on True FTA. I haven't seen this ad for a while but i was wondering if similar ones can be posted again.

I own and operate Dr. Sat which specializes in the installation of motorized C/KU and KU band satellite dish systems. I mainly use Kijiji and Craigslist to promote my services. However, I find that there's still a large amount of ads posted for satellite piracy related devices (i.e. IKS) or 3500+ channel Internet TV scam ads for $50 which makes it a bit challenging for my ad to get through. Kijiji is not so bad as they have the "Top ad" feature (Thank god for that!)."
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I hope no one is accusing pwrsurge/drsat/(insert name here) of being less than honest. After all, none of that is deceptive since it has been called out here about a million times. On the other hand…

- Pretending to suddenly be two different people so you can pretend you have a "dealer" to fool people into buying might be a bit deceptive.

- Pretending AZbox still exists and that there is factory support or even a factory might be a bit deceptive.

- Selling products that are known not to work on a certain commercial client's signal to said client might be a bit deceptive.

- Listing people on a "dealer list" that deny/are not dealers might be a bit deceptive.

- Accusing the actual AZ distributor of selling clones (Rick Caylor) might be a bit deceptive

- Accusing a legitimate dealer of AZ products of selling clones might be a bit deceptive.

- "AZbox Americas", not sure about that one but kinda sounds copied from somewhere and deceptively familiar. Certainly isn't original.
- Accusing the actual AZ distributor of selling clones (Rick Caylor) might be a bit deceptive

- Accusing a legitimate dealer of AZ products of selling clones might be a bit deceptive.

And posting the above is certainly deceptive, considering what has been well documented here:

Attention should be paid to post #48 for the actual chronicle of events, and especially, in regards to the above, post #60.
What's the average period for this beast to rear its head? Can we get a wiki-type post to just stickie here somewhere?
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Why would a forum dump an advertiser if he wasn't doing something shady or illegal?

His explanations make no sense whatsoever.

Basically, this guy thinks that if he shouts loud enough, he will get his way.
Yet, the BS continues...

Quoted from your link:

"Dr. Sat - The Satellite Doctor does NOT own or have any involvement with AzBox Canada other than being one of AzBox Canada's authorized dealers."

Huh? In this post you explain your role with both AZBox and Dr. Sat:

In this post you represent yourself as Pwrsurge who works for Dr. Sat:
As I already explained previously on this forum with that post you quoted, I was involved with Dr. Sat when they first started operations back in 2009 where I assisted in the foundation of the company as a senior manager. In order to assist getting the company up and running, I invested money so was awarded some ownership shares as a result. This is why those two posts you found were made back in 2009.

Later on, I then sold all of my Dr. Sat ownership shares in order to start AzBox Canada. This is similar to you selling out your ownership of Satellite AV and Glorystar in order to start Titanium Satellite so I really don't see why you are making such a big deal out it.

Honestly, we all have one common goal to support the satellite hobbyist market and continue improving it by introducing new products so let's stop the bickering and start working together for a common cause!
The reason that I make a big deal of this information is that your representation of history is ever evolving and in perpetual rewrite. Your spin and BS must stop for the benefit of the satellite community.

This is the first time that you ever stated on this forum that you were ever owned or sold ownership / shares in Dr. Sat. Until now, you have continuously and intentionally misrepresented your your relationship with Dr. Sat.

So really, what version should we believe? Today's presentation or maybe the one you told SatelliteGuys last year?
1. I own and operate Dr. Sat - 2009
2. I am a consultant with another company, which only provided contract services for Dr. Sat - 2013.
3. I have no involvement other than Dr. Sat is a reseller - 2011 thru 2014
4. I owned some shares of Dr. Sat, but sold them all - 2015

I conduct my business dealings with integrity, honesty and transparency. The satellite community knows who I am, where I am from, what I represent and that I will make every effort to produce the highest quality products and provide an exceptional customer experience.

i do not consider the presention of truth and facts to be bickering and will continue to challenge BS. :)
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A bit of bickering or competition isn't bad for a hobby or industry. Happens all the time in almost every industry or hobby or whatever.

What is really bad for the tiny niche NA True FTA market and hobbyists isn't really the pirates anymore, it is those who lie, cheat, steal, deceive and commit fraud to get people to buy something. Poor Serge/pwrsurge and DrSat keep getting accused of some of this. It isn't Brian or I that started it or any "competitor". This stuff seems to get brought into every other Satelliteguys thread regarding AZbox, and it is being brought up by members and hobbyists.

It seems regardless of the balance of evidence that poor Serge is always defending himself against all these different stories. To be fair to him I took maybe 30 minutes off from doing real FTA stuff today and decided to research whether against all odds and evidence Serge might be telling the truth about DrSat.

I managed to quickly locate the owner of DrSat. Her name is Yabing Zou. I think we all owe pwrsurge and DrSat a big apology……NOT!!!

It is just more lies and deception. YABING ZOU IS SERGE'S WIFE. ALL HE DID IS START USING HER NAME ONCE YOU GUYS STARTED CALLING HIM OUT FOR PRETENDING THAT HE WASN'T DRSAT AND THAT IT WAS A DIFFERENT DEALER/COMPANY. A simple analogy would be putting your car in your wife's name, yet you continue to own, drive and maintain it just like before.

This whole two different people thing started when Serge suddenly wanted to be a "distributer" instead of a "dealer". Since the only AZbox dealers were selling legitimate AZboxes from Rick Caylor Serge had to make up something for his "AZbox Canada" dealer list. All of a sudden Drsat & pwrsurge are two different people and Drsat is just an "AZbox Canada" dealer that he has nothing to do with otherwise.

This little deception goes beyond just pretending DrSat is someone else and that there is some big distributor that Serge runs so that end users are duped into buying discontinued old stock STB's. This stunt has been extended to include a third "person" that works for "AZbox Canada". If you have ever contacted "AZbox Canada" or "AZbox Americas" or "AZbox USA" odds are you received an email back from a nice young lady named "Sabrina". Guess who "Sabrina" is? Yup, Yabing Zou.

Wait, Yabing Zou owns DrSat. Yet "Sabrina" works at AZbox Canada. Actually it would appear they "both" really work at OACCAC (The Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres) whatever that is. Seems that "DrSat" and "AZbox (insert name here)" got left off the actual list.

A bunch of lies and deceptions meant to get you to buy a discontinued AZbox. I think in the USA doing something or a series of somethings deceitful with the intention (direct or indirect) of getting peoples' money is called fraud. Maybe in Canada it is just called "I made up some stories and pretended I was/wasn't part of a company to bolster confidence and get you to buy sh*t under false pretenses, eh?"

This is a great example of exactly what is not good for the FTA community and leads to problems. Someone that has to repeatedly lie, make up stories, pretend companies/factories/support still exist, publish a phony "dealer" list and the like just to get you to buy something is the problem.

I know the last time a bunch of people at Satguys called him out he added more lies and tried to do a bit of revisionist history on whois and websites so I made PDF's of everything for when the lies change yet again and suddenly "John Smith" is running Drsat.
"Sabrina" works at AZbox Canada.


Like an idiot I had signup as a dealer for before doing any research live and learn. I've stayed out of this until now. It took weeks and weeks and email after email calls to Dr.Sat and txt messages to surges cell # found on his resume to get he or his wife to remove me from there site.

I still recall surge on satnation saying all this stuff he was coming out with but never did.

I don't think it takes much to understand somebody bought a ton of azbox's and is sitting on them and wants rid of them.

I never ordered anything even a sample when I found out they were locking the boxes that was a total deal breaker.
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Yet, the BS continues. Guess we didn't cover option #5.

5. I no longer own shares of Dr. Sat. I no longer have any involvement with Dr. Sat. I only advise Dr. Sat via my role in a consulting company....

Why? Because my wife owns Dr.Sat.

LOL!!! :D
Like I said before, he caused a big stink at the Canadian forum due to his unscrupulous business practices which resulted in the removal of his banners and permanent ban.

What else is new? :eeek
Like an idiot I had signup as a dealer for before doing any research live and learn. I've stayed out of this until now. It took weeks and weeks and email after email calls to Dr.Sat and txt messages to surges cell # found on his resume to get he or his wife to remove me from there site.

Do you know "Sabrina"? :biggrin2

I still recall surge on satnation saying all this stuff he was coming out with but never did.

I'll leave the "coming out" part alone.

I will be happy to add to that whole b.s. with a bit more information. Hopefully I get this in order...

Serge has always been a follower and copycat. When we (AMIKO worldwide, not just me) went after SHD-8900 counterfeits I made a list of counterfeit sellers. Since I had an actual company and factory behind me and they prepared for "clones" in the product design it was easy and 100% to point out the counterfeits. One of the "dealers" that made my counterfeit list also had "AZbox Premium HD+". In my counterfeit report for the particular company I happened to mention they also sold a variety of pirate STB's and AZbox clones. Since I already had records concerning the importation with the particular company I knew for sure the "AZbox" in question was not from OpenSat Portugal and were 100% counterfeit.

Serge visited (as he often does) and copied my counterfeit/clone listing setup. Only problem was that with no company behind him and no advanced methods or cooperation he had no way of telling a clone HD+ supplier from a real one. He was never exclusive distributor for anything. Serge went off accusing a Canadian dealer of selling clones. That dealer happened to be a legitimate dealer of Rick Caylor. That dealer actually bit him back. Cornered in another LIE, Serge basically had no choice but to start accusing Rick Caylor of selling clones. I know some of you guys might have problems with Rick for other reasons, but no one can accuse Rick of dishonesty or selling clones. Rick brough AZbox here, Rick got the things done that got done with AZ for North America. Rick is also a Christian man and a very soft spoken, honest person. He had no problem telling people AZ was done and that he was done when he sold remaining stock.

For Serge to even lob that b.s. at Rick is beyond nuts. That should have tipped you guys off right there. Serge is really lucky that Rick is a New Testament mellow guy.

I don't think it takes much to understand somebody bought a ton of azbox's and is sitting on them and wants rid of them.

There is nothing wrong with selling surplus and obsolete equipment. It happens all the time across all industries. Problem with "AZbox" is that there is the fraud/deceit going on that it is a modern product with a company behind it. Sell it as surplus or whatever, but tell people there is no company, no engineers, no support. A few guys might want a box that gets some 4:2:2 some times but sucks at everything else. Tell them. Be honest about it.

I never ordered anything even a sample when I found out they were locking the boxes that was a total deal breaker.

I looked at whatever that was years ago. Sad, pathetic and easy to clean from software. I do however, understand it. There are tons of crooks that will rob and steal anything you don't nail down. When you put in hard, honest work you should protect it. Other people shouldn't come to your site and download it in a pathetic attempt to steal.


Good thing that system was protected. Not so good for people that fell for the me/minime thing, they didn't get any channels from the pwrsurge theft. Good thing the work was protected.

In my 30 minutes I got much more than this. I don't want to keep going. I am already tired of having to get involved in what the members here have went off on Serge on for how long now???? I am and I was a hobby guy first. "Drsat" and "Azbox whatever" are not competitors since they sell 2 generation old surplus. I can still understand why some might think it is all b.s. because I run a True FTA company. Guess what guys....ain't getting rich doing this and posting some truth won't change anything.

You guys have a search button for satelliteguys and can find google on your own. Do your own research and figure it out for yourselves, don't take my word for anything.

I put the information, facts and references out there. As far as I am concerned I am done with it. I have real FTA products to work on for a real FTA company for real hobby guys.
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