Need help to identify my latest free dish score. I know the following:
It is a 10 footer.
Depth is 22 inches
Focal length is 41 inches.
FD ratio is .34.
(I will try to attach pictures, I dont post things on the interwebs much so I hope they come through.)
It came in a box marked KTI but the specs calculated above dont match published specs found
online. I plan on using 1/2 emt to fabricte support legs. I guess I will need the feed horn support plate that the legs bolt to and a polar mount. I could also fabricate the plate and a fixed mount if I had to as wife will allow multiple fixed c band dishes. I have a Titanium C2w-pll meant for a mini bud project I can use .

I would appreciate any info you guys have. The wife wants it in operation asap, along with the existimg 3 ku dishes she demanded.
It is a 10 footer.
Depth is 22 inches
Focal length is 41 inches.
FD ratio is .34.
(I will try to attach pictures, I dont post things on the interwebs much so I hope they come through.)
It came in a box marked KTI but the specs calculated above dont match published specs found
online. I plan on using 1/2 emt to fabricte support legs. I guess I will need the feed horn support plate that the legs bolt to and a polar mount. I could also fabricate the plate and a fixed mount if I had to as wife will allow multiple fixed c band dishes. I have a Titanium C2w-pll meant for a mini bud project I can use .

I would appreciate any info you guys have. The wife wants it in operation asap, along with the existimg 3 ku dishes she demanded.