Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

No price, no picture. 10' mesh, Saginaw Twp, MI

Ok, that's not too far away from me, 35~ miles. I'll see if i can get a reply from him with the particulars.

No response from this guy at all after almost 24 hours. If he doesn't answer his emails from his ad, and he didn't include a phone number, how can anybody get it?

Finally got an answer 1 week after I sent two emails 24 hours apart.

It's part of an estate that the daughter is handling (her mothers), she doesn't know what it is, the dish itself is damaged in some way, (she mentioned "the parts are out of their "tracks"" and she can't take pictures until at least Saturday. No mention at all of the shape of the receivers and such.
$150 - 10' mesh - Sanford, FL

"This is a great deal".

I would love to have a look through that manual in the picture.

Contact the guy and ask if he'll copy and email it to you. Then you can upload it here. The worst he can say is "no", but I'd bet if you ask nicely he'll do it. I would not ask him to directly upload it here though, as that could be much more daunting to a person.

RCN on SES 6 (40.5°W)
