Walking Dead Interview with Melissa McBride (Carol)
Walking Dead Interview with Melissa McBride (Carol)
I'll puke if Rick wakes up in the hospital during the series finale and realizes it was all just a nightmare. :dev
I'll need a new tv, since I'll throw crap at it if that were to happen.![]()
I'll need a new tv, since I'll throw crap at it if that were to happen.![]()
Monkey see, Monkey do...or should I say, Monkey doo doo.![]()
...Speaking of biting...okay, why wasn't Michonne infected after being showered with walker entrails within seconds of being shot in the leg by Merle? Surely zombie guts and blood getting into her wound are equally as bad as being bitten by zombie breath?
Back to my original question, does this tidbit bother anyone else other than me? Also, what if someone were to have intimate relations with a walker---lot's of lonely men there---wouldn't they also get infected? If so, would they contract a disease known as Walker Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (WAIDS)? And would this disease be classified as a Zombie Transmitted Disease (ZTD)?
They all should have gotten the fever if the show took its premise seriously; everytime they get sprayed with zombie blood, they would be getting it in contact with their own body, and if getting bit gives you the fever, and then you die, and turn, then they should all be walkers.
Then again, why is it for walkers, whose insides spill like nothing, why do their teeth enable them to pull HUGE chunks out of live flesh? Come on, if you got bit by a human, you would not have anything like the gashes they get. It is just another one of the pieces of 'dramatic license" one has to just put outside of your mind.
On a different issue; I had a copy of the Walking Dead Compendium I in my hands at Fry's today. Issues 1-48, all bound in one book, $45. Had my wife not been with me, it would have been mine!But I know I can get it from Amazon for $10 less, and that's one of those guilty pleasure purchases she is better of being unaware of. OR I am better off that she is unaware of it.
riffjim4069 said:Yeah, I suspend belief and deal with people turning into zombies, zombies whose rotting flesh seemingly has a half-life equal to that of uranium, all of humanity not finding a cause/cure, utility plants and cities not exploding and bursting into flames, how in a few short months everything aged years, and how every pistol shot and arrow manages to find the target (zombie brain)...however, I'm stuck on the zombie blood splatter issue. You would almost expect the group to engage the walkers wearing hazmat suits or, at the very minimum, a hefty bag and rubber gloves. C'est la vie!
I've heard about the comics. Has the comic book story been told (i.e., completed) or is it still ongoing? I wouldn't mind picking up the aforementioned book, but I wouldn't want it to spoil the show...even if they differ in some aspects.
They already know that they are all infected and as soon as they die from any cause they will turn. Why wear a hazmat suit if you know you are already infected?
The comic is ongoing, much in the show is from the comic, but they have departed in many ways. I have read the first 8 issues, and Shane does not even make it out of the city,never mind the farm. There are over 100 issues so far. All black and white by the way.
It sounds interesting when I get some time. Also, I noticed there was a second volume on Amazon in which they briefly mention a couple things that happen in the future. I'm glad that Shame made it out to the farm in the TV series, but I more than ready for him to eat a bullet in the end. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing a B&W episode.
that's what I'd wear,and I would be toting a sawed off 12ga shotgun with plenty of slugs!at the very minimum, a hefty bag and rubber gloves
It is hard to figure out the rules of a supernatural zombie bite... Perhaps there is a catalyst needed for the fever that is only injected when bitten? Zombie saliva?