Gotta love when a walkers spills their rotten entrails all over you...
I'm still trying to figure out the phone calls.
Well, Daryl found Carol and Rick appears to maybe snapping out of his funk. Glenn and Maggie are taken prisoners by Merle. Michonne escaped being hunted by Merle and his minions...and Merle later lied to the Governor and said he killed her. A decision that could come back to haunt him. Michonne made her way to the prison. Will she be welcomed in? We shall see.
Another good episode.Always leaves me wanting more.As to the phone calls no idea if Rick is hallucinating or some of it is real.
Another good episode.Always leaves me wanting more.As to the phone calls no idea if Rick is hallucinating or some of it is real.
Next weeks episode really looks good.Is it the mid season finale?
Arrgh. I hate the mid season breaks.There are two more, Nov 25 and Dec 2, and then the walkers roam free until sometime in February.
Next weeks episode really looks good.Is it the mid season finale?
There are two more, Nov 25 and Dec 2, and then the walkers roam free until sometime in February.
We're going to see an epic battle in which the walls are coming down, and perhaps walkers catapulted into the compound. I look foward to it.
hehehe,where would they ever get an idea like that?Watching zombies fly from a catapult would be one of those priceless moments!
My brother gave me a crazy scenario back in season two. He said to me they are all dead and are facing a purgatory like Lost. It is a theory. There is more to the voices than just Rick imagining the entire telephone conversation.
Don't even go there!!
I'll puke if Rick wakes up in the hospital during the series finale and realizes it was all just a nightmare. :dev