PBS mux on 125W moving around...preparing for changes

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12180 is gone now...no signal

Yeah checked and did a rescan about 10 mins before your post and was about to post and wife called with broke down car. Get there and it was a flat so not as bad as she thought.
Transponder is back. Numbers are all the same (12182 V 29997), but it is now S2/8PSK (my AZBox says the FEC is 1/2, but it has been known to be wrong there!). SQ is about the same as before. Not getting any channels to scan in at this time.
Hmm fluctuating between 49 and 63 here all other transponders are strong and solid well except Montana it always does that.
Signal is actually 12180 V 30000 and the FEC is 3/4, not 1/2

Good signal here, it's as strong as the transponder was when it was DVB-S, maybe a lil stronger now actually. As long as they keep the FEC 3/4 and don't bump it up to 5/6 or higher everything should be just peachy.
I see it here, definitely weaker than it was but stronger than any other S2 transponder I have seen. 100% null packets at about 67 Mbps.

And with 67 Mbps to play with, they could run the three HD feeds at 15 Mbps each and still have room for all four SD feeds at 5 Mbps each. I wonder if they'll do something like that.

- Trip
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Yep and now it is a little weaker, but not breaking up. :)
Seven channels now show up in the mux. All are H264/AC3 (according to the AZBox).

good to know...will have to scan them in when I turn the TV back on ;)
sure enough I thought "maybe I'll scan 125 today to see if they are there" but then figured "nah too early in the day" ;)
Ehh... I feel they were too conservative with the encoder settings.

Unless they plan on sticking a fourth HD network on that transponder soon, they really should bump the bitrate up on the feeds to at least 15 Mbps. They could probably get away with bumping it up to 16.5 Mbps actually. 3 x 4 = 12, and right now they've got over 13 Mbps of bandwidth just being used on nothing but null data.

As you can see, they are currently set to 12.5 Mbps each:


I do not see them fluctuating *at all* like the NBC feeds so I think they are actually set to be static @ 12.5 instead of variable bitrate.

There are also now 3 audio tracks on the channels instead of two. This is peculiar... will need to be investigated further, what that new audio track is for. But the audio got an upgrade too! It's now DVD quality. AC-3 @ 448 Kbps instead of 384 Kbps.

I believe the 12.5 Mbps will be high enough to eliminate macroblocking and bring a little bit of extra detail. It's equivalent to MPEG-2 @ 25 Mbps.

I'll do a few exact same frame screenshot comparisons later.
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Unless they plan on sticking a fourth HD network on that transponder soon
The only HD feed they have left to put on there is the 12150 H 14028 feed

HD01 is PBS E
HD02 is PBS W
HD03 is the feed that use to be on 12180
SD01 is the SD feed that use to be on 12180
SD02 is Create (and is labelled SD02 Create)
SD03 is V-Me (labelled SD03 V-Me)
SD04 is World (and labelled SD04 World)

only other feeds left are the ones on TP23 (12169, 12163, 12175 H 4444) to be moved into that transponder
edit: I was wrong...they're just going MPEG4
1 - 31 Transition TX23 (SCPC HD04) to MPEG 4
1 - 31 Establish TX23 (SCPC HD05)
1 - 31 Transition TX23 (SCPC SD05, SD06) to MPEG
From their plans it would seem that they're leaving HD04 on its old 12150 transponder and establishing a 5th HD feed and sticking it on the same 12150 transponder with HD04. They're then slapping their remaining SD feeds on the 12150 alongside HD04 and HD05. Everything will be MPEG-4.

So why they have 13 Mbps of unused bandwidth on 12180 right now will remain a mystery. Their plans indicate that they're finished sticking things on 12180.
I am seeing 'banding' of colors on the new HD feeds with my Coolsat 8100. Does any one have an 8000/8100 to check their systems?

Interestingly the SD feeds look fine. The HD feeds looked great before the changes.
Looks like they just took the mux down. Transponder is still active, but with null packets.

EDIT (1:36PM): Spoke too soon, it's back.

EDIT (1:44PM): They must be tweaking something, I keep getting occasional bursts of errors, and my signal quality has gone up about 12% in the last 10 minutes despite no noticeable change in weather conditions.

- Trip
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Ok, I'm having a hard time finding PBS on 125 now..

I need to have PBS World for 4pm CST tomorrow, there is a show I really, really, really want to record.
But I can't find anything now and I can't figure out from the 8+ pages of tech talk what's going on.

I can pull in LPB on 87w but it doesn't appear that they carry World. :(

The only access I ever had to World was on 125. I've had tree problems for a few months since spring sprung so I've hauled a dish around on an NPRM to a better spot where I should be able to get it but my little meter doesn't do S2.
So what channels are ITC and are just regular DVBS mpeg2 and not S2 that I can find with my meter? I need some point of reference to aim for and tweak on then I can go into the house and manually enter the stuff into the PC tuner which can get S2. Yeah, I need to pony up for a new S2 capable meter it seems but I just can't anytime soon.

Anyway, I see you guys saying stuff is hopping all around to different frequencies but at least it's all staying on the same satellite. I need to know a, solid non S2 channel to aim at, from there I'll just deal with it.

And I guess the other question is, does PBS World show up on any other satellite? KU or C, I don't care, as long as it's solid and stays put for a day or two.

Oh and one last news tidbit, I scored another Prodelin 1.8 dish. :D
Someone donated one to the temple and they don't want it so it was about to go in the dumpster. I asked about it just in time and it's been set aside with my name on it and I can pick it up at my leisure.
So soon I'll have two 1.8m dishes aimed at Dish, one for 129w (their HD sat) and the other I dunno, it will be either 110 or 119, I have to figure out which of the two I use the most. The remaining sat will have a 1.2m aimed at it.
Rain fade? What's that? :D

Thanks... :)
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Sonicview 360elite pvrneeds to be updated ?

Which FTA channel is your wife's favorite?

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