DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

I know losing channels is a subject that each of us have strong emotions about, but after 33 pages and 303 postings, mine included, what more is there to be said about this issue? It in the hands of Charlie, and unless there's a way for us subscribers to really get his ear and make our issues known, we're just stuck. Other than going the "I'm jumping ship" routine, there's nothing we can do. And as much as I'm upset over losing AMC, I'm tied into a 2 year contract because of the Hopper, and even AMC isn't worth paying a $200.00 ETF. Directv is not for me because I'm not into sports, and Insight sucks. So as a consumer there's not a whole lot I can do.:mad:

I know losing channels is a subject that each of us have strong emotions about, but after 33 pages and 303 postings, mine included, what more is there to be said about this issue?
65 pages 644 postings, yours included.;)
I know. I'm dreading it. But I'm hoping I can limp along until THIS wonderful device comes out.

DOH! The interface looks like media center. Bet this thing is going to be $$$$$$ and STILL:

InfiniTV is designed for digital cable and does not support over-the-air ATSC broadcasts."

Why is it Tivo is the only box that supports QAM + ATSC w/ internet content??????
DOH! The interface looks like media center. Bet this thing is going to be $$$$$$ and STILL: "
InfiniTV is designed for digital cable and does not support over-the-air ATSC broadcasts."
Why is it Tivo is the only box that supports QAM + ATSC w/ internet content??????
Tivo's four tuner, top end unit doesn't support ota ATSC either. Usb tuner sticks still do a great job of recording ota in WMC though. And they're pretty cheap too!
Don't buy a lifetime subscription, then. Tivo's monthly fee is probably on par with or lower than what your cableco charges for an HDDVR.

We had the Tivo-HD (worst $250 spent) when we cut the cord a few years ago. We payed the monthly 9.99, which was the better bet since we only lasted a year before we came back to dish.

We are currently looking into the Premiere and will most likely go month to month. 2 units @ ~$50 each and then ~$28/month for service. It will take 3 years to match the cost of getting LifeTime subscription on both, and they will most likely have a much nicer unit out by then.
I know losing channels is a subject that each of us have strong emotions about, but after 33 pages and 303 postings, mine included, what more is there to be said about this issue? It in the hands of Charlie, and unless there's a way for us subscribers to really get his ear and make our issues known, we're just stuck. Other than going the "I'm jumping ship" routine, there's nothing we can do. And as much as I'm upset over losing AMC, I'm tied into a 2 year contract because of the Hopper, and even AMC isn't worth paying a $200.00 ETF. Directv is not for me because I'm not into sports, and Insight sucks. So as a consumer there's not a whole lot I can do.:mad:

Agreed but many here are not under a 2 year commitment and are faced with a few options. Jump to "D" and save some money over the next two years but give up a few HD channels that you may like. Stay and hope something good happens with the AMC deal. See what the local cable companies have to offer. As far as all the pages and all the post rehashing the same old complaint and we all know to no avail, venting has a cleansing of the soul effect. Usually it makes us feel better, the old getting it off your chest scenario.
With multi unit service discount the TiVo lifetime subscription pays for itself in 30 months and you get a terrific DVR that allows you to transfer content directly to your PC.

I have 2 SD stand-alone units an done HD TiVo and I do ALL my OTA recording on the TiVos because they are actually better than the Dish DVR's.

Unfortunately, you cannot record HD from the Dish receiver to the TiVo but you can record the HD programming in SD and play it on your PC.
I'm just tired of losing channels and I don't care who's right or wrong, at some point it is only going to look bad on Dish by not providing these channels. I don't care who's right, I'm going to be mad at company that provides me the channels and then takes them away. Don't give me the "our bill will go up" bs because that will happen with or without AMC. I've never once had a cable/sat company lower my bill and it will not start here. This is getting old Dish, the past few years it feels like you've taken more away then added. I know that's not true but, it just feels that way. Stop being stubborn and just work it out but, keep the channel live! Fix the Disney dispute as well, you owe it to all your customers! Why? Because it is good business to keep channels, not take them away! I don't care about the cost and I don't care about the behind the scenes crap to get the deals done, I do not care. I just want my channels and it is Dish's job to provide them, if they can't do that then maybe I need to take my business elsewhere.


Phew, I feel better now. Seriously though, it is going to suck to lose AMC. My wife loves Mad Men and they are in the middle of there season right now. I love The Walking Dead so, Dish has 'til the return of the Dead before I really get angry! I'd also really love to get the Disney channels in HD again some day... hello Dish, you listening. How about ESPNU HD as well!


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