After seeing the video and reading all 6 pages of comments, I would love to have this remote TODAY! If Dish can get this out soon, with non-buggy software, I feel it would be a big hit. I, like others, am not really interested in the social media part, but I do think Dish is very smart in adding that. My son & wife would use it a lot, as would most of the younger generation.(That sucks that I'm no longer part of that generation!) Also, just because the Internet features are on it, doesn't mean you have to used them. My Onkyo receiver has satellite radio capabilities, but I've never used it.
As for pricing...I think Dish should do one of two things. Either start including the new remote with every Hopper or Joey, or include the basic remote we get now, and offer the new remote as an upgrade at around $50.00. This way the tech challenged buyers can have the simple remote, while the more advance buyers can get the new, coolest, remote ever. But this is something I think Dish has to decide. Which way would promote the new remote better. Would giving the old remote with the Hopper/Joey stifle the sales of the new remote becuse buyers won't want to paid any extra? Would giving the new remote with the Hopper/Joey be frustrating to use by the "older" buyers? The more I think about this, if a buyer is tech savvy enough to want the Hopper/Joey, then they are probably not have any problem with using the new remote, and including it with every Hopper/Joey would be the way to go.
Whatever choice they make, I think the added features on the new remote that are meant for the Hopper/Joey to be easier to use are very, very appealing. Specially the "Tag" and the "Search" functions.
What line do I stand in to order one???
