Terra Nova

So what was found in the badlands ... which future was that from?

Remember, at the beginning, they sent the probe to the past and could not find it in the future; hence, they concluded that the past was a different/parallel Earth.

So ... what the found in the badlands ... does not have to be from the same future/Earth as our cast.

In all honesty, the story line is a little like Stargate Universe ... folks stuck on a planet [ship] ... with calls to home every once in a while ... adding rebel groups in the mix for drama. Personally, I preferred Universe.
One thing I've learned from Abrams is to remember that the characters tell us only what they (the character) knows to be true (or maybe the lie the character wants everyone to believe). So this parallel or quantum reality stuff could be a lie; like the impossibility of having a 2-way portal to the future.
One thing I've learned from Abrams is to remember that the characters tell us only what they (the character) knows to be true (or maybe the lie the character wants everyone to believe). So this parallel or quantum reality stuff could be a lie; like the impossibility of having a 2-way portal to the future.
Abrams has nothing to do with this show, if that is what you were referring to.
I never said he did. It's his influence on things. We were told that the gate was a one way trip. Only two or three episodes from the end of the season/series we find out, that isn't true. My point is still valid.
Or maybe it was only a one-way trip, until Taylor's kid figured out how to make it go both ways. Kept wondering how the 6ers were getting messages to the future though...had to be that it wasn't an alternate timeline afterall, which means the "butterfly effect" can indeed come into play, if it hasn't already...
Again, you all are missing my point. What we hear from the characters is not the absolute truth. We do not know ANYTHING for certain. We know what the characters said. The characters could be wrong, lying, or just speaking the facts as they happen to know it at that point in time in the story line. We make suppositions based on what characters have said in the past and those suppositions are baseless since we have no idea whether the character knew at the time in the story they made their comment.

This is the "new way" of sci-fi. The writers essentially lie to their audience so they can easily change the facts when the story line demands it. Abrams is a master at this and this is why I brought it up. Think of it as the "sixth sense" effect on story telling. The whole plan is to mislead leaving undecipherable clues behind so after the reveal one can go back and see where the deceptions were occurring.

So once again, my point is that we know nothing about the reality of the situation. Nothing we "know" is absolute even after it has been explained because we are being told these facts by flawed characters and not an omniscient narration.
I don't see the show returning, due to low ratings, and high computer graphics cost to create the special effects. But I'm surprised the show is still on at all to be honest, considering that it is sci-fi. But this is still only a half a season since it is ending in December.
10 episodes (including the 2-hour premier and 2-hour season finale) only makes 12 hours of television, which isn't even a partial (13-episode) season. I'd like to see the show return, or at least give us a mini-series to wrap it up.

As for the "new" way to tell sci-fi, it's not just Abrams doing that. Ever since M. Knight brought us the "Sixth Sense", the fuzzy story with the reveal showing us the clues dropped along the way has been popular among producers and directors. It's lazy story-telling, essentially. No need to spend the effort developing an entire mythos with all the details and then tell a tight story. Just fuzz-it-all-up, figure out a general plot-line and if you decide to change course, no problem, because we can just throw away the other plot as incorrect information or invalid facts that the characters had...
Why would you think they would spend more money to wrap up a show they (might) intend to cancel?

Because it's better than most everything aired on Syfy in the past six months...and besides, it'd be nice to get some of the lose ends tied-up. If they intend to cancel it though, then it's likely they won't bother spending another dime on it...
Atnleast ifmthat does not come back, it really did not leave you wondering. All these shows like "V", we invest so much or our time, to be left to wish we had these hours back.
At least it might be only one season, as we are not addicted. There are so many new shows each year. I was beside myself, like when you invest so many weeks, two months, like "V" and they just cancel. The film is in the box, why not move them to one of there cable channels?
So what was found in the badlands ... which future was that from?

Remember, at the beginning, they sent the probe to the past and could not find it in the future; hence, they concluded that the past was a different/parallel Earth.

So ... what the found in the badlands ... does not have to be from the same future/Earth as our cast.

My initial thought when they showed that thing from the Badlands was Bermuda Triangle--or some such random portal in the middle of the ocean that caused a number of disappearances over the centuries. Maybe if the show comes back, the Terra Nova folk will encounter a tribe that worships a statue of Amelia Earhart ... their founding "god." lol
So did this show get the ax or is it coming back? I haven't heard/read anything about it either way...

It's a flip-of-the-coin and Fox has not made a decision. Personally, I think it will be back for a 2nd season simply because Fox is preparing to cancel a number of show such as Fringe (very likely), Alcatraz (likely) and House (announced).
After a full season and the hint of where the story arc is going- like an alternative way back forth from the future via the Bermuda Triangle, I'd say it's already jumped the shark. It needs to get less family friendly ala LOST or just add Will Farrell and make it the new Land of the Lost.

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