The NEW iPhone 4S Discussion

I had to reenter all my passwords. I track 5 accounts so it wasa bit of a pain.
This guy nailed it. He even used the word "smooth"

After the iPhone 4S, Android just feels wrong | ZDNet

But he didnt say buttery :(

I had read another review from and android user on there yesterday that ended up saying basically the same thing, and is one of the things I said in my WP& review in comparison to android. Even on older hardware (wp7 and iPhone 4, will know about the s soon enough), the smoothness of operation is better than any droid phone I have owned or used (dual core included).

Speaking of windows, here is another one in response and in comparison to windows. Interesting comparison here as well.
After the iPhone 4S, Windows Phone 7.5 still feels right | ZDNet
tigerfan33 said:
Ordered my 4s today. How do I get all apps,mail,music,etc. on to my 4s from my 3GS? I have iPad, itouch but only want 3GS data on my 4s.

I would make sure you transfer purchases you have made on your phone into iTunes. Then do a back up. When you get ur new phone you can do two things. One is to set it up as a new device. The other will be to restore from a previous back up. It being a new phone, I would select restore from back up. That should install your apps and if I remember right, it will pull in your email accounts as well. I don't think it will actually bring over any actual emails. If you still need any emails that are still on the old phone I would forward them to another account and after your new phone is set up, just email them back to your self. Your music will have to be manually reloaded. At least that's the way it's always worked out for me. Good luck, and let us know if you need any more help.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
Coming from an Android user with the EVO, I must say the new iPhone 4S does run smooth (buttery, slick, lubenicious, etc). I'm still not used to the smaller screen size, but I do like the music sync with iTunes and the overall quality is much better (the EVO is plastic all around).

I had an iPhone 3G from 2008 to 2009 and this new iPhone is like night and day better than the 3G was.
meStevo said:
I'd be making that change as well I just wanted more than another iPhone 4 is all, still disappointed. I've been using this Droid 1 since 10/2009

I don't understand the sentiment of people thy say the 4S is just a 4. They didn't change the phone's body but the internals are vastly improved. The phone might appear to be the same as the last one, but it's not. I understand that some wanted a bigger screen and LTE (although on ATT, the 4S speeds are comparable to 4G phones), but to call this phone a 4 is ridiculous.

If apple had called this the 5 and changed the shape of the body, no one would have complained. I just don't get all the hate the 4S moniker has generated.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
I don't understand the sentiment of people thy say the 4S is just a 4. They didn't change the phone's body but the internals are vastly improved. The phone might appear to be the same as the last one, but it's not. I understand that some wanted a bigger screen and LTE (although on ATT, the 4S speeds are comparable to 4G phones), but to call this phone a 4 is ridiculous.

If apple had called this the 5 and changed the shape of the body, no one would have complained. I just don't get all the hate the 4S moniker has generated.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

I wanted a bigger screen and LTE, you described my complaint exactly, lol. So to me it's just another 4... a phone a generation old which ran pretty well itself so the upgraded internals do little for me also. I don't think I'm being all that unreasonable, am I?
I got one for my sister, I regularly use android tablets and I have to say that it is something else. I've never been a fan of Apple's practices and pricing but the iPhone 4s is just fast and very responsive. Android always feels choppy, like if you're trying to type something or switching screens. I think it's because the OS is made essentially for just one phone in Apple's case. And the processor is fast. I compared it to a 2nd and to a 4th gen iPod touch and it blew them out of the water. I really hate the small screen and was considering going with a galaxy s 2 when my contract is up but I tried it out at the store and it feel clickety, like you start a program and it chugs and you switch from panoramic to normal view and it feels violent, like a harsh transition. Hopefully Ice Cream Sandwich will change things.
I'd be making that change as well I just wanted more than another iPhone 4 is all, still disappointed. I've been using this Droid 1 since 10/2009

Its not a 4; its a different phone. Look at some of the side by side comparisons of apps loading. The difference is impressive.

And I can tell you it is worlds and worlds apart from my son's OG Moto Droid (which we have had active since 10/2009 as well).

I don't get the hate for it. Its like putting the engine of a corvette in a buick; might look the same on the outside, but nowhere near the same.

This phone is smooth as butter, with the FIRST smartphone camera that is actually worth a darn when taking pictures inside. Add Siri to it, and iCloud, and you have an impressive device.

And while I thought I'd miss the 4.3" screen of the DX, I haven't. Not in the least. And I have started time and time again that LTE is a non-issue for me. Unlimited data on 3G is all I need.

But to each their own.
I know this feature is NOT 4S specific , but been around since 4, but the Retina screen on this device continues to amaze me. Every time I turn the thing on the icons are so crisp they look like they are hand-drawn, like its a painting or screen shot, not a live user interface. Its a piece of art. I have never seen a LCD screen come close to this.

That same quality alone would be enough to get me to upgrade to an iPad 3.
I agree rocky. Ive mentioned to April that it almost looks "fake" (like a photo or one of the non usable display models) it is so clear and crisp. People were debating whether the AMOLED screen or the retina display was better last year. I have had both, and it is no contest IMO.
I agree rocky. Ive mentioned to April that it almost looks "fake" (like a photo or one of the non usable display models) it is so clear and crisp. People were debating whether the AMOLED screen or the retina display was better last year. I have had both, and it is no contest IMO.

YEAH! It looks fake. Like the plasticized photo on the screen when you take it out of the box!

People get mad at apple a lot, but I tell you, when they get something right, they get it right!

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