good movies you watch have saw on lifteime or l m n

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IS THERE ANY WAY A MODERATOR CAN ADD SOME TYPE OF A NOTE THAT POSTER HAS MS? I don't like trying to decipher his posts but he shouldn't be penalized for his handicap.

The poster should add that tidbit in his/her signature. The website should not get involved in that at all.
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The poster should add that tidbit in his/her signature. The website should not get involved in that at all.
Yes it would be nice if he added that information but his typing is terrible and a moderator might have access to a more noticable place for the information.
I saw this thread when it was first posted and have left it alone figuring theOP might explain them self and they did, the OP was doing the best they could as most of us try to do. OP please keep posting & do not let a few scare you off. :)
Everyone here watches CSI (gore), Bones(gore with humor), and Chainsaw Massacre(super gore). It isn't entertaining unles there is blood and guts squirting everywhere.
I don't think you need to have to like gore in order to find LMN films absolutely terrible. LMN movies make Anne of Green Gables look like Total Recall.
im going to add it to my signat urepage im sorryabout all the trouble i have caused. i could comeback tomorrow perffectly fine and my fingers not sotightand typing everything well. it has its days but i am sorry that i have been unacomodatingto many of you and i have given you rsens not to like me.i will try to get htat added on my signature. and i wanted to say that it movedme to see tha tso many people are liki ng the discussions i'm starting up. i had a bad day and it was sogood to see tha t13 people liked this. and by the way the donna yaklech story is tomorrow night it was not last nightor tonight. tomorrow night is at 6 it is so funny becasue her husband constantly gets pissed in the film and it sofunny to watch him throwing fits. prayers for bobby abvout the gay guy is ht enext night and it has funny lines too.
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BengalsFan24 said:
im going to add it to my signat urepage im sorryabout all the trouble i have caused. i could comeback tomorrow perffectly fine and my fingers not sotightand typing everything well. it has its days but i am sorry that i have been unacomodatingto many of you and i have given you rsens not to like me.i will try to get htat added on my signature. and i wanted to say that it movedme to see tha tso many people are liki ng the discussions i'm starting up. i had a bad day and it was sogood to see tha t13 people liked this. and by the way the donna yaklech story is tomorrow night it was not last nightor tonight. tomorrow night is at 6 it is so funny becasue her husband constantly gets pissed in the film and it sofunny to watch him throwing fits. prayers for bobby abvout the gay guy is ht enext night and it has funny lines too.

Hey bud, don't sweat the grammar police. Just enjoy sat guys.
that was a good one i rememberhow bad he got mad a lot of times throwing funny fits i think it was true i can tremember the name of it.
I liked that one where the main character gets ovarian/breast cancer, while her husband/boyfriend is having an affair/physically abusing her, and her daughter gets pregnant/son becomes a gay prostitute. That one was pretty good. It starred Merideth Baxter Birney, IIRC.

Sounds like the plot of at least half of them. So sums it up pretty good for me.
have a rough day withmy ms too sorry im tight in fingersaftecing my typing

You don't have to apologize for having MS and the problems it causes. Now you might have to apologize for being a Bengals fan though. JUST KIDDING, trying to cheer you up a bit. I'm not a sports fans so it doesn't make me any difference really.
They get replayed on Lifetime weekly too. I thought my receiver was screwed up one day I just turned them on when I saw it in the guide. Wondered why I was getting a lot of Lifetime commercials until I actually looked at the guide and saw what channel I was on.
BengalsFan24 said:
that was a good one i rememberhow bad he got mad a lot of times throwing funny fits i think it was true i can tremember the name of it.

The name of the movie is at the top of the video window.
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