good movies you watch have saw on lifteime or l m n

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 24, 2006
i wantedto start a froum about lifetime or l m n movies you watch on dish in just a few short hours crieds unheard the donna yakelich storywillbe airing on l m n at 6 pm i know i will upgradelonge enough to get a dvr of the film before quicklydowngrad ing going back to my normal progr4aning package. i have a dvr librarey of these films what aare some going ones you watch on there i would like to know
The name of this site is SatelliteGUYS!;)
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i wantedto start a froum about lifetime or l m n movies you watch on dish in just a few short hours crieds unheard the donna yakelich storywillbe airing on l m n at 6 pm i know i will upgradelonge enough to get a dvr of the film before quicklydowngrad ing going back to my normal progr4aning package. i have a dvr librarey of these films what aare some going ones you watch on there i would like to know
can you read?, cause you sure can't write at least in the English language. spell check is your friend maybe not in your case too many errors.
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sorry and i sense anger i justwanted to know what movies yall watch from those channel i like donna yakelich
I liked that one where the main character gets ovarian/breast cancer, while her husband/boyfriend is having an affair/physically abusing her, and her daughter gets pregnant/son becomes a gay prostitute. That one was pretty good. It starred Merideth Baxter Birney, IIRC.
sorry and i sense anger i justwanted to know what movies yall watch from those channel i like donna yakelich

no need to be sorry, you're not the one who should be giving out apologies.

I for one can't say anything about movies on there but if my father was a member and not terrified by a computer he could chime in about all them. He loves the channel!
If you want positive opinions on movies shown on Lifetime, you may need to seek another forum, because here it is less likely that people would find those movies enjoyable, myself included. They are dull, predictable, and unimaginative. Some people like the "wholesome" flavor of them and that's fine... you just need to ask those people what they think of those particular films.

Now, if you want to talk about movies on TCM...
Everyone here watches CSI (gore), Bones(gore with humor), and Chainsaw Massacre(super gore). It isn't entertaining unles there is blood and guts squirting everywhere.
IS THERE ANY WAY A MODERATOR CAN ADD SOME TYPE OF A NOTE THAT POSTER HAS MS? I don't like trying to decipher his posts but he shouldn't be penalized for his handicap.
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