SG9120 / SG9120B HH DiSEqC Motor

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Great. Thanks. Glad I ran brand new RG6 a couple years ago.

just make sure to use good quality compression type cable ends....not the cheap crimp or twist on type....and if its one piece of cable without any connections/splices that makes it better also....
just make sure to use good quality compression type cable ends....not the cheap crimp or twist on type....and if its one piece of cable without any connections/splices that makes it better also....

Changed to compression a couple of years ago. So much easier to attach to the RG6 :) And ran brand new RG6 solid copper with no splices.
Ok. This is my first install of a KU with a motor I'm still a bit confused. Please verify I am correct. My Lat and Long are the following 38.53 N 81.68w.

Do I set the Elevation for the motor to the bracket at 42.58?

Instructions state " Set declination Angle by the scale on the antenna dish. The reading on the Dish should be: 40 degrees - declination angle. "

I'm attaching a GeosatPro 90cm dish to the motor what does the elevation angle on the dish need to be?

Ok. Just noticed one side of the mounting bracket says Latitude and the other says Elevation. Do I just set the motor to 38 Latitude tighten then done?


Set your motors LATITUDE scale to 38.5 and never change it,

On a side note try starting your own thread to ask your own qiestions next time
I remember that another member posted that installation manual was incorrect and the actual declination of the dish should be set at 30 degrees - declination angle.

Maybe a member with a SG9120b could comment?
I remember that another member posted that installation manual was incorrect and the actual declination of the dish should be set at 30 degrees - declination angle.

Maybe a member with a SG9120b could comment?
The instructions says 40 - declination angle. So the correct one is 30 - declination angle on the SG9210b?
the declination setting is motor specific. you need to set the motor bracket to your lat and look up your declination in the manuals table. some motors require 30 - declination (from table) while others require 40 - declination. its all about following the instructions in the manual. the variation is in the bend angle of the tube. the result you get is the dish elevation but the motor bracket will always be close to your lattitude.

crackt out,.
But the wrong manual is sometimes packed with the motor! So you may need to measure the Bend for the motor you have, and see if it is the same as the manual shows in the formula for declination.
Can someone else that owns a SG9210b confirm if my instructions are correct. "40 - declination angle" Thanks.
Can someone else that owns a SG9210b confirm if my instructions are correct. "40 - declination angle" Thanks.

ok. lets try to tackle this logically and with some common sense. if in fact the wrong manual is being packed with these motors then some trial and error can still lead to success. begin by setting the motor bracket to your elevation (38.5). cable everything up and move the motor to 83w using usals. your aiming for 11735 H 4444. now. trial one. set the dish elevation to 40 - 6 = 34 (does the dish elevation look relatively close to the dishes on one of your neighbours house ???). rotate the motor bracket slowly around the pole (east and west). do you find a signal ? if not then lower the dish half a degree and repeat. still no signal then raise it half a degree and try once more. still no signal ??? then set the dish elevation to 30 - 6 = 24 and try the old east and west shuffle once more. from what i could find on google the dish elevation should be 40 - declination and i think 6 is the declination table value for your location. if you get this far then you need to tweak the setup by moving out to the far ends of the arc. if your too low on the ends then its dish up motor down. too high and its dish down motor up. if one side is high and one side is low then rotate the whole setup to the low side. it takes alot of patience and some visualizing at how the motor is working. after some practice you will be able to aim an hh setup in 15 minutes. the most important thing is to get outside and try. one last piece of advice is to physically take a reciever / monitor or good meter to the install location. this will save you the most time and frustration.

crackt out,.
one last piece of advice is to physically take a reciever / monitor or good meter to the install location. this will save you the most time and frustration

crackt's comments are spot on and I especially agree with the part about using a receiver if possible. I have an old Pansat 2500 which I keep for the sole purpose of dish positioning with an old 9in LCD screen.
ok. lets try to tackle this logically and with some common sense. if in fact the wrong manual is being packed with these motors then some trial and error can still lead to success

As if motor installs weren't hard enough for a newbie let alone a seasoned Satellite Guy with 485 posts......... Now we are suggesting being logical, using common sense plus adding the typical trial and error? ;)
ok. lets try to tackle this logically and with some common sense. if in fact the wrong manual is being packed with these motors then some trial and error can still lead to success. begin by setting the motor bracket to your elevation (38.5). cable everything up and move the motor to 83w using usals. your aiming for 11735 H 4444. now. trial one. set the dish elevation to 40 - 6 = 34 (does the dish elevation look relatively close to the dishes on one of your neighbours house ???). rotate the motor bracket slowly around the pole (east and west). do you find a signal ? if not then lower the dish half a degree and repeat. still no signal then raise it half a degree and try once more. still no signal ??? then set the dish elevation to 30 - 6 = 24 and try the old east and west shuffle once more. from what i could find on google the dish elevation should be 40 - declination and i think 6 is the declination table value for your location. if you get this far then you need to tweak the setup by moving out to the far ends of the arc. if your too low on the ends then its dish up motor down. too high and its dish down motor up. if one side is high and one side is low then rotate the whole setup to the low side. it takes alot of patience and some visualizing at how the motor is working. after some practice you will be able to aim an hh setup in 15 minutes. the most important thing is to get outside and try. one last piece of advice is to physically take a reciever / monitor or good meter to the install location. this will save you the most time and frustration.

crackt out,.

Thanks I'm a newbie on HH installs this is my first. It wouldn't be any fun if I got it right the first time. ;)

38.5 motor bracket 34 on dish. Level pole (see profile pic) (6 levels) ;) Motor bracket is level on both sides.

Using signal meter outside but I've never used a signal meter using a HH motor I guess I have it hooked up right.

Using receiver power to power my meter. I have it connected to the LNB side of HH motor and then to LNB is that where I connect it? I seen it jump to 31 a couple of times but no steady signal.
SatelliteAV said:
As if motor installs weren't hard enough for a newbie let alone a seasoned Satellite Guy with 485 posts......... Now we are suggesting being logical, using common sense plus adding the typical trial and error? ;)

not sure what you mean. how about not confusing the issue further with a useless reply. (i took your post as an insult when i was trying to help).

crackt out,.
not sure what you mean. how about not confusing the issue further with a useless reply. (i took your post as an insult when i was trying to help).

crackt out,.

I think what SatelliteAV was eluding to - what a shame that instructions can't be QCed for accuracy - such that we have to set them aside as practically useless, and go with your method of common sense and trial and error.

So I wouldn't take it as an insult to you but rather as a rebuke to those responsible for disseminating wrong information.
not sure what you mean. how about not confusing the issue further with a useless reply. (i took your post as an insult when i was trying to help).

crackt out,.


I meant absolutely no insult towards you! Sorry if I came across that way. Your suggestions are spot on! I was attempting to insert some humor along along with my attempts to assist....... I must have missed!

To bad that no Satellite Guy owns this motor to confirm if the motor tube offset is 40 degrees or 30 degrees. Sure would simplify PKII's situation. I do see that PKII is asking Robbie for clarification in another thread.

Nothing quite as frustrating as following directions to the "T" just to find out that they are wrong!
I have the motor, but never checked the angle. I just use USALS and aim the dish until I get signal, and besides, you can't trust the engraved elevation marks on most dishes anyway.

My method does require the receiver and a monitor at the dish for immediate feedback.
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