Going to pick up a birdview this weekend, questions.

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 15, 2007
Spotsylvania VA
I'm going to go pick up a birdview this weekend. Looking at the ones everybody has posted the support arms are different but what I was wondering if the scalar ring is the birdview's. I live in Spotsylvania VA my declination is 6 you guys say the dish comes with 5 so i guess I'm using washers?


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A little unclear about your question. Without closeups, it looks like the scalar plate is original based on the ribs that show in the picture, and you're missing one of each of the supports. It should have six supports known as the "hexapod." Kind-of looks like the three mounting pieces at the dish that the struts screw-into are missing and have been replaced with straight single struts bolted thru the back. Or, (and I couldn't be sure) Its a very EARLY model before the common design was perfected. Should be a plate on the back of the dish with a serial number. May be quite an early production model perhaps??

Not that it matters any (also) but I've never seen one installed with the logo in that direction. Obviously a "looks" thing only. But, the original BV dual LNB would have been designed to lineup a dot on its body with an arrow on the scalar plate, then a small "cutout" in the plate allows the heavy cable to exit through the upper left as you look at the dish from the ground at the front, the cable following an upper strut to the hole in the dish which faces down in your picture. (would be upper right in standard installation.) Any Birdview is a good birdview. This one's had some mods done.

If your question is meant to ask about focal length, the original BV struts and plate seem to work quite nicely with today's C and C/Ku combination LNBF's with only a modification of enlarging the center hole to accept the larger cylindrical body of the new units. They adjust nicely for good signal without modifying the strut length.

Also if you want to modify this for full Horizon to Horizon FTA, you'll want to look up member "nicknjen" here for info on using newer parts that very accurately allow this type of dish to work with today's V-box and G-box style positioners. Can be done! He may have a kit or info that can help you.
Yep you got it! That's what I was asking. When I went to look at it I thought the same thing it looked upside down but the plate on the back was not. I did take a picture of it but the serial number didn't make it in the picture. It has had some mods to it, and the cover is off the back the motor is pretty rusted up I hope I can save it. Now when I put this back up should I rotate the dish or keep it like it is?0501111620a.jpg
Yep you got it! That's what I was asking. When I went to look at it I thought the same thing it looked upside down but the plate on the back was not. I did take a picture of it but the serial number didn't make it in the picture. It has had some mods to it, and the cover is off the back the motor is pretty rusted up I hope I can save it. Now when I put this back up should I rotate the dish or keep it like it is?View attachment 64833

You can do it however you want to. Turn it, or leave it as is. Won't matter. It will only go like it is, or 180 degrees opposite.

Looks like to me someone broke the original mounting arms ( they're aluminum), and cobbled up something that worked instead of fixing it like it should have been done.

Also, the aluminum part is the original scalar, and it looks like they took a Chaparral scalar and bolted it on the back of the original scalar, probably because of the size of the throat in the original scalar being too small, as was mentioned above, so they just slapped it on there. And from the looks of it, it worked just fine as it is. Now though, I would do it correctly, its worth it, if nothing else so we won't make fun of you...LOL

Oh, and welcome to the BV club!
The motors themselves are sealed pretty well. Really don't remember one ever going "bad" unless they were the victim of an unusual voltage issue or some other odd event. You can easily test it with a 12-volt battery or battery "jumpstart" box. it'll move 1/3 normal speed, but...should "move" and reversing the polarity verifies that it can run both directions.

As you restore, make sure there's plenty of grease on the gear drive, and very little or no slop as the dish contacts the worm-gear drive, if you grab the dish and attempt to move it "push/pull on it" with your hand.

I agree on the fact that the dish was modified due to damage. The proper length of a birdview strut including threads that would go IN the scalar and IN the original mount is 43". Hope that helps! If you need a spare Scalar (original Birdview) I'm sure we can scrape up one for you somewhere.........all I have had done is had the center milled-out for the newer LNBF's to slide-in. The newer LNBF's scalars will bolt right on the birdview's if you get the right bolt, allowing a "no modification" upgrade.

On the opposite end from the motor, is there a small "pot" that looks like a volume control attached, (old positioner style) or...does it have a wheel and sensor-switch installed?

Once you upgrade to new LNBF's, however, if you do c/ku, you'll definitely want to cover the feeds to keep water out. Creativity counts here!

Some of the mods I've done or been part-of can be found here: (I have to have the metalwork done by a friend, I do my own LNBF mounting, aligning, experimenting....and lend Birdview advice.)


and here:

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Measure from the scalar face (dish side center) to the center of the dish. I'm sure someone here remembers their measurement. See how well the repair/modification was done, and if it needs re-doing.
Think I recognize those white wires and reed switch(pulse conversion) dangling down in the pic, right side
Should be a nylon disk with magnets affixed to the end of the worn gear shaft.
A while back, I went to a BV dish I installed BITD, and converted to pulse and standard LNB later.
Someone beat me, they took the dish, and pulse conversion, worm gear and motor. Left behind the rest of the mount (???) Anybody wanna fes up?
Thanks Guys, I am going to get it today. It does have the magnetic wheel and sensor on it but from what i have herd it's not good enough anyway. The lady I am getting it from does not know much about it I think her husband past away years back.One more thing why is it so hard to get help from your friends and or family when you ask them for help to go get a dish. Wish me luck getting that pole out of the ground I'm sure I'll just cut it that does not even look easy.
Hopefully you're taking a truck for this.....in the past, we've had great luck with breaking up any concrete on the top with a large heavy maul or similar, and once the dish is removed from the pole, putting chains around the lower part of the pole, then attaching to a truck and pulling repeatedly. Pole survives just fine, truck survives just fine in our history.....just be careful! Once you've got it started out, keep pulling and hopefully a "bell shaped" mass of concrete will come up with it, which you can knock-off with the "large maul"...and you've got a complete pole with the fins on the bottom that prevent it from rotating in the concrete when reinstalled.

By all means, BE CAREFUL doing the above, we've done 3 or 4 that way, but...it takes patience, and watching for not being hurt by chains, and certainly you don't want to do any damage to a vehicle either.

Why is it hard to get help? Well, I've always had good luck, but bribes of food and "adult beverages" don't hurt. We once pulled a birdview during the final game of the NHL season...and the guy who helped me never forgave me, but he did it! The radio was on through the whole thing, but we got the dish!
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Don't cut the 6 inch tube off at ground level!
Not unless you plan on attaching the remains to a NPRM like Linuxman did.
Do the right thing, and dig it out (see my signature for pix)
The 'pole' is about 10' long, and you need all of it to properly and easily mount the dish.

I followed in the footsteps of Linuxman, who nabbed a number of Birdview dishes a few years back.
He took a team of buddies with him in one thread, for an out-of-town BV recovery!

Be sure to review all the Birdview threads you can find, and take the right tools with you.
There's an unusually large bolt in the top of the mount that attaches it to a welded-in plate in the top of the pole.

The dish is heavy; take it off the motor/mount first.
The motor assembly is very heavy; remove it next.
Dig out that pole; you'll want every inch of it!
Well Guys I got it! I had to cut the pole it was in a 5'X5' slab 6" thick I wasn't going to mess with that. The pipe in the slab was 6.5" and about 2.5' tall the birdview pipe was slid in it and welded.I just slid two 3" pipes 4' long in the bottom and welded them as far as i could reach and two smaller ones on the sides stuck it in the ground and threw a poop load of cement in, I think it will be just fine. The dish seems a little warped there is no dings or dents like a tree branch fell on it. I got the dish all cleaned up the mount taken apart painted greased up, all bushings are good shape. Now the motor on the other hand giving me a little problem so took it apart cleaned up the brushes and armature, got it to work pretty good till I tried to reverse it, nothing goes good one way just not the other. It was late so I gave up for the night.
Sorry Guys I know how you like pictures, I was so crazy busy this weekend I worked on it when ever I had a chance. Got the motor working the magnets came unglued so I cleaned it all up and used some good old epoxy on them seems good to go. So its up everything seems good I didn't mess with the support arms it's not as bad as it looks its dead center and all even, you know what the say if it ain't broke don't fix it.The mount is all painted,0508111315.jpg0508111746a.jpg0508111314a.jpg0508111315.jpg0508111745.jpg greased up good to go all I need now is an LNB to see what I can get with it.
I'm one of the members of the BVOC. I have been trying to get elected to some office, but there are never any elections.

Anyway I have the same dish but with the six struts to the scalar plate. If I can make one suggestion, it's to measure from the edge of the dish to the scalar. Only three struts will flex a lot easier. If it's off center you should bend or wire it into a good center position

Anyway, just last night I got this super clear S-2 HD feed of the Pacquiao/Mosely fight. Now I'm in California and the satellite was at 58w. Guys in Texas were saying they couldn't bring it in with their dishes. So the dish is superior and if you aim it carefully and have a solid reed switch/magnet wheel conversion, you will like what you can grab. I have been able to pick up satellites from 55 w to 148 w, I could reach farther west, but there never is anything on those far west satellites.
I'm one of the members of the BVOC. I have been trying to get elected to some office, but there are never any elections.

That's because its a benevolent dictatorship. And the President is a crusty old soul, God Bless Him. In fact, I think we will soon have to have a bloody coup, because the President is selling his Birdview dishes. So stay tuned. Things will change. And in the mean time, we have a janitor, the have a vice president, we were going to have a treasurer but we all don't have any money ( otherwise we'd all be watching unlimited Directv and having scantily clad wimmens fan us and feed us grapes, instead of working on 25 year old satellite dishes.) So, as Vice-President of BVOC Cajun-Connection/BVOCCC (Birdview Owners Club Cigar Chompers), I hereby authorize you to make up a title and submit it to the proper authorities for official recognition and acceptance.
That's because its a benevolent dictatorship. And the President is a crusty old soul, God Bless Him. In fact, I think we will soon have to have a bloody coup, because the President is selling his Birdview dishes. So stay tuned. Things will change. And in the mean time, we have a janitor, the have a vice president, we were going to have a treasurer but we all don't have any money ( otherwise we'd all be watching unlimited Directv and having scantily clad wimmens fan us and feed us grapes, instead of working on 25 year old satellite dishes.) So, as Vice-President of BVOC Cajun-Connection/BVOCCC (Birdview Owners Club Cigar Chompers), I hereby authorize you to make up a title and submit it to the proper authorities for official recognition and acceptance.

Hmmm.....so, for...a former BV salesman who has now brought in yet ANOTHER BV owner to the club, and to this site, (one who has already shown innovation in making the BV's work for FTA even better also known as member "nicknjen")....we should also do this? I was selling BV in the 80's, and haven't been without one for more than a couple years!

I'm thinking we need a new club "constitution"......or "charter." Betcha the prez wouldn't mind!
I'm one of the members of the BVOC. I have been trying to get elected to some office, but there are never any elections.

Quote by Stogie5150
That's because its a benevolent dictatorship. And the President is a crusty old soul, God Bless Him. In fact, I think we will soon have to have a bloody coup, because the President is selling his Birdview dishes. So stay tuned. Things will change. And in the mean time, we have a janitor, the have a vice president, we were going to have a treasurer but we all don't have any money ( otherwise we'd all be watching unlimited Directv and having scantily clad wimmens fan us and feed us grapes, instead of working on 25 year old satellite dishes.) So, as Vice-President of BVOC Cajun-Connection/BVOCCC (Birdview Owners Club Cigar Chompers), I hereby authorize you to make up a title and submit it to the proper authorities for official recognition and acceptance.

As soon as I sell my 2 Birdview dishes, I will have to step down as President as Stogie says.

I think that a nice way to pick a new President would be to meet some criteria.

1. List all the Birdview dishes you have and what you had to do to get them. IE. drive to Nashville, TN to pick one up.

2. List all the modifications you have done to your Birdview dishes and most importantly any designs or procedures you may have done and shared them back with the Birdview community.

3. And lastly, be ready to fight Stogie for the job. :eek:
Hmmm.....so, for...a former BV salesman who has now brought in yet ANOTHER BV owner to the club, and to this site, (one who has already shown innovation in making the BV's work for FTA even better also known as member "nicknjen")....we should also do this? I was selling BV in the 80's, and haven't been without one for more than a couple years!

I'm thinking we need a new club "constitution"......or "charter." Betcha the prez wouldn't mind!

You're taking this WAY too seriously, Radio. BTW don't have anything to do with status or knowledge. It got started as a goof, and we just ran with it. We made Linuxman President because at the time he had the most recent experience. The rest of us just chose a title...LOL...Be aware whoever wants to be President has to answer all the dumb arse questions from the newbies! LOL ( which is why I won't be running, I don't have that kinda patience, I admit it freely.)

We have members from Hillbillystan to Cajunland!
Me serious? Never...I just love the fun of the board! Glad there's others out there with the BV "bug" in their blood. I fully agree with you on everything posted thus far! I actually think there's enough BV units
still out in people's yards that this mythical group could grow! The excitement here when someone finds one is noticeable!
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