Questions about the new XiP Receivers?

Foxbat said:

Oh, and is it okay to be bitter about Dish failing to do this whole-house distribution with the ViP series?

This is my thought. Why couldn't they find some way to do MRV using the ViP series. Directv was able to do it with their HR series.
Scott, what I want to know is this: looking at the XIP NODE it has 4 outputs( one for 813 and 3 for 110's. What's the point in having four outputs with only 3 streams to the box ? It should be limited to just two XIP 110s unless you get another 813 right?
Scott, what I want to know is this: looking at the XIP NODE it has 4 outputs( one for 813 and 3 for 110's. What's the point in having four outputs with only 3 streams to the box ? It should be limited to just two XIP 110s unless you get another 813 right?

Because many people want a box where they barely watch tv... And they estimate for MOST users at any time at least one tuner will be unused as al 4 tvs won't be on at the same time.

If you find yourself needing more tuners get another 813 and get rid of one of the 110's.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Because many people want a box where they barely watch tv... And they estimate for MOST users at any time at least one tuner will be unused as al 4 tvs won't be on at the same time.

If you find yourself needing more tuners get another 813 and get rid of one of the 110's.

That makes since! I didn't even think like that. That's exactly how uverse operates and I'm sure it's not a problem for a normal sized family
I gather by the previous two posts that you can hook up 4 TVs, but only watch 3 at any given time?

I'd also like to see a wiring diagram from dish to node to 3 TVs, 1 of which is connected to a ViP722. And would there ever be any communication with that ViP722?
I gather by the previous two posts that you can hook up 4 TVs, but only watch 3 at any given time?

I'd also like to see a wiring diagram from dish to node to 3 TVs, 1 of which is connected to a ViP722. And would there ever be any communication with that ViP722?

I'm pretty sure that's 3 different live shows but more TV's (xip110) can be used at the same time. So any one know what the actual limit will be?
So does this mean that if anybody wants a coaxial connection to a tv in another room then they have to use the 110? Some people still have SD televisions in the secondary rooms (bedrooms, etc).

Dish Network needs to have a receiver like the 211 receiver where you can add EHD's to it to make it a DVR and however many tuners you need for use in your home. If you need four tuners then you can add three via a special port (usb if it would work that way). If you need OTA tuners then add it via USB like they plan on doing with the 813. Make it more like a computer so that you can add what you need to customize it the way that you want instead of having lots of different receiver models to support. If a hard drive fails you can go out and buy another one or wait for a different one without having to swap the receiver out. If a tuner fails then you can just swap them out.
Does anyone else believe this wont see the light of day late 2012/spring 2013?

I just think it is funny they said Nov of this year. I give that about a snowballs chance in he.... of happening. I will say closer to Nov of 2012.

Here is the math. Dish said coming soon on the sling extender in Jan of 2010 so "coming soon" means 15 and counting months. In the case of the xips they have said 6 months. In my mind "coming soon" is a shorter period of time than "6 months" so I would conclude 6 months of Dish time would be a minimum of 18 months of real world time.
Correct me if I miss understood, but I believe the quote was Echostar will delivery to Dishnetwork by November of this year.

This does not mean Dishnetwork will start deploying it then. They may want to to pilot test first putting the release into a year from then. I think that is why the extender was delayed, pilot test found issues they had to fix.

Remember Dish and Echostar split, but are still owned by charlie.

I just think it is funny they said Nov of this year. I give that about a snowballs chance in he.... of happening. I will say closer to Nov of 2012.

Here is the math. Dish said coming soon on the sling extender in Jan of 2010 so "coming soon" means 15 and counting months. In the case of the xips they have said 6 months. In my mind "coming soon" is a shorter period of time than "6 months" so I would conclude 6 months of Dish time would be a minimum of 18 months of real world time.
Does anyone else believe this wont see the light of day late 2012/spring 2013?

I'm not going to hold my breath, but I think Dish will be pushing to get this out a lot harder than they have any of the Sling stuff or the 922. Sling is a niche that is hard to sell to non-geeks and the 922 is just a pretty 722 (with Sling).

The 813/110 fill a major hole in their line up and it should be less expensive (for Dish) than any current than VIP solution for the same number of TVs (yet they will be able to charge a premium for it).
So does this mean that if anybody wants a coaxial connection to a tv in another room then they have to use the 110? Some people still have SD televisions in the secondary rooms (bedrooms, etc).
Well I don't think they are getting rid of any of their other receiver models anytime soon. But if you want to use this system in your entire home then ya, that's what you need to do. The 110 has the standard composite outs. So just use that on your SD TV. Single feed SD receivers may become the thing for RVs or something.

Dish Network needs to have a receiver like the 211 receiver where you can add EHD's to it to make it a DVR and however many tuners you need for use in your home. If you need four tuners then you can add three via a special port (usb if it would work that way). If you need OTA tuners then add it via USB like they plan on doing with the 813. Make it more like a computer so that you can add what you need to customize it the way that you want instead of having lots of different receiver models to support. If a hard drive fails you can go out and buy another one or wait for a different one without having to swap the receiver out. If a tuner fails then you can just swap them out.

Well see there's a problem with that idea. Making swapable hardware like that would be convenient for us, but not for them. There would be an increased cost to manufacture those swappable parts. Kinda like how Apple wanted to stop making laptops with batteries you could remove. Then you also would have content providers being nervous about the fact that the hard drive could be pulled out. What's stopping someone from hacking that "broken" hard drive with shows on it. Don't get me wrong, what you describe would be great. But I don't any of DISH's boxes will get any more open then they already are.
I'm pretty sure that's 3 different live shows but more TV's (xip110) can be used at the same time. So any one know what the actual limit will be?

Ouch. Yes, I posted too casually. Live satellite is what I meant. Which, of course, leads to how many active streams. I'd hope it would support 3 live sat, 1 or 2 live OTA, and 1 or 2 DVR'd programs, to as many TVs.

making dvd

Will adding a Hi speed 1.4 HDMI cable on a Vip722 help

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