Well, simply take a look at Oak Hill. They are an investment vehicle. They aren't a broadcaster. So they may have simply bought the channels from Fox and signed Fox to an LMA to manage their stations. Add to the fact that Oak Hill would probably get more retransmission money being tied to Fox than they would going alone...

Oak Hill bought eight or nine affiliates from Fox, and a couple of years earlier bought New York Times broadcasting, which was another eight or nine affiliates of various networks. So they've only been in the broadcasting business a short while, and as a non-broadcaster but as an equity investment firm, may have realized that they get more money by aligning.The last rumor of a takedown on DirecTV was G4 (I think). The latest rumor regarding Dish Network, who has lost four HD channels by Disney, and the Fox-controlled NatGeo, FX and 16 RSN's now may also lose Fox, the network-owned and Oak Hill-owned stations. Pick your poison! :)

Yep! Looks like this is starting to become a trend with all providers.;)
so if i sign up for league pass if both teams broadcast on fox sports net i will miss the game. But if 1 is fox sports net and other is comcast sportsnet i would get comcast feed?
With this will the still be able to broadcast games in HD?

The answer is yes, unless one of the teams is within the local rights area based on your service address, if this is the case then you will be blacked out for that game (on the League pass channel) as the only way to view a game in which one or both teams are within your local rights area is on your actual RSN feed.

What exactly is Dish suppose to do everyone? Ever think that there may be a valid reason for what they are doing? I myself feel that they need to do this in order to keep prices reasonable. The people on here that say that a small price increase is not a big are morons. I don't care if it's nickel increase, subs will complain. As a retailer I hear complaints when customers bills go up dimes or nickels. People do not want increases, it just won't work. Why not just let Dish get this settled and see what happens.

If the channels get removed permanently or there is a price increase then I can justify all the constant bitching a little more.

So you're a retailer and anyone with a different opinion than you is a moron? I'm sorry, I thought I clicked into this area:
\You really think Charlie gives a dam about keeping our prices reasonable? He cares about his profit margin. Period. Whatever happens our rates will go up in Feb. I wonder if either Dish or FOX has offered to meet halfway. Nah, that's way too logical.

Yes I do think he wants to keep our prices reasonable or else he won't have any profit margin.
There is no evidence to show that the issue is full time RSNs, which is the only think I recall you complaining about.

Actually - and this is the fifth time I have posted this - there is clear evidence that it is not full time HD RSNs that is the issue.

Only a few weeks ago, Fox Sports (the same people who have the RSNs) made a deal with DirecTV to allow DirecTV to create a part-time channel to broadcast live matches from Fox Soccer Plus HD, with Fox Soccer Plus SD being full-time.

TW Cable has Fox Soccer Plus HD full time.

So, clearly Fox Sports does not care whether their channels are in HD part-time or full-time.

In fact, no one other than only us middle class TV viewers care about full-time HD RSNs. It seems clear that no executives at any corporation care about it.

The way it works is this... The OOM packages (Center Ice, NBA League Pass, etc.) is a rights fee paid directly to the League this allows Dish to resell the rights to all the games they have access to Out of Market subscribers. This precludes Dish is carrying the regional channels the games air on.

.... So a game in Toronto where they are hosting any other Canadian team will not be available on Center Ice.


I am sure that some all Canadian games I've seen involving Vancouver are shown on CI, but almost certainly not in HD.
This is a first....a Comcast (aka Comcrap to me) salesman just knocked on my door trying to sell me cable and asked me if I was a sportsfan (which I am). He knew about the Dish/FOX dispute and me losing out on my RSN. He must be targeting those in the neighborhood with a DISH dish on the roof. I told him I am hoping it will be resolved SOON.
I suggest you read this: Argument from ignorance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because there is no evidence to show that the dispute is not over 24/7 RSNs does not mean that is what the dispute is over.

The evidence is it is over cost (with Dish talking about 50% increases) and channel placement (independently reported, and strongly hinted at by Charlie's comments on customer choice). Granted, the dispute may involve full time RSNs. But there is no evidence, and evidence to show that there are larger issues at stake.

I'm not saying that 24/7 HD RSN's are the sole issue, Im just saying its one of many.

You are sounding worse than Haller. Get off the Dish forum, you are not a Dish customer, which makes you a troll.

Ahh No. I'm free to post here just like you are. There is no rule that says you have to be a cousotmer to post in the forum.

Actually - and this is the fifth time I have posted this - there is clear evidence that it is not full time HD RSNs that is the issue.

Only a few weeks ago, Fox Sports (the same people who have the RSNs) made a deal with DirecTV to allow DirecTV to create a part-time channel to broadcast live matches from Fox Soccer Plus HD, with Fox Soccer Plus SD being full-time.

TW Cable has Fox Soccer Plus HD full time.

So, clearly Fox Sports does not care whether their channels are in HD part-time or full-time.

In fact, no one other than only us middle class TV viewers care about full-time HD RSNs. It seems clear that no executives at any corporation care about it.

You only point out one channel out of 15 fox channels that is carryed part time on Directv. FSN Soccer Plus is a replay of the main channel (2 hours behind) minus the live games. What programming is on that channel other than the game time content that isnt on the main channel? None!

Also every RSN that directv carryies from fox and comcast is carried in 100 percent HD, All the time! Just because D* carries one of 30 rsn's part time isnt the word or a trend that fox doesnt care about HD part time programming, the word is they do care, otherwise they wouldnt invest into it.
Thank you, Charlie, for not giving up and forcing me to help pay outrageous sports salaries by giving me programming options that don't force me to take an expensive RSN I won't watch.

I disagree with this thinking. Look I can appreciate anyone wanting to keep prices down but the fact remains we are being shorted some programming while staying at the same monthly fee.

If this Charlie guy wanted to reduce programming to make a stand, the only way I can get on board is if I see a concurrent reduction in my monthly cost. How on earth am I supposed to feel proud of what is going on if I'm now getting less for the same price? How is that in the best interest of the customer? It's not.

If nobody threatens to leave over this then ole Charlie can arbitrarily fatten his bottom line every few months by pulling a few channels to reduce his cost. Then he can get on TV and tell you he is "working for you" while increasing your receiver costs while you sleep.

As for the people that say "well I didn't watch that anyway so who cares" that is fine for you but not for everyone. If these channels didn't matter to the general public there wouldn't be a dispute over them.
so if i sign up for league pass if both teams broadcast on fox sports net i will miss the game. But if 1 is fox sports net and other is comcast sportsnet i would get comcast feed?
With this will the still be able to broadcast games in HD?

To watch your local team, you may "move" to some other market then you can watch your local team on the League Pass channel.

Kinda sick and twisted, but should do the trick.
I've monitored this forum for over 8 years and subscribed to Dish based on what I've read here and all i can say is I'll miss you guys. I had to reregister because ive never posted and forgot my info. I've had all of Charlie I can stand. I watch business news, politics and local sports. ,Eight years ago Fox news was on a higher tier then the other politics/news,, Fox Business is on a higher tier then CNBC. Being on a higher tier reduces Fox's ad revenue and I have to pay more money to watch. This isn't the case with other providers. Charlie has been screwing with Fox for years and i suspect they are tired of his antics. I suspect if Charlie would agree to carry FB on all the tiers that CNBC is on it would go a long way toward resolving the issue. , I realize many of you are strong Dish supporters and anti-Fox but my alma matter is playing their conference opener Saturday and to see it I had to invite myself to a friends house that has Direct TV. When I called to order Direct TV the gal told me they have had to add additional phone lines because of the increased volume and she apologized for being slow because she normally worked in another department but they were so swamped they were switching everyone they could to customer service. Over two years I'll save about $600, get more channels and some buttons and bells I don't now have. In two years the pricing will be about the same, except i can go to a lower tier to get what I want and ill save money over Charlie's pricing. But the kicker is as of today Charlie doesnt even offer what i want and there is the chance that in a month he'll be dropping a major network. ,Frankly it infuriates me that Dish is giving credits and discounts to those that take the time to complain--how do you know the next caller won't get a better deal. This is just ignorant. I'm not sure I will like Direct's DVR but at least it wasn't pirated from another company. Actually as I plunk this out on my phone I realize Charlie's operation is pretty sleazy. Ok I feel better now. Oh and I'm doing this on your iPhone app-- pretty slick.
Is there a way I can get out of my 6 month old contract with Disk besides paying a large fee. I watch FX a lot and I want it back. If Dish takes this channel away are they not braking their contract with me?:mad:

Is there a way I can get out of my 6 month old contract with Disk besides paying a large fee. I watch FX a lot and I want it back. If Dish takes this channel away are they not braking their contract with me?:mad:

No and they aren't breaking the contract. It says that channels are subject to change at anytime.
Scott or anyone else with connections...

Has there been any recent rumors or talks as to whats going on with fox/msg vs dish...any updates, how long will the dispute last, what are you guys hearing, etc...

Thanks in advance

100.2 Sudden Death

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