:up:upYep, we shouldn't get to excited just yet.
D* has seem to forgotten these HBO's.
The same could happen with this press release as well.
:up:upYep, we shouldn't get to excited just yet.
D* has seem to forgotten these HBO's.
The same could happen with this press release as well.
When it comes to sports, which one do you think would be more likely to get a sports channel?
The channel that Direct will be getting next month vs the full time CSN that shows many many many times more Cubs and ChiSox games in HD than WGN?Mmmmm, you mean like WGNAmerinca in HD....that would be DISH! But I get the idea.
For the record, I'm loving SHORTSHD.
oh and don't forget espnuHD. good luck seeing that on E* anytime soonThe channel that Direct will be getting next month vs the full time CSN that shows many many many times more Cubs and ChiSox games in HD than WGN?![]()
Look at Indiplex right now, Judy Belin, Black bars at the top bottom left and right,and in Black and white.
Fast times at ridgemont High.
Thats on Encore about 10 times a week.
Good PQ, But Yes We'll give that time.
Verizon Charging extra for this Channel, They must be on crack.
Well Its Different, Subtitled right now, but atleast the HD is Good.
Not nearly as much as my 722k.Hemi,
You liking you direc equipment? Just curious?
Retro like all of them have some bad stuff on them.
Fast times...I love that! lol Reminds me of the old days. I grew up with that flick.
Epix: Im glad to have it. I like having unique stuff. Everyone has the same old channels.
Not sure id pay 10 bucks for it though..
Shorts: Its a nice addition.
im still missing AMCHD...That would be nice.
I will say that direc scored huge getting back MSGHD! Thats one of the main reasons i have direc. NHL, NFL, CI..Plus great tennis coverage for majors!!:up
Glad to hear about GOLTV HD but where's FSC HD?!
Odd because they started broadcasting in HD before GOLTV I believe.
Hey DirecTV, how about the rest of the Cinemax channels???
Very Very disappointed in this list. Lots of sports and movie channels AGAIN. Just like D11. Guess it is time to look for alternatives after 16 years with DirecTV.
Waiting for RFD-HD & AMC HD before Mad Men starts this fall. Neighbor had DISH for 8 years and just went back to cable. Maybe I'll give them another try.
That is not all that is being addedVery Very disappointed in this list. Lots of sports and movie channels AGAIN. Just like D11. Guess it is time to look for alternatives after 16 years with DirecTV.
Waiting for RFD-HD & AMC HD before Mad Men starts this fall. Neighbor had DISH for 8 years and just went back to cable. Maybe I'll give them another try.
You should give them a little more time because these things do take time, especially adding more HD, I bet that they will add AMC in HD soon prolly sometime this summer because they should have the capacity for it.
Yawn... Call me when DirecTV actually adds a channel.. Not when it is coming soon..
:haha:hahaSure, give me your number and I'll call you in 4-5 weeks or so.![]()