The drift for D12 was approved today, should start next week.
Should put channel launches right on track for late May.
Should put channel launches right on track for late May.
Will these new HD channels also be broadcast in SD. (I have 1 HD DVR and 2 SD DVRs) Can't upgrade yet.
Will these new HD channels also be broadcast in SD. (I have 1 HD DVR and 2 SD DVRs) Can't upgrade yet.
Did you guys see this.Soo looks like Telefutura HD West & Univision HD East will launch sometimes this week
according to Directv's website
DIRECTV: HD Channel Lineup
That picture could have been taken during a time when there were few people there to begin with. Looking at the ticket line of the place they set up, it appears that someone took the picture before that place even opened and before people arrived.Did you guys see this.
The tents where Dish is giving free service to current Directv Customers.
What happened to the expanded HBO lineup they promised last year?
What happend to Voom,Gol,Smithsonian?What happened to the expanded HBO lineup they promised last year?
What happend to Voom,Gol,Smithsonian?
Never mind Jimbo, way over your head.Smithsonian IS already on D*, in thier Extra package.
NEVER heard ANYTHING about them adding Voom.
Never mind Jimbo, way over your head.
I was responding in defence that D* doesn't deliver.
YESOver my head ?
YOU said "What happened to Smithsonian"