How many National Championsips has Michigan won since 1948......ONE...and it was split with Nebraska. HOW many has Miami won.... 5 in the last 25 years. WHO has put MORE pros in the NFL in the same span....?? Miami Hurricanes. After having THOSE kind of seasons and sending THAT amount of talent to the think the fans and alum "tolerate" rebuilding??!! You do not think expectations are high down here?!! Really?!! Seriously??!!

And you do not think there has been a meltdown here since the debacle of Larry Coker?!! But how would YOU know, you do not live in the southereastern US. You really need to read about other programs OUTSIDE the Big Ten then.
The U is a small private school...they do not have 3 quarters of the state going to the Michigans, Ohio States, Florida and the Florida States of the world. When you have THAT many people going to those have more fans that bitch and well more boosters and alumni.
Like I said, people wonder why they hate the Big Ten.