One down...LOL. I'm done with you. Have a nice life you clueless moron. (please, ban me for life already?!?!?)
Anyone else?

One down...LOL. I'm done with you. Have a nice life you clueless moron. (please, ban me for life already?!?!?)
Free equipment is also nothing new. They give away free equipment with a 2yr contract currently. So if they keep these customers happy, the ones that stay with E* will end up essentially paying for the *free* upgrade after 2 years anyways.
Actually, manufacture and sales appear to have been prohibited immediately. The 30 days is for disabling the already installed boxes.Anyone here an installer. Have all SD DVR receiver installs been stopped. That does appear to be subject to the 30 days part of the court order.
Man...Scott ain't playin around... :upOne down...
Anyone else?:
If that happens, I'll consider my commitment contract with Dish Network null and void because they won't be providing me with the DVR service I subscribed to when I joined -- and I cannot live without a DVR (yes, sad but true).The 30 days is for disabling the already installed boxes.
Scott Greczkowski said:Here are my thoughts on this...
It Wasn't a Surprise to Me | The Satellite Dish | Blog on Multichannel News
One down...
Anyone else?:
Back to the "Dish should buy Tivo" thing..
This judgement is for $100 million.
Tivo's market cap as of this post is $1.12 Billion. Echostar's is $1.38 Billion and Dish Network's is $6.9 Billion. Buying Tivo would not be the most fiscally responsible (nor would it be that possible) for Charlie right now.
Which company is responsible for paying this judgement, Dish or Echostar?
And another thing. Why must all DVR functionality be disabled, rather than the trick play that is supposedly Tivo's IP? Tivo didn't invent the DVR. Seems to me that Judge Folsom is not being even slightly fair or impartial.
The shut down is to make up for having used unfair business practices, in the form of infringing DVRS, to block TiVo's access to market share. Those customers are considered sticky and taken from TiVo permanently. This "fix" is a remedy for that. You still may not consider that fair or even handed, but that is the justification the judge used when crafting the original injunction.And another thing. Why must all DVR functionality be disabled, rather than the trick play that is supposedly Tivo's IP? Tivo didn't invent the DVR. Seems to me that Judge Folsom is not being even slightly fair or impartial.
...Settle might be buy company, license, or get another stay...
And another thing. Why must all DVR functionality be disabled, rather than the trick play that is supposedly Tivo's IP? Tivo didn't invent the DVR. Seems to me that Judge Folsom is not being even slightly fair or impartial.
OMG, are you kidding me? I don't know why I am so surprised about your continuing to spout nonsense like this. I shouldn't be, because you have been wrong about every legal reference you have made in this case so far. I just thought since the ruling just yesterday so clearly pointed out how wrong you have continued to be, you might feel some shame and stop with the inaccuracies. Judge Folsom has so far made the same decisions here as he made in Paice. $1.25/box/month was the jury rate and covers the time period during the stay. It does not cover the enhanced damages that will be in place from 4/08 until now, which is what was being discussed. The enhanced damages, for continued post-judgement infringement, will likely be as in Paice as well, which was 4 times the jury rate. Now please, please, please, check your facts twice before posting. We'd all appreciate it.We had already done the math on this one, in Paice, the patentee asked for $250/per car, Toyota asked for $17/per car, Judge Folsom ruled initially $25/per car. Paice appealed and the appeals court said Judge Folsom needed to redo the math, so he did and came back with $96/per car.
In this case, TiVo asked for $220M, E* asked for $16M, and Judge Folsom didn't make the same mistake in Paice, my last estimate based on Paice was about $100M, which is close.
TiVo will not get four times of the $100M. You need to put things in the context when using Paice as an example.