Ozzie is a shoe-in for the HOF with his career numbers and rings.A steal for a possible Hall of Famer
Ozzie is a shoe-in for the HOF with his career numbers and rings.A steal for a possible Hall of Famer
He's the only reason why the wings are as far as they are.
Call the cops...Hossa was robbed! Well, we're into OT...not good for the Wings defense who have already logged a ton of minutes.Dam what a stop by Huet!
Call the cops...Hossa was robbed! Well, we're into OT...not good for the Wings defense who have already logged a ton of minutes.
Attn: Blackhawks....
Better luck next year kids.
Well Detroit got lucky.. Good Game fella's. Hope you get knocked out in the finals... See ya next year former Champs.
LOL. I think you forget who is the defending cup champs on the way to finals again.
LOL. I think you forget who is the defending cup champs on the way to finals again.
Thanks to Ozzie, If it wasnt for him you all would not be where you are at! No denying that.