List of HD Channels NOT Available on Dish Network: Version 2 Updated

How is it really any different than Black Entertainment Televsion focusing on black entertainment? Racist or not, they've survived the outrage.

That's totally different. You can't deny there are cultural differences. Same for hispanics, or any ethnic group.

But the news is supposed to be...the news. It shouldn't matter what culture you come from.

A Black news channel is insulting to both whites and blacks, and is even more irrelevant considering we just elected a black president.
Compilation of the list was a great effort and much appreciated, however.....

unless I missed something, Charlie hasn't announced any additional National HD channels. He's mentioned channels, alluded to them, displayed logos of some of the channels and said they're trying to hammer out agreements with channels, but nothing has been "officially" announced.

I'm also a bit confused about what exactly has been "uplinked". Are there any national HD channels that are "up there" that have names other than TMP? Is there even talk of what the uplinked-but-not-available channels are showing to people with the proper equipment? I DO recall things like MOJO and MSG-HD being uplinked but that was quite a while ago and I can't for the life of me recall mention of anything currently uplinked with a definite name.

Of course I could be wrong (like in many other areas). :)
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Two things:

1. There is no FSN-Tennessee, unless they are devoting a new network in the near future as all Tennesseeans get FSN-South.

2. On the issue of black or white news, I agree that we are past the point of having to put Black in everything. But, there will always be an issue of how we in America define things. People shape and mold the way that we are supposed to view things, when in all honesty, we have to make that choice. BET was made over 25 years ago when media negatively portrayed blacks (especially in the news, e.g, Inner city insert negative connotation); they also made this network to speak and educate blacks on the issues that negatively affect them. Now it is a joke and a disgrace to anyone watching, black or white. I guess what I am saying is that people shouldn't get so upset with the black news thing as it is not purposely trying to be offensive, it were to be different if they used hate speech or slang to describe the network or to discriminate against other races. Like Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?"
antdogg65 wrote: "Like Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?""

If Rodney King said it, it wasn't on TV. But Jack Nicholson said it in that movie with the Mars Attacks where the Martians were obliterated by the Eddy/McDonald warbling. Extremely funny movie.

More seriously, if we can have Chinese, Korean, Mexican, Indian, etc. news why not Black News? And certainly all Americans should try to get along with each other.

On another subject, I think MSG may be a named uplinked but unavailable channel.
Off topic here, but Black Television News Channel...that is a bit racist. Imagine if a channel called White Television News Channel. Imagine the how that would go over. I don't mind the idea of a channel catering to any group of people, but this pushes more of a wedge between us. We are now going to have a mixed race president don't you think it is about time we started acting like a mixed race country. I am sure if any of the national news channels focused only on "white" news it would cause an outrage.

Yeah! How dare a news channel cater to one race! cough FNC cough
(don't worry though, I'm sure BTNC will have their 'token' other race viewers too)
Fitzie wrote: "If Rodney King said it, it wasn't on TV. But Jack Nicholson said it in that movie with the Mars Attacks where the Martians were obliterated by the Eddy/McDonald warbling. Extremely funny movie."

I remember that from Mars Attacks, but Rodney King did say that. In fact, here is the direct quote. "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It's just not right. It's not right. It's not, it's not going to change anything. We'll, we'll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we're all stuck here for a while. Let's try to work it out. Let's try to beat it. Let's try to beat it. Let's try to work it out."

But good point to bring up Mars Attacks.
AntDogg65, FSN Tennessee was launched when FSN South was reworked. I believe that FSN Tennessee, FSN Carolinas and FSN Oklahoma all launched as seperate feeds from FSN South at the same time, but FSN Tennessee has lesser availability due to a more limited pro line-up.

I will be adding a few more channels to the list later on today as well.
AntDogg65, FSN Tennessee was launched when FSN South was reworked. I believe that FSN Tennessee, FSN Carolinas and FSN Oklahoma all launched as seperate feeds from FSN South at the same time, but FSN Tennessee has lesser availability due to a more limited pro line-up.

I will be adding a few more channels to the list later on today as well.

Oh, the reason that I questioned it is because I live in Tennessee and haven't seen this on Dish or Direct.

FYI, my DirecTV program guide show FSN Tennessee on 644 (next program on 1/19 at 8PM EST), FSN Carolina 645 (next program on 1/18 at 4PM EST) and FSN Oklahoma on 679 (next program on 1/21 at 10:30PM EST), all with -1's for the HD PT channel.
Here is a consolidated list of some the companies that have several HD channels to offer and the channels they have. Channels that have NOT launched yet and a few channels that are only rumored are included as well.

ABC COMPANY (DISNEY/ESPN): Disney Cinemagic HD (If Possible to Import From Britain), ESPNU HD, SoapNet HD
FOX NETWORKS: FOX Business HD, FOX Movies HD, FOX News HD, FOX Reality HD, FOX Soccer HD, FOX Sports en Espanol HD, Fuel HD, FX HD, Speed TV HD
NBC UNIVERSAL NETWORKS: Chiller HD, Oxygen HD, MSNBC HD, Mun2 TV HD, Sleuth HD, Telemundo HD
TURNER NETWORKS: CNN Headline News HD, Turner Classic Movies HD
VIACOM NETWORKS: BET HD, Comedy Central HD, CMT HD, MTV HD, MTV 2 HD, Nickelodeon HD, Spike TV HD, VH1 HD
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Yes, always good to keep in mind the providers. Dish could make a lot of people happy with 4 contracts: Viacom, Fox, Rainbow, and Comcast.

NBCU and Turner have some great networks listed, but I don't think any are available in HD at present.

I do wish Cinemagic could get imported. ESPNU is the only real other popular one not in the big 4 I mentioned at the top.
Wasn't Playboy in HD a long time ago, when Dish had only like 5-6 HD channels? It must not have been popular if they removed it. One would think Adult HD would be very popular, since they are specifically viewing to 'see' things. :D And at like 16-30 bucks per month, folks are really paying through the nose for it. What would they do, charge an extra $5 for the HD version?
I think the new "Black News Channel" is a great idea for all those wishing to go back to segregation and way back in time in America. it is not at all logical to think in 2009 of black only dorms on college campuses and black only areas in bus stations and airports so why would we have black only news?. Did this idea happen to originate on the MSNBC Olberman show that caters to the semi-retarded viewers?
We have several updates on the list. I have added a few channels I have gotten information from press releases or email contacts to confirm. I have also updated the launch dates of BBC America to the 3rd Quarter 2009 and Ion TV to February 16th, 2009.
I think the new "Black News Channel" is a great idea for all those wishing to go back to segregation and way back in time in America. it is not at all logical to think in 2009 of black only dorms on college campuses and black only areas in bus stations and airports so why would we have black only news?. Did this idea happen to originate on the MSNBC Olberman show that caters to the semi-retarded viewers?

Yes, everyone who is of different political ideology than a Fox News view is retarded. :rolleyes: :no I'm sure Olbermann's viewers feel the same way about O'Rielly's viewers. I say let's get BOTH networks on the air in HD and let people watch what they want.

I agree, the black news channel is crazy, but if it market is self, fine. No different than BET. I just hope it never makes it it air because I think it is unnecessary.

But can we keep politics out of these threads?
Pistol, you seem to have a particular problem with this. Nothing wrong with saying you want Fox News, but you don't have to tell us why.

Thanks for all the updates, Adam.
Sorry about that! it was simply a reaction on my part to an unfounded hateful comment. Keeping it fair and balanced.

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