Maybe this is a sign that some of the other stalemates are near resolution? I would like to see us get Salt Lake City ABC some day...
Congratulations. And in time for Football!
I think that's actually just a little over a 3 year wait Joe.
anyone know when this week the channel is supposed to be up?
I was hoping you could tell me when I might see CW in HD on Dish Network.
Thank you,
Heck if I know……carriage of local HD signals by the DTH satellite companies are based on agreements between broadcast ownership groups and the satellite companies and done on a nationwide basis.
Last I was told….our parent company, CBS, is pursuing carriage agreement with the DTH services but their focus is on those markets where CBS owns a CBS TV station…being a CW…we kind of take a back seat.
Also….the DTH companies don't have the satellite bandwidth to put ALL the local HD stations on their system in given markets and they're concentrating on the "Big Four" networks as it were….ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX. To be there first and as they launch more satellites they'll eventually add the rest of us.
Thank you for your interest in KSTW-TV/DTk
Well it has been a long time coming, but it is finally here. I am very happy to see that Dish and Fox finally came to an agreement on this.
So now the big question, what was the deal they made? Obviously Dish isn't carrying the sub stations, so did Fox just finally give in?