Seattle HD Locals

Bet I know who

I had a quick e-mail conversation with a "senior engineer" at Q13 and he told me that the re-transmission agreement that allows Dish to have Q13's SD broadcast is up for renewal "mid-year." He didn't know a more exact date than that, but he seemed to think that *something* would have to give at that time - either Dish stops carrying Q13 altogether or they start carrying the HD. Of course that's still 6 more months, but I'd guess that even Dish couldn't afford to not have FOX at all in Seattle. Are there any other DMAs that have SD locals where they don't have all of the Big 4 just b/c of a lack of re-transmission agreements? Would Dish be willing to do that?
Bet your conversation was with Michael Goodman. He's head of Ops there. Nice guy he even helped me to get into Bates Technical College. He has to state the Tribune party line. He is neglecting to to tell you it is because Tribune wants all of the stations that have carried by E* or pay a premium. They may not have negotiated much of anything w/ E* since the retransmission consent was started.
Bet your conversation was with Michael Goodman. He's head of Ops there. Nice guy he even helped me to get into Bates Technical College. He has to state the Tribune party line. He is neglecting to to tell you it is because Tribune wants all of the stations that have carried by E* or pay a premium. They may not have negotiated much of anything w/ E* since the retransmission consent was started.

Yup - that's the guy. And you're probably right that not much in the way of negotiations have actually happened. At this point, even if it is Tribune's party line, maybe this will give Q13 the upper hand and we'll see some progress.
Well- the impasse with Tribune and Dish continues. I'll be installing DirectTV next month and cancelling DISH. It's too bad since I like the hardware but I don't see any end in sight on the KCPQ Fox 13 thing. I'll have to reprogram my brain for new channel numbers. It's only TV, right?
Well- the impasse with Tribune and Dish continues. I'll be installing DirectTV next month and cancelling DISH. It's too bad since I like the hardware but I don't see any end in sight on the KCPQ Fox 13 thing. I'll have to reprogram my brain for new channel numbers. It's only TV, right?

Good luck! Switched in October and haven't ever regretted it since. :)
So far the process was smooth. DISH was very nice and understanding- no hard sale and no hard feelings. It's funny how this one issue with KCPQ overshadowed everything else and had they just agreed like every other carrier to carry Ch 13 in HD, I'd still be on board. Never had a problem with drop-outs, always got a signal in the wind and rain. It really makes you wonder if DISH has conceded the HD market to DirectTV. I realize Seattle isn't LA or NYC but Western Washington is a decent sized market that's not fully utilized. There must have been a lot of money at stake or someone's ego...
I think they fell behind and have finally come back with a solution. Unfortunately for us out here, they are concentrating out East first. Eventually they will fix things here too. I just got tired of paying them full rate while waiting.
Attention all! Go check out Digiblur's thread in the PUB. :)

(Please adhere to his request to keep remarks in the confines of the PUB for the time being.)
WTF? *sigh*

I take it providers are not required to carry local channels in HD?

I know the digital transition has nothing directly to do with HD but will there be new requirements for providers when this transition takes place? Could it force Dish to take on anything broadcasted in HD locally?

All they're required to carry are the 4 networks (ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX), which Dish is doing...just FOX isn't in HD.

DTV transition won't force Dish to carry HD, they'll just carry the SD version of the digital signal, unless Tribune drops their multi-carriage demand.

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture

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