PS3 BD-Live Blu-ray Impressions With Walk Hard | TheManRoom The Man Room
We waited two years for this!!
We waited two years for this!!

Total load time for the BD-Live menu to appear is roughly 4 minutes on my high-speed DSL connection. Subsequent visits cut that time down to under 1 minute give or take a few seconds. That's still an eternity to wait for a menu in this age of "gotta have it now" home entertainment, much less the content behind it.
Each Coxologist featurette runs approximately 2-3 minutes but takes 4-5 minutes to download, plus another minute or so to load up. The good news in this is by downloading the material onto PS3's hard-drive, it can be accessed in the future without the wait. The bad news is not having the option to stream it instead. As if the wait isn't eternal enough, the featurettes are presented in unwelcome and unexpected full-screen standard definition. What's the point of accessing Blu-ray exclusive features if they aren't in high definition, and why force consumers into downloading them at all when they could easily fit onto the second dedicated supplemental features disc?
At least the Blu-ray trailers are offered with an HD option, so without hesitation I clumsily moved the hard-to-see highlighted cursor over to the high-def Men in Black trailer. Given the standard-def featurettes took nearly 5 minutes to download, I feared the worse for Men in Black and got it. My first attempt resulted in an "error message" after several minutes and I had to start over. Maybe the Internet connection had a hiccup? Hard to say, really. My second attempt resulted in the download bar freezing altogether. After backing all the way out to the Playstation 3 menu, I headed back in for yet another attempt.
My third attempt to grab the MIB trailer successfully completed the download in 18 minutes, but in the back of my head I was thinking of how quickly I could have watched it on the Internet via streaming instead. While the download completed, getting it to actually play turned into a chore. It took another two failed attempts that ended in a dead black screen before I finally was able to view the trailer, which ran at a paltry 7ish mbps in 2.0 audio.