FyreTV Beta Testing (Please Read)

Come on BETA testers! Give him a break!

I'm sick of hearing people complain as if they actually purchased the product. This is a beta test. This mean you are privileged to use the product for FREE and thus helping the company work out kinks.

I asked Estefano to come in here because this forum is for people who are savvy consumer electronics users.

Let's don't fly off the hand when something doesn't work perfectly.

Please, kindly leave feedback.


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No one is complaining; we ARE leaving comments as to our current experiences AND we need the product to actually work at a certain level to be able to test it effectively.
Hello again,

Ok, I looked through Cheating House Wives #4 (scene 1-5) and they look completely fine to me. Now, regardless of how it looks on my TV I want to try to figure out what problem you are having this way (hopefully) we can catch a bug that may be plaguing other users.

When you say GARBAGE, what exactly does this mean? Is the picture fuzzy? are you getting macro blocking? are you getting shuttering of the video? ...also have you tryed rebooting the box?

Try to be as descriptive as possible and ill document this on my side to have one of the software guys solve this issue.



A full power cycle seems to have put the box back on course; I wonder what could have caused that degradation?
Have not read every post so far but I will give my experience. Got the box Friday. I like the size and the contents of the package. First problem I have is I can start a movie and within 15 seconds the box freezes and restarts. The first 15 seconds play no problem when I can get the movie to start which is another problem. Sometimes it will freeze before it starts. Then sometimes when I am searching it gives me a server error.
I tried unplugging the box for about 5 minutes and the picture quality is still poor. The best way to describe it is like watching an old VHS movie thats been recorded over. My TV is an LG 50" plasma and am using the HDMI cable. I even tried adjusting the contrast/brightness setting on my TV to see if that helped but it didn't.
No one is complaining; we ARE leaving comments as to our current experiences AND we need the product to actually work at a certain level to be able to test it effectively.

You are giving grades and then ready to revise it down. Someone else was ready to box it up and send it back. Other have suggested a complete remote design.

It would be like grading early beta version of Windows Vista and concluding the final release will be utter crap. Okay, bad example but you get the gist.

All I'm saying is I'm sure E is extremely busy and would like to hear constructive criticism and not petty gripes.

I'll shut now. Enjoy the free porn while it last.

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Is the box inside somewhere where it can get hot? like a non-ventilated drawer? please PM me your serial number (found in the bottom of the fyretv boxxx) so that I can review your logs.


Have you gone into quality settings and set the default quality to DVD? we ship all our boxes on HQ (half dvd quality) by default.

All in all, I understand the fustrations that everyone is having, we are well aware that there isnt enough content, that the navigation isnt intuitive (although extremely powerful once you know how to use it) and that there are memory leaks... all this stuff I am not worried about.

The reason why I felt comfortable in releasing these boxes to the satellite guys is very simple. I wanted to know what everyone felt about the video playback, and in general I feel very good about the feedback I have seen.

Everyone seems to like the responsiveness of the product and the overall quality of the video, for this I am very happy!

For the rest of the stuff mentioned above, (bugs, crashes, etc) dont dispair, we are releasing a new firmware in about 10 days that should solve most of these issues. I promiss you will have so much content that you wont know what to do with yourselves! just gotta be a little patient :) (if you must know we already have over 1000 movies encoded, but we are having a problem with the parsing server) by the time we go live We will have over 5000 movies online and we will continue to add more and more movies (we have over 20000 already signed)

And last but most importantly, I WILL NOT release the product to the market until we have a stellar product, if this means that we need to stay in BETA longer, so be it... I have no worries and no investment bankers breathing down my neck asking me when we will start making money. This is my baby and I will make sure it grows up to be a revolutionary method of delivering content.

Dont worry about the April 1st date, my guess is that you guys will have free porn for longer than that :P


Estefano, CEO and Founder of FyreTV
may need to check your hardware firewall

Video/audio stutter every few seconds with default firewall settings on Dlink gigabit router. I had to disable most of the ALG (application level gateway) configuration to fix this.
I just realized after E's post about the PQ, that I have left my box at the HQ setting DOH! I thought HQ meant High Quality... Well I will push my box up to the DVD quality setting, and see how much different things look. In the HQ setting on a 42 & 50" Plasma, as well as a 60" DLP it has looked great. (Great as far as porn is concerned)
I may have given the wrong impression; So far I think Fyretv is great. My problem with the remote is mine, (I had to get a phone with a qwerty keypad to text). Using the number keys especially when I (emphasis on I) can't see them is difficult for me.
I have played around with the interface and it is very powerful, I am sure with time it will become intuitive for me.
As far as everything I have said it is just my suggestions that I think would make the product even better.
i am well satisfied with mine as well, consider ourselves lucky fellas and gals, if you beta test for directv like i do, you get nothing free, no programming or a receiver. you just get the latest upgrade and new things to test, as the saying goes patience makes the heart grow fonder, i can remember when i was a previewer many years ago for dishnetworks dish/webtv thingy the programming was all free including the porn, so i am well satisfied with fyretv :)
I finally got around to hooking up my box since I've been out out of town. I was very impressed with the packaging, cables, and unit itself. Top notch! I really surprised at the small size of the box itself. The lights on the front are perfect. You don't notice them until you look at them, so they aren't blinding in a dark room.

I didn't want to start hooking it up in the living room since I have enough stuff going on with the living room AV rack already. I took it in the bedroom since I have an open CAT5 connection and an open spot on the A/V switch. It's only a 27 inch CRT but the picture looks great! The menus are sometimes a little awkward since you have to go back up to switch to the next one on the right but all in all I was very impressed with the video quality and speed of the box. Hopefully the wife and I will have time to watch a few more scenes this evening. ;) ;)
Got the box yesterday and I was really impressed with the setup. I set it right on top of my ITVN box, changed the network cables and I was ready to go!

First of all the remote sucks. The range was very limited until I got the bright idea of installing fresh new batteries which seemed to help alot! Other than that the remote layout is pretty hard to follow, the buttons are too small and its very hard to navigate.

Im impressed with everything else, the only real issue I have is getting the content to load.

Im on a 8 Meg comcast internet connection, and im constantly getting "server timed out" messages, and even as of this morning I got a message saying I had to pay $$$ for credits.

I have no issue paying, but I really have not had a chance to really use it and maybe watched a few minutes of 3-4 scenes.
My wife and I were watching some stuff last night and I did see an odd video problem. The best way I can describe it is the video started to get blurry and kind of macroblocky. I have the box set to dvd and have had no issue with any other videos. I'm not going to post the name of the video, but if anyone else wants to see if they can duplicate it, it involved the coaches daughter and a her playing goalie for a soccer team. You should be able to figure it from there.
a previous post just raised my curiosity level. i posted that i had audio dropouts thursday evening while watching. although, i'm using component cables right now could the problem be resulting from the fact i'm using a different security software and not norton (which is on my linksys router)?
Still waiting for my tracking number, but I guess it is okay to take a little longer. Parents are in town since the wife decided to have the baby a month early.
If you dont have your box yet, PLEASE PM ME!

We have already sent all the tacking numbers to everyone, Please check your junkmail folders.

If you dont have it, PLEASE PM me the email you use to register your account and ill resend the email to you.



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