Warner is looking.....

Actually JSP walks into stores and sees BD displays. Best Buy/Sams/Target/Circuit City/etc has HD-DVDs, but when do you see one plugged in and working for a demo? No, BD has the demonstrations running, the endcaps and the sales force pushing them.

HD-DVD might be 1/2 the price but unless it is a determined buyer they may never see the price.

All the BB and CC in my area are always sold out of the HDDVD players and have sold the working demo as an opened box item. The HDDVD players don't need an unknowledgable sales force pushing them, they sell on their on merits. Can't say that for the BD standalones as they lay there collecting dust.
huge price difference is one of the main factors. I belive regional coding is another factor. I'd like to add that another blu ray exclusive is going purple next year
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All the BB and CC in my area are always sold out of the HDDVD players and have sold the working demo as an opened box item. The HDDVD players don't need an unknowledgable sales force pushing them, they sell on their on merits. Can't say that for the BD standalones as they lay there collecting dust.

Really? The only time I've seen a shortage of HD-DVD players in any store was when they had the $98 A2 thing going on.
I usually dont bite into rumors easily but with so many places and insiders reporting it, and BD having the favorable outcome. I encourage anyone looking to buy BD's over the next couple of week to find a Warner title you like.

I know they are looking at totals, but seeing their totals up would be even better.

Excuse me but why would we want to do anything to skew the figures? Why not let the market work naturally and let WB make a decision based on honest figures/

besides do you really think that posting here would skew it enough to mater? All you are doing is proving that people around here are incredibly biase and would do anything possible to distort the statistics.
Let me ask you Blu smirfs/ Red Dragons this... one winning over the other is a bad idea in my book so.....

What do you think is going to happen to all these BOGO sales if ONE wipes out the OTHER??? we will start to see more MSRP of disks...

I think the split studios is bad for business for the future of both of these formats and your will see more of a move to be nutral like WB, because dual format players will be to high for to long to be affective....

I will be purple in short order to start taking advantage of these bogo sales.. as soon as i can find a player i like, Realy looking at the Panasonic BD10A(older high ends reciever with 5.1 analog in)...

The Best senario in my book would be for all studios to be nutral and let the BOGO war begin and you can be what ever color you want to be, Hold your breath for your format, or just be stupid in favor of your format.....

The main resion I beleive this is, untill you get the ability to buy whatever movie you want and not have to worry about i have to buy this on this format and so on neither will make it main stream.

1% of total sales is a joke. Will not get better until the guesswork is gone for J6P
Both of the formats a stuck between a rock and a hard place...

If one formats wins tomorrow, the price pressure in both, players and discs, disappears, they get stuck at current levels,
J6P doesn't see enough advantages to switch from DVD, stagnation, DVD-A/SACD all over again...

If no format wins for a while, J6P is sitting on the sidelines to avoid buying potentially obsolete gear, stagnation....

What can disrupt this vicious circle?

And you've answered your own question. Even though BD is, theoretically, superior in technology, both are basically equal to the normal person watching a movie. As you said, people care about the movies, and right now BD has more movies people want... not to say that can't change, but for now it's hard to argue.

I didnt answer my own question. If this was to be done fairly EVERY SINGLE STUDIO should've released on BOTH formats. The BD only studios said it was a superior technlogy,that's why they went that way. IF we agree most people just care about the movie then there is NO technological superiority for BD. Sony as usual just had to have it their way. DVD-Audio was a ratified extension to the DVD-Video standard for high resolution audio.But no, Sony thought SACD was just as good but had the nerve to issue STEREO SACD discs (see Rolling Stones catalogue). So DVD-A dies. Now, they think HDDVD isnt good enough so they figure 2 things. They somehow get a few studios to go BD only and figure that everyone and their grandmother will buy a PS/3 so then game, set, match.
I didnt answer my own question. If this was to be done fairly EVERY SINGLE STUDIO should've released on BOTH formats. The BD only studios said it was a superior technlogy,that's why they went that way. IF we agree most people just care about the movie then there is NO technological superiority for BD. Sony as usual just had to have it their way. DVD-Audio was a ratified extension to the DVD-Video standard for high resolution audio.But no, Sony thought SACD was just as good but had the nerve to issue STEREO SACD discs (see Rolling Stones catalogue). So DVD-A dies. Now, they think HDDVD isnt good enough so they figure 2 things. They somehow get a few studios to go BD only and figure that everyone and their grandmother will buy a PS/3 so then game, set, match.

Why is it that you say ALL studios should release on both formats but only hammer on the BD exclusives? Perhaps because what you really think is that ALL studios should only release on HD?
How long will it be before another BD fanboy starts the Warner rumor again. I'm kinda tired of it already.
...DVD-Audio was a ratified extension to the DVD-Video standard for high resolution audio.But no, Sony thought SACD was just as good but had the nerve to issue STEREO SACD discs (see Rolling Stones catalogue). So DVD-A dies.
And so does SACD...
Number-wise, I think SACD has fewer releases than DVD-A.

But it wasn't SACD that did DVD-A in.
It's almost unanimously accepted today that MP3 killed both: the first demonstration
that populace at large doesn't give a rats a$$ about quality and will pick convenience any time...

Why is it that you say ALL studios should release on both formats but only hammer on the BD exclusives? Perhaps because what you really think is that ALL studios should only release on HD?

I was NOT hammering the BD exclusives. My point is this....if one technology wants to prove itself over another and it can be clearly seen that it is better then it should be done on a LEVEL playing field. If BD won because more people buy the discs because a large number of titles are available ONLY TO THEM, then it is a SELF FULFLLING PROPHECY. It was not won on the merits,which us why Bill Hunt's logic is flawed. The holdout studios WONT sell their titles on HDDVD. And when I say level I MEAN it. Every release Blue and Red
And so does SACD...
Number-wise, I think SACD has fewer releases than DVD-A.

But it wasn't SACD that did DVD-A in.
It's almost unanimously accepted today that MP3 killed both: the first demonstration
that populace at large doesn't give a rats a$$ about quality and will pick convenience any time...


actually SACD had MANY more releases than DVD-A. Besides, DVD-A is backwards compatible. Press 1 disc and hear 5.1 or just 2 channel audio depending upon your equipment. SACD needed HYBRID discs (where have I heard that before?) to play 5.1 and 2 channel
And if the general populace thinks MP3 is good enough then who needs 50Gb for lossless audio?
Sorry to post this here, but I don't post in the Blu section.

Does Harry Potter 5 on Blu-Ray feature a progress bar? I remember reading that Blu-Ray discs don't have that feature. However, that was awhile ago. I would think you would have it by now.

Warner Potter Screw Up

LG PC Blu-ray/HD-DVD Combo Drive

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