What we are hearing...

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I am surpirsed that on one is really talking about the 4.99 fee that is going to be added if you want the some of the HD channels, new subcriber or not..
Darn, thought Directv at one point said that NBA TV HD would be up and going in October but I take it that has now changed?

I see it still listed so I am not sure if they have changed plans or not, but it is ONLY 10/18 right?

I do like their new website design.


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I am surpirsed that on one is really talking about the 4.99 fee that is going to be added if you want the some of the HD channels, new subcriber or not..
Well, its probably because everyone has pretty much come to terms with it, and its not that big of a deal.
.... The closing sentence on the article on HD on D*'s website... "The best part? Those new feeds won't cost HD subscribers an extra dime. There's a word for all this...heavenly. "

DIRECTV Raising HD Fees?
While it's true DIRECTV is expanding its high-definition offering at an impressive pace, the company also seems ready to expand how much subscribers are going to pay for it. An email sent to the company's customers this week said that unless they pay $4.99 more each month, three popular high-def channels will be pulled from their channel lineups.

Beginning Dec. 15, DIRECTV said HDNet, HDNet Movies and Universal HD will move to the company's newly-developed high-def programming package dubbed DIRECTV HD Extra Pack. The company has offered the channels in the past as part of its basic high-def package for $10 per month.

Unfortunately for subscribers who have become accustomed to the amount of high-def programming they receive now, a few other channels will move to the new package as well. The company said when the December deadline comes, Smithsonian HD, MGM HD and MHD (MTV's new HD channel) will also jump to the HD Extra Pack.

In addition to the regular $10 monthly HD fee, DIRECTV said that both new and existing customers will have to pay the extra $5 to continue receiving all six high-def channels. The company also said all the channels slated to move will be available until the December deadline via a free preview promotion.

Better rethink that extra dime,,,,,,
this kinda sux...its not like you are getting commercial free stuff for your extra $$$$

I find this to be an interesting post. After reading it I realized that I have no interest what so ever in any commercial free HD channels. I was alright with the $10 HD fee because I felt for me that the ESPNs were worth it. Didn't watch the other HD channels except the locals. So if it were now $15 I would also be alright with it, but, I will opt out of those HD Pack channels.
My point is...Movie channels i can do without, I like the Blu-Ray or HD DVDs better. I watch network stuff, Sports, Nfl, etc... and I love the Sci FI. So none of which are commercial free.

So when it comes to these other commercial free channels, and I guess I can put Voom in this arena also. Are people watching the content only because it is in HD? I think so. I wouldn't watch 1 movie on the MGM channel if it was in SD. Would any of you? Would you watch any voom stuff if it was SD? Some of the Discovery stuff yes. but most of the commercial free stuff, no. When we watch only because it is in HD, that tells me something, I am not sure what,;) but something!
me thinks skyreport is about as legit as swanni, if all they can do is publish info found elsewhere. if they were real journalists working for real newspapers, they would be fired. but, obviously, rules aren't the same for these internet blowhards. too bad!
I find this to be an interesting post. After reading it I realized that I have no interest what so ever in any commercial free HD channels. I was alright with the $10 HD fee because I felt for me that the ESPNs were worth it. Didn't watch the other HD channels except the locals. So if it were now $15 I would also be alright with it, but, I will opt out of those HD Pack channels.
My point is...Movie channels i can do without, I like the Blu-Ray or HD DVDs better. I watch network stuff, Sports, Nfl, etc... and I love the Sci FI. So none of which are commercial free.

So when it comes to these other commercial free channels, and I guess I can put Voom in this arena also. Are people watching the content only because it is in HD? I think so. I wouldn't watch 1 movie on the MGM channel if it was in SD. Would any of you? Would you watch any voom stuff if it was SD? Some of the Discovery stuff yes. but most of the commercial free stuff, no. When we watch only because it is in HD, that tells me something, I am not sure what,;) but something!

Well, I see what you are saying; I too prefer to watch my movies on DVD/BluRay, and true, I probably would not watch much VOOM stuff it it wasn't in HD..Nor would I have any interest in the MGM channel if it wasn't in HD..
I just HATE it when any provider starts to nickle and dime you for an extra channel or 2..Its one thing to pay for the NFL season ticket, or any other full blown package, and know what you are going to be charged for the entire season..but, lets say your home team makes it to the playoffs, and then your provider decides you have to pay an extra 10 bucks to see them play...

Its not fair to the loyal Direct TV folks who have been stroked for a long time, waiting for the big time HD promise to be delivered, to start getting nickled and dimed for a few extra run of the mill HD channels...
Its not fair to the loyal Direct TV folks who have been stroked for a long time, waiting for the big time HD promise to be delivered, to start getting nickled and dimed for a few extra run of the mill HD channels...
That you DONT have to pay for. Really, the price per channel is very reasonable IMO
If only someone would come up with an "a la carte" pricing package, where you could pick the EXACT channel line up that you really wanted.......

Every time ala carte comes up I have to chime in. We had it on C band and no one used it because by the time you picked out the handful of channels you wanted the price was higher than buying the package that included those channels.
Every time ala carte comes up I have to chime in. We had it on C band and no one used it because by the time you picked out the handful of channels you wanted the price was higher than buying the package that included those channels.
Well, C band was NEVER Mainstream, like dish/Direct/Cable is now..I had C band for years as well..
as far as it being more expensive then the current pricing schemes, obviously that would NOT work in todays marketplace..The FCC has been holding hearings about this exact issue, and even though I never have much hope once the Feds get involved, I am willing to predict that in the not-too distant future, there WILL be ala carte pricing, and it obviously HAS TO BE less expensive than the packaged junk we are all forced into accepting now...
Its not fair to the loyal Direct TV folks who have been stroked for a long time, waiting for the big time HD promise to be delivered, to start getting nickled and dimed for a few extra run of the mill HD channels...

While I agree with you but, it has nothing to do with loyalty and I never understood why people are loyal to any company they pay to do business with. D* or E* are in business to make money, period. They will do whatever it takes to make their BofD and stockholders happy. It has nothing to do with them being loyal to their subscribers.
agreed, but whoever makes the "groundbreaking" move, (dish/Direct/Comcast) of offering ala carte service will really have a competitive advantage..Even if it means the subscribers save 5 or 10 bucks a month by not paying for the junk that we all pay for now, I think a move like that would send a wake up call to all the competition..
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