April 3-9, 2006
This week Ken welcomes musician, comedian and brains behind the new Off-Broadway Show “The Writing on the Stall” (playing NOW in NYC, every weekend in September) Caitlin Cook to the show.
Ken and Caitlin discuss Ken’s rude dogs, surprising Ken, post 2000 media, Ken learning things, strict TV watching rules as a kid, being in love with what you can’t have, being reference-less as a kid, being too old for Lizzie McGuire, growing up in Los Angeles, being the child of a choreographer, being acutely aware of pop culture in LA, going to the movies, pop music, tv themes, Caitlin’s grandfather’s invention of the Wah Pedal, Charmed, how some work is for the love and some is for the money, cute murder, SVU, Law and Order...