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One of the strengths of a DIRECTV system has always been that you could connect more than one TV, which saved you some money on mirroring costs. After all, six or seven dollars a month does add up. Recently it’s gotten a little harder to use multiple TVs but it is still possible… sometimes. Really it depends on what you’re willing to give up. It was so easy in the old days Back when everyone used standard-definition tube TVs, the back of the DIRECTV DVRs looked like this: All those nice friendly RCA connectors could be run to another room. They even gave you two full sets of them, and you could even hook up an RF modulator so you could run a coaxial cable. The downside, of course, is that all your TVs showed fuzzy, grainy standard...
We all love Lucy. At one time she was the most popular person on TV. If you make a list of top 10 celebrities of all time, she’s probably on it (at least since the idea of “celebrity” only started about 1900.) But did you know what she did behind the scenes? Lucille Ball and her husband were a power couple. He was a band leader (like being a rock star today) and she was a radio and movie star. Think of a couple like Beyoncé and Jay-Z and you’re not far off. Lucy was more than just another star. She turned the idea of entertainment on its ear several times, and she did it at a time when most women were encouraged to stay at home with the kids. Not only that she did it while pretending to be a woman who stayed at home with the kids...
Improving the performance of your trucks and their fuel efficiency will directly result in lower operating costs as well increasing the life span of your trucks. This will rake in a lot more profits for you as a third of the running costs are usually spent on fuel alone. Here are 5 ways that you can boost your trucking efficiency: 1. Proper Truck Maintenance is Important Having all your truck’s oil, air filters, tires and other parts of your truck checked regularly will increase the lifespan of your trucks. Ensure that your trucks are completely road worthy before they embark on any trip as improperly maintained trucks lack fuel efficiency, are unsafe and have a shorter lifespan. 2. Incorporating Truck Scales Truck scales allow you...
Let’s say for a moment that you’ve just upgraded your DIRECTV box. Let’s also say that it’s the first time in a loooooong while that you’ve upgraded. Your bedroom was rocking one of these bad boys, complete with its original, RC24 remote: That’s right folks, I’m talking about the DIRECTV D10, the pride of 2003 technology. You’re meticulous about your electronics and the D10 probably would have lasted forever, except that DIRECTV is actively removing standard definition local channels. At some point in the future, it’s likely that all standard definition programming will go away. So, you take the jump and move to the latest and greatest HS17 Genie 2 with its tiny Genie Mini Clients. They look great and take up practically no room...
Without any Star Trek to entice me, I’ve found myself looking at the Paramount+ app less and less. Yes, I’ve been watching the Frasier reboot these last ten weeks or so. But now even that’s over. Diving into the rest of the app, I’ve noticed — and not for the first time — exactly how much the Yellowstone universe has expanded. There look to be a total of seven shows in production including the original. They span a period of time from the mid-19th century until the present day. It’s an interesting experiment to see how much people will invest in this sort of thing. The series that caught my eye, and inspired this article, is 1883. It makes me wonder how much people will connect with Westerns in 2024 and why this particular art form...
Are you planning a large satellite TV install? This little Skywalker splitter is an essential part of many DIRECTV and DISH installations, because it’s the least expensive way to split your signal before going into a multiswitch. There are more compact solutions and more elegant ones. But it’s hard to beat the price of this little guy, when you look at it. Taking a look at how you do it It’s easy. Let’s take at the most popular setups for both providers. DIRECTV To use these splitters, you must have a non-SWM DIRECTV dish such as the Legacy 4K Reverse Band dish. Run each of the six lines into one of the splitters, then run the lines from the splitter into two separate multiswitches. Voila — where you used to be able to feed one...
OK, this one’s really off topic. YouTube does weird things with its suggestion algorithm every so often. It seems to either forget you’ve seen something or just assume you might want to see it again. I vaguely remembered seeing this video when it first made the rounds about five years ago, and here it was again: The very rational looking fellow in this video puts forth a very rational argument. He says that the so-called lost city of Atlantis is actually something called the “Richat Structure.” This structure, located on the west side of Africa, is distinctly not underwater. Right off, this should tell you the odds of finding Ariel the little mermaid are very slim indeed. Actually he’s not that wacky. The arguments he makes are...
A Signal Connect customer recently had an issue with her DIRECTV installation. The Signal Connect team solved the issue so the client could continue enjoying DIRECTV. Sometimes, DIRECTV viewers encounter problems with their installations. Signal Connect clients in these situations get the help they need. Take this recent example: When the owner of a fitness center had a problem with her DIRECTV installation, she gave us a call. Our team diagnosed the problem and walked her through the solution. This is an example of how we provide the best DIRECTV customer service experience. DIRECTV Customer Service Troubleshooting One day, our US-based call center took a call from a DIRECTV customer who had a problem. The installation in her...
A few weeks ago I was contacted by one of our support staff. There was a customer on the line who operated an RV park and wanted to know, Easy answer: you can’t. DIRECTV and DISH share the same frequencies so you can’t put both on the same cable. Neither would work. If the RV park wanted to put either satellite or TV antenna on the same cable, there are some options (although it’s still hard.) But two different satellite services aren’t going to live on the same cable, period. It does bring up some other questions, though: Can an RV park even do that? As a private person, you can’t share DIRECTV service with anyone, and you can’t charge for it. However owners of campgrounds and other hospitality services like that can do so, as...
Marine enthusiasts all over the country have spent the last month putting their boats into drydock. It’s time to start outfitting them for the next summer of fun. Now’s the time to start thinking about upgrades, and how you’re going to use the boat during those fun summer months. Not everyone has the means to get a cabin cruiser, but if you do, you know that a big part of the fun is dropping anchor for the night, watching the sunset over the water, and settling in for an evening of peace and quiet. Sometimes, though, peace can be a bit too peaceful. We all miss our modern conveniences and we feel like we’re missing out when we can’t be connected to the modern world. Yet, cell phones are only good for a mile or two from shore. If you...
When many hotel or motel owners experience DIRECTV problems, they call Signal Connect. No job is too big or too small for the experience and dedication to excellence found at Signal Connect. For example, one of our representatives helped a hotel owner who was experiencing some DIRECTV issues. He knew that a DIRECTV installation is an important part of a hotel or motel’s guest service. This is why he made sure the problem was fixed with no business interruption for the owner. This kind of DIRECTV customer support is all in a day’s work for the Signal Connect team. Diagnosing Issues in DIRECTV Hotel Systems One day, Signal Connect received a call from the manager of a hotel. Five years ago, we sold this business a DIRECTV viewing...
Motel owners, do you use mobile marketing tips and tricks to promote your businesses? If you’re investing time and money into online and social media marketing, you have to think mobile. These devices are the primary media resource for millions of Americans. When it comes time to take a vacation, these people will use their cell phone to research and book their motel rooms. As a hotel owner, you need to harness this effective marketing medium. If you don’t, you could miss out on the increased bookings and brand awareness. To help you, Signal Connect gathered these mobile marketing strategies for hotels and motels. Use Local SEO Keywords It’s no secret that many people reach for their mobile devices when they need to search something...
If you’ve ever experienced a boat fire, it’s an experience you’ll never forget. The flames can quickly spread through your ship and even damage it beyond repair. Because this is so serious, we urge all captains and crews to be prepared if a blaze breaks out on board. You’ll have to know what to do to put the fire out, and have the equipment you need to do it. Are you and your crew ready to put out a boat fire if it breaks out? If you’re not sure, or need a refresher, check out these marine firefighting tips from Signal Connect. Boat Fire Extinguishers How much do you know about fires? In order for one to exist, fires require a combustible material or fuel, oxygen, and a source of ignition or heat. To extinguish a fire, you must...
This is a typical antenna for a cellular booster system. Placed outside at a height 15 feet above the indoor antenna, it forms a critical part of the booster. This particular antenna is fairly directional and is used when you know that you are a long distance from a single tower. If you know you have the ability to see more than one tower, an omnidirectional antenna might be a better choice. It’s … sideways This antenna slices into the air with a tall silhouette. Compare it with a TV antenna, which is wide and flat: You might ask yourself why this is. After all, they are both antenna and actually the frequencies they receive are even pretty similar. You would think they would look a little more alike. There’s a good reason they...