YoutubeTV 2025 price increase

If it is AT&T, it is for the life of the discount, meaning whenever they decide to cancel it which they did for me after a couple of years. That is what I had until Google came to the neighborhood. Now I have $70 gigabit again.
Not AT&T. It is a local Co-Op called Wabash Communications.
Around here, I'm still at 600, started at 100, went to 200, now 600, on a DEAL for $82, till my deal is up later this year.

Thats the best you can do.
Looks like YTTV has past DirecTV for the #3 Provider slot.

In the US, YouTube TV, with an estimated 8.95 million subs, trails only Comcast (12.83 million residential pay-TV subs) and Charter (12.43 million residential pay-TV subs).

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Found this at Fitch's Ratings-

DIRECTV's video subscriber base is the third largest traditional multi-channel video programming distributor (MVPD) in the U.S. with about 10.1 million subscribers at the end of 2Q24.

If they did lose an extra million in the 3rd, on top of their 500,000 average lost per quarter, would be at 8.6 Million, YTTV at 8.95 Million, we have a new #3.

Even if the numbers are off, if YTTV has not gone past DirecTV yet, they will quite soon, the above numbers does not yet consider the 4th Quarter.

I always thought it would be about the 1st or 2nd Quarter 2025 before YTTV would overtake DirecTV.

More context, looks like when they wrote YTTV pulled ahead of DirecTV, they were not counting DirecTV Stream/by Internet/Uverse.


Still an amazing fall, at one time, DirecTV on it's own, no Uverse, no Internet services, had 22 Million subscribers, now the Satellite service is down to 6.7 Million subscribers.

Warner, Fox, Disney to Launch Streaming Sports Joint Venture

Real vMVPD US subscribers totals
