Well, to be fair, a hell of a lot has come out since McGwire/Sosa went at it. Back then I think everyone, including the fans, just wanted to ignore that it might be a problem.Not sure if this post goes here, but anyways....Bud Selig is the biggest hypocryite(sp) around.
What A-rod did was wrong, and all those that got the advantage of steroids were wrong too. But Bud light sure did not have much to say during the home run chase of Mcguire and Sosa...Its now years after the fact and if one name was released why are the other 106 not disclosed as well?? Must be nice to pick and choose when you are "saddened by the revelations"
But then again, anyone who continues to call himself "Bud" when "Miller" sponsers his team must be a jerk.