You Know You Are Making Progress When..

Yup, totally off-topic; but I still think I have made progress with her... slow and steady, she is resigned to the fact that 1) I am an early adopter of stuff; and 2) HD TV and HD DVD is important to me.

Next.... convincing her we need a new, bigger, tv. ;)

Just make sure that the new house has a big enough family room that the old TV looks tiny. Try for one where a nice 60" plasma would look 'just right' with the decor.
...Next.... convincing her we need a new, bigger, tv. ;)
RMH - When you move, have a wall unit delivered that will fit the TV size you want. Make sure the movers place it against a white wall, and set your current TV in that space. Move your couch to the far end of that room. The rest will fall into place...

EDIT - Or instead of placing your current TV into that space, how about a blow-up photo of a former GF...?
I've got a 720P DLP projector you could borrow for a few days when you get here. Put up a 100" projection on the wall.
I go to the movies with my wife, kid and his friend. As we sit down, my wife says, "so that cost us what, $40? You could probably have bought two HD DVDs for that." ;)

Small steps, I know, but dang, I think I am actually making progress with her... :D

Sometimes I feel that way. However, we have the Alamo Drafthouse here in Austin. I don't bother with popcorn anyway. Even the megaplexes don't serve stale popcorn. The only places I ever remember stale popcorn are the indie theaters and porno theaters.

Alamo Drafthouse :: Main Page

We can sit down with a bucket of beer or a bottle of wine plus a made to order burger, pizza or even a salad.