I started with Dish in 9/05 in which I signed an 18 month contract. I paid the leasing fee of $299 to get the 942. From what I have read I see that as of today I can upgrade to he 622 for another $299 but I will get $200 rebate on my services when I return the 942. Now here are my questions. As part of my contract in 9/05, I was given 18 free $5.99/month credits for the Dish Home Protection so I would assume that when I upgrade to the 622 my prior contact will be null and void and I will be paying for this if I chose to have it. Secondly, I am in Central NY and I don't believe I can use the Dish 1000. I currently have the SuperDish as I have my locals included. What other dish will I need and what direction will it need to point to? I ask this as they mounted my Dish on the side of our house on a steel pole so I worry about needing to point another dish in the direction that is blocked by the house. Lastly, I signed up with a local retailer of Dish, should I do the upgrade through them or go to Dish directly? Ok, I think thats it. Thanks guys.