YES! New MetroStar Omnidirectional Antenna Installed

I called Voom 3 times (hoping to get someone each time that would help me) and tried to get them to work with me in paying for a Metrostar MS2002. No luck at all. I'm not Voom bashing but I thought it was worth a try. I ended up ordering one on Monday from a company on the internet. Cost me $69 but I figure if it works then great. Plus I can keep it and use it with another provider if it comes down to that. I have no special interest in the company that I bought from but if someone wants to know who it was I'll be glad to post it. Just not sure if it's allowed in this forum or not. $69 was the best price online I could find.
Dvlos recomendation is what made me try it. I'll post back when I get it and how it works. I'm in a 2nd floor apt. in a 3 floor building and I face NE. All the towers in my area are to the South. I do pretty good with the antenna Voom brought (installer would not install it so I did it myself). But I have lost 2 OTA since V6.20 and I sometimes lose 2 more after dark. I have high hopes for the Metrostar.

I can't personally but my manager did tell me that if I purchased the antenna then maintenence could do it. But I would like to try it off my balcony first. If it doesn't work off my balcony I'll take them up on their offer.
Ok I got the Metrostar today and my first impression is that it appeared to be used. The box was beat up. The antenna has black finger prints on it and the amplifier has scratches all over it. But I went ahead and hooked it up. Got nothing. No stations at all. And no red light on the amp. The thing appears to be defective. The site I bought it from is closed until Monday. But I did send an email asking for an RMA# and a refund. I would not buy from Stark Electronics. There website said nothing about selling used antennas.

My local installer and I came to the conclusion that my sensarII cannot be properly tweaked to get all my OTA's and that an omnidirectional w/preamp may be the fix. After reading this thread we agreed the metro2000 was THE antenna to try next. Called VOOM and calmly explained situation but they said sorry we dont guarantee reception of local ota's so we can't authorize an upgrade to the metro. I replied calmly that it has been common practice to upgrade when neccessary and my own previous upgrade proves it.
CSR asked me to hold while discussing matter w/supervisor. Once again "no dice" so I calmly stated that I know for a fact that you have upgraded people to the metro and I expect the same consideration. If I must I will buy the antenna and pay for install myself but if I have to do business this way I shall cancel my premium subscriptions until I recoup my expenses so please ask your supervisor how they want me to proceed. Back on hold short time supervisor authorizes metro upgrade and issues work order.Not installed yet but on the calendar. Hope this helps anyone who runs into a similar problem. Obviously cash flow (or lack of it) can sometimes work in our favor.
Just for the record, what I did to get my antennas without hassle was had 2 service calls and neither could fix the OTA or fix any rain fade issues by peaking the antennas. I sent an e-mail to Wilt, then the next day I asked for another upgrade option. 3rd service call came out without an antenna, but again, moved the OTA antenna to the very top of the house, but still couldn't get all OTA. Last call they went over the list of antennas I found and they approved that one.

I assume that if you had 1 call and only tried once they may not help you with an OTA. They will not approve an OTA if you want to get channels 80 miles away when you can get all the major networks already. I made sure each tech documented and I did with a call to Voom which OTA channels were missing.
I too have had two add'l service calls to address this problem without success and my farthest OTA is at only 26.6 miles. I was attempting to get to final fix without wasting anymore of mine or their time. No more trial and error with the next cheapest upgrade antenna and hope it works. Let's
solve the problem with the right hardware and skip the useless intermediate steps. I guarantee if that philosophy was policy VOOM would save money in yhe long run , not to mention a happier customer base. Thanx Sami
If I would call back and find out who the installer is going to be, then call the installer and MAKE SURE they got a service call to install a new OTA for you. If there is still a hiccup between Installs, Inc and Voom, make an e-mail to Wilt then call VOom to correct it. I think Voom would save money in the long run if they worked directly with installers and cut Installs Inc out of the loop.
Metrostar $ & sources

After my last post saying my request for upgrade to Metrostar had been ok'd the installer called and asked me to purchase the antenna myself. They would write a reimbursement check to me and hand it over on the service call. Sounds strange to me.
Any thoughs?
Also can anyone suggest a reliable best price source for the Metrostar 2000. If not appropriate
for this forum please e mail me
Thanx Sami
You know why they said this, is because usually the installer pays for the antenna out of pocket and Voom sends them a reimbursment check, apparently you don't have an installer in the area that wants to front the bill.

I say call Voom, get a person you spoke to at Install Inc, and the work order# they have on you, tell Voom that when the work is complete they need to reimburse you $$$$ and see what they say. Then get a confirmation of who you spoke to at Voom. Email Wilt Hildenbrand ( with all that information.

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