Yes Network on Dish Network?!

jrbdmb said:
If every cable provider in Yankees territory carries the channel, and our chief DBS competitor carries the channel, then I tend to blame Dish for the lack of YES Network. And why should YES Network accept a-la-carte if every other RSN is in AT120? YES wants the same carriage on Dish as MSG and FSNY, which seems reasonable to me.

Maybe we can get YES Network on Dish if the Yankees agree to paint a big Dish Network logo on the field. :p


Yes, but what you don't understand is that in the New York City DMA there are 2 RSN's already carried by Dish to the tune of about $3.00 PER SUBSCRIBER per RSN PAID BY DISH for each subscriber in the New York City DMA. WHY should Dish add a third that will cost another $3.00 per SUB for YES to be added to DISH.

Since Dish has a national ONE PRICE business plan this would require ALL Subs nationwide pay another dollar for the addition of a REGIONAL sports network available to only a small percentage of Dish Subscribers. I for one believe this is a slippery slope that will yield to more teams starting their own Regional channels that will result of vast increases in subscriber fees for sporting events. All this to pay the already bloated player salaries.

I think "YES" should allow Dish to sell the channel ala carte, in fact Dish offered to carry the channel ala carte and GIVE EVERY SINGLE SUBCRIBER ALA CARTE DOLLAR to YES. "YES" refused that carriage arrangement. If the Yankees believed in their own MASS appeal then they would have taken the deal.

I don't think all subscribers' dollars should have to subsidize and pay for multiple RSN's for larger markets. The only fair way to impliment this would be for Dish to designate one or allow a subscriber a ONE TIME pick of their RSN if they have multiple RSN's in their market, any extra RSN's would only be available as an ala carte selection. Unfortunately the content owners force carriage on their terms so Dish is already providing multiple RSN's in some markets and asking all SUBS for additional dollars for a third RSN in a market is unfair to all other subs and in the end fiscially stupid as it encourages other teams and markets to do the same. Dish's handling of this is in the best interests of ALL subscribers and not an intended disservice only to Yankees' fans.

If you wish to encourage RSN bloat, Players and team owner revenues increases then by all means get a service that allows you to line the pockets of Team Owners and players at the expense of the all other MSO's subscribers. I as well as others refuse that business model that is why I support Dish in this disagreement. If you want the Yankees then you should have to pay the extra freight for them that YES is asked Dish for. I suspect that "YES" understands their perceived value is not as high as the required ala carte fees that they themselves have asked for.

In the end I believe they understand without required carriage for all New York Subscribers they would not make as MUCH money, but wouldn't any extra subscriber revenue be good, apparently not at the risk of damaging their required carriage clout.

JohnL said:

Yes, but what you don't understand is that in the New York City DMA there are 2 RSN's already carried by Dish to the tune of about $3.00 PER SUBSCRIBER per RSN PAID BY DISH for each subscriber in the New York City DMA. WHY should Dish add a third that will cost another $3.00 per SUB for YES to be added to DISH.

PLUS, the Mets will be going solo next year as well with THEIR own network (which explains why they opened the checkbook to makeover the team this year.... before you drop a chunk of dough on a new channel, make sure they don't have to rely on a last place team to drum up interest in the channel).

Now that the Devils are jumping to YES, and the Mets are jumping to their own new channel, does MSG survive with only the Mets and FoxSports with only the Islanders? What else is on the channels other than the FoxSports filler which is nowhere near as popular as it was several years ago. I'm a baseball/football guy only (I get into the Devils once the playoffs start and that's it) so I'm hoping they punt the incumbents to pick up YES and the New Mets network. I'm not holding my breath though... I have a feeling that New York baseball fans are going to have to start following teams outside the market or turn their back on the sport (unless they are content to only watch 30 games a year on free TV - even ESPN games will be blacked out in all likelihood).
You guys mean to tell me that all profits on D got back to George?Man, you guys really dream up some good stories, especially the jealous Yankee haters.This forum is a true example of not believing everything you read.
Stanleee said:
You guys mean to tell me that all profits on D got back to George?Man, you guys really dream up some good stories, especially the jealous Yankee haters.This forum is a true example of not believing everything you read.

I could care less about baseball, Yankees, Red Socks, doesn't mean anything to me.

No one said anything about D* specific deal with YES. What was posted was E* last offer to YES, which they rejected.

Stanleee said:
You guys mean to tell me that all profits on D got back to George?Man, you guys really dream up some good stories, especially the jealous Yankee haters.This forum is a true example of not believing everything you read.


That is NOT what I said. "Yes", has a deal with DirecTV and DirecTV is paying about 2.50 per subscriber to be able to retransmit "YES" on DirecTV, again multiple times for ONLY THEIR MARKET.

Dish didn't want to saddle all subs with the $2.50 per subscriber especially in markets with more than 2 RSN's, Dish expressed that they were not willing to pony up another $2.50 per sub for a THIRD RSN in the New York Area. Dish offered "YES" a deal that would give "YES" every dollar of an ALA CARTE fee, Dish was willing to pay any and all costs of signal harvesting and backhaul as well as any Uplink and bandwidth costs.

That sounded like a good deal for Yankee's fans and NON Yankees fans, I don't want to pay extra for other DMA's extra RSN's and I'm sure that most subs would feel the same way about other cities major league teams doing the same thing. Again, I applaud Dish's fight on this one and standing up for subscribers that don't want to be held hostage to any Sports Content owner.

The only thing that bothers me is that Dish Network wants a better deal than what DTV received. Dish Network complains that they would have to increase everyones rates; well I don't see DTV being anymore expensive than Dish Network. Something is just not right here.

Anyway I believe that the wait is going to be over soon and that Dish Network will finally get a deal done with YES this year; maybe before the start of the baseball season...? I just don't believe that dish net will go a 4th year without YES and yankee baseball...then again i could be wrong... :(

Ok none yankee may now proceed with your anti YES posts!!
OK Fresco thanks for permission to bash the Skankees. Dish Network is afraid to get Yes because they know they will lose 1000s of subscribers who are Skankee haters. JUST SAY NO TO YES.
scott said:
OK Fresco thanks for permission to bash the Skankees. Dish Network is afraid to get Yes because they know they will lose 1000s of subscribers who are Skankee haters. JUST SAY NO TO YES.

Oh many subs did DTV lose for getting YES...? Give me a break man!! Actually they probably gain more customers especially from the ny area because of it.

YES basically is asking Dish for the same type of deal it got from DTV... And again I don't see DTV being anymore expensive than Dish Network. Dish Net (charlie) saying that they have to raise rates to all its customers because of YES is a bunch of know it and I know it...

NY Area Sports...You Got to love it!!

Lets Go Yanks!!
Lets Go Mets!!
Lets Go Nets!!
Lets Go Giants!!
Lets Go Devils!!
JohnL said:

Dish didn't want to saddle all subs with the $2.50 per subscriber especially in markets with more than 2 RSN's, Dish expressed that they were not willing to pony up another $2.50 per sub for a THIRD RSN in the New York Area. Dish offered "YES" a deal that would give "YES" every dollar of an ALA CARTE fee, Dish was willing to pay any and all costs of signal harvesting and backhaul as well as any Uplink and bandwidth costs.

That sounded like a good deal for Yankee's fans and NON Yankees fans, I don't want to pay extra for other DMA's extra RSN's and I'm sure that most subs would feel the same way about other cities major league teams doing the same thing. Again, I applaud Dish's fight on this one and standing up for subscribers that don't want to be held hostage to any Sports Content owner.

I'm not sure why everybody against YES always says that people outside of New York would have to pay extra for this channel. NOT TRUE. Dish would pay $2.50 (I thought I heard it was more like $2.20, but whatever) only for subs in NYC and area. People in California are *not* going to be charged $2.50/mo. for this channel.

That having been said, this channel will indeed increase Dish's total costs. But this should be at least partially offset by paying less to MSG and FSNY. If Dish is still paying $5/mo. for MSG and FSNY after they lost Yankees and Nets games, they aren't as shrewd as I give them credit for. Or more likely they did renegotiate the rate and quietly pocketed the difference.

And as for Steinbrenner, I'm no fan of his at all, but he's no more greedy than any of the other programmers out there. Tell me please, exactly how many basic cable channels are available a-la-carte? Right, almost ZERO. The programmers figured out a long time ago that a-la-carte means less money. You want YES a-la-carte, I want Lifetime Movie Network a-la-carte. And neither is going to happen anytime soon.
I am a lifelong Red Sox fan, and I would love to see YES on Dish. Watching Mike and the Maddog is cool. And I also enjoy watching the Yankees when the Sox are not playing. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am a lifelong Red Sox fan, and I would love to see YES on Dish. Watching Mike and the Maddog is cool. And I also enjoy watching the Yankees when the Sox are not playing. :)
Same here! I hate the Yankees, but I always watch them (or listen on WCBS) when I can't get a Sox game. Good baseball is good baseball.
Stanleee said:
John, I heard that even the games from MLB extra innings can be blacked out. Thats a rumour I heard but I don't know for sure.

In the New York market (and all zip codes claimed by them), any local games on the extra innings tier will be blacked out. If you can get the channel on your local RSN, then you have to watch them there. If you don't (like YES), then you are blacked out. EVEN ESPN feeds are blacked out if YES is carrying the game. The only games you will see are the ones carried on free tv... ie. CBS (unless they've changed broadcasters this year... I heard UPN was getting them.... I'm not sure if this is true or not)
jrbdmb said:
And as for Steinbrenner, I'm no fan of his at all, but he's no more greedy than any of the other programmers out there. Tell me please, exactly how many basic cable channels are available a-la-carte? Right, almost ZERO. The programmers figured out a long time ago that a-la-carte means less money. You want YES a-la-carte, I want Lifetime Movie Network a-la-carte. And neither is going to happen anytime soon.

Apples and Oranges. YES is a regional sports channel NOT a basic cable channel.

My final word. Life is short, if you really have to have YES, switch to D* or cable and be happy.


DISH Network Satellite TV Offers Pentagon Channel
